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Dirty & cheap DIY IoT relay? Advise is plausible!
Hello all,
Ever since that important day a few months back that I ordered my Homey, my mind has been very active in trying to find ways to implement my IoT fixation into my apartment. I'm extremely novice with electronics and coding, so I will rather ask someone here for advice, for plausibility of my idea.
Would it it possibly for Homey to control something like a DIY light relay switch, for example I recently found this instructable that seems cool. I'm good at following instructions, but because I don't know how to write code, and self-learning isn't my strong suite considering coding, I wouldn't have an idea where to get started...
"Hey Homey, write an application so you can communicate with my DIY light switch!"
Well, I'm not sure @Emile implemented something that incredible. But for people like me (I hope I'm not the only one), would there be any help for such wishes of DIY IoT components, without knowing how to write the app for Homey? I also have my eye on some 433mhz relays from DX, (here, here, or here) they are cheap and look pretty nice for an all in one enclosure, and with Homey learning the code, I think that's also a great option, but there's so many out there I wouldn't know which one to get...
Any thoughts, fellow Homey-ers?
P.S. I know this isn't the place to ask for 'will XX work with Homey?", but since I'm at it...
If I get this, can I say "Hey Homey, is my window open?"
We're going to write a few tutorials how to get started with Homey + Arduino. So maybe you can use them to start your coding skills
That would be awesome! As Tommyjay, my coding skills are novice, so if it's possible to get help (or at least to get started), that would be grately appreciated
. I mean, electronics, soldering and stuff, that's fine. But coding... Not (yet) my cup of tea. Although i would really like to learn!
Agreed with @weatherlight, I'm really hyped to see that there is a great community (and forum) around Homey, Which is really good, seeing that lots of projects, though successful and flawless-seeming, die because of a lack of support. But I see that Emile and Stefan have a good thing going for them here. The app store is a great idea for people to share functionality of Homey. I posted the above because often i saw (or heard) 'with luck someone will also have that idea and write the app for it', which is pretty much the only thing I worry about since personally I don't have the knowledge to write these apps, but things like soldering go easy for me. Nevertheless thank you for mentioning these tutorials @Emile, I'm hoping something like a thread to help us novice people choose the right components for DIY IoT and home automation with some expert insights would be perfect!!
Now just for someone to actually help with solving the above dilemma of which components to buy, so I can prepare my apartment for Homey!