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Welke Kodi mediaplayer aanschaffen voor Homey

Binnenkort wil ik een mediaplayer aanschaffen die Kodi ondersteunt met als doel om films te streamen en uitzending gemist terug te kijken.

Uiteraard wil ik die straks aansturen met Homey. Zijn er nog zaken waar ik op moete letten bij de aanschaf zodat deze player zo goed mogelijk met Homey kan samenwerken?


  • Hi @AlwinDocter. Please write in english, as there are non-Dutch people here :)

  • Or please go to the dutch Tweakers forum of Homey

    I think more people should discuss there.

  • It makes absolutely no difference. If homey works with Kodi it doesn't make a difference which hardware you use.

  • I would recommend to check the Kodi minimum specs here:

  • Normally any hardware running kodi should be ok I guess, but I would recommend a RasPi2 :-)

  • If homey will be able to send a WOL command I'd recommend an Intel NUC or something running a linux version of kodi. That way you can shut it down (and save power), start it up (fast) when needed and have 24fps refresh rate. The latter being a musthave if you're viewing through a beamer in my opinion. I'm running firetv's at the moment and the judder is really annoying. But fire os 5 seems to be getting 24fps refresh rates so if that works out right that'll be a very good alternative as well.

  • I have the (KS) Slice, and it is great! Hope I'll get it up to speed with Homey

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom

    ThijsDeJong said:
    I have the (KS) Slice, and it is great! Hope I'll get it up to speed with Homey

    How's their LED thingy? Can you make animations for it yourself? :-)

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