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What thermostat works best with Homey?

in Devices
I am planning to replace our central heating system (CV-ketel) in the couple of months. When replacing, I want to upgrade the 15 year old thermostat too, for a 'smart' one that works with Homey. But there are so many thermostats in the market that I don't see the trees trough the forrest anymore. 
I am curious what Thermostat you use, and how you can controll it with Homey, and how it can give information back to Homey.
Some things I want in my new thermostat:

I am curious what Thermostat you use, and how you can controll it with Homey, and how it can give information back to Homey.
Some things I want in my new thermostat:
- Trigger actions in Homey when temp changes
- Let Homey set the temp or on/of state of the thermostat
- It must work good, withou Homey too (good interface and good Android and Ios app)
1 yes
2 yes, no (on of state not allowed by Nest)
3 yes
But when I look at the Homey-app and in the Api-documentation of Nest it looks like there are a lot more options to control / read. Humidity, leaf-status, mode-status, sunlight detection, time to temperature, error-states, Home&away state, ETA, energy usages and a lot more. Hope Athom will expand the Nest-app..
not everything is available using the API (still use the Schedule from Thermosmart )
these are the current functions of the App:
ATAG one seems nice, if u have an ATAG heater also.
Best first pick a brand of heater and then choose a thermostat that will fit that heater.
Am a NEFIT guy. But the NEFIT easy will only have its full benefits when u also have a NEFIT heater which will support all those features. U can connect him with a Intergas if u like with the Easy Connect but u cannot use all the features.
Just my opinion.
1. Yes, triggers on if set temp changes and when temp in room changes
2. Yes (you can set the temperature, not set the anti-frost mode)
3. Yes, normal iOS, Android and Windows Phone app
It's even possible to use ifttt with evohome.
The installation of evohome it's very simply. The 6 zones take for my 1 evening hobbying.
1, 2, 3: yes
I am having some trouble with it and am looking for a good OpenTherm , Modulating, Self-Learing *, Connected Thermostat that Homey Supports.
I don't like the on/of thermostats
I don't like the thermostats with subscriptions
* for self-learning the auto pre-heating on schedule is ok for me, no " artificial intelligence " on user behavior ;-)
Any suggestions with Homey experiences are welcome!
Just place it between your existing opentherm thermostat and 'cv-ketel', you can control the heating by thermostat but also by Homey, Homey can read the temp etc.
Works fine with default' old fashing' openthem thermostat, this unit makes your non smart thermostat smart one
Curious what is making you to consider migrating!
And like here they had to make a few steps (Bugs, interface glitches, no prommised self learning in the first year....)
All fixed, and happy.
Until I had some problems with my Ziggo WiFi....
Couple of times a year it was cold as the TS forgot to keep the loaded programs running whenever the Wifi or Internet connection was interrupted.
Actually that are 2 problems:
1) Thermosmart should keep running the last program.
2) The WiFi /internet was working for everything except 1 or 2 devices. Fixed it by resetting the Ziggo Router. (Sometimes, a tablet, Homey, NetAtmo or Thermosmart that can't connect but the rest worked) And I blame Ziggo.
After some calls with Ziggo and my 2nd router I gave up on getting Ziggo routers to work, I requested Ziggo to let it Bridge. I bought a Ubiquity Unify AP and Ubiquity Edge Router. Migrated my uniq SSID and WPA2 keys to the new AP and everything worked ....except Thermosmart,
Tested every possible option to let it work, but no succes. ( I am not the only one, see )
The Ziggo Router in Bridge mode provides no Wifi, so Changed the TS to connect to an old spare Fritz!Box Router that serves as a AP for a small part of the house.
It looked like it worked, until I see several times the TS disconnects and starts a reset loop. (approx. 5 minutes) doesn't get a IP adres, resets, forgets it's program. doesn't heat. etc.
The TS is the only device connected to that legacy AP / SSID, so I connect my Tablet/Laptop of Phone an see Wifi works, Internet works... everything works. O wait, the TS comes online and works again. incident? no a dozen times, no exception when a tablet or something else connects TS works again.
But my Tablets, Laptop etc are made for 5GHz like my Unifi AP.
Sometimes when I came Home Thermosmart was paused.... Connected but Paused.
Was Homey doing something? investigation, configured logging,... No Homey wasn't it. I am sure.
So regardless, I disconnected the TS from Homey.
Now I suspect the Thermosmart to reconnect after above reset loop but stay in pauze. (not sure.)
I tried resetting and connecting to the Unifi AP yesterday as both Thermosmart and Unifi have had firmware upgrades, but My Windows 10 nor Android can connect to the AdHoc Thermosmart network. not even after using the old provided connection batchfile that enables AdHoc networks on W10.
The last year I see sometimes all LEDs lighting up while no one is touching the TS. (and no Homey, App or anything else) This gives me the thoughts of ghost behavour.
After many many hours testing debugging and I guess more than 20 times (written) contact with thermosmart support I come to the conclusion:
As I Reset it but I can't re-connect it to my Wifi I replaced the old Remeha Thermostat and look around for something that maybe works better.
I am not sure what to do. When above problems where solved I definitely would go for the Thermosmart.
Is there somebody busy with a app for the remeha etwist?
Oke thanks, that's what i think stupid of remeha because people will now buy something else.
The newer one is already installed, all Setup-problems with the Ad-Hoc setup-networking are over in this newer revision with newer firmware. It also connected without problems to my Ubiquiti UniFi AC Pro AccessPoint wher that wasn't possible with the old revision.
I will report back if this Thermosmart stays stable ...
I als have the Nest smoke detector, then you get some additional features, like an extra home/away sensor in the house, and the smoke detector automatically switches off the heating by default when it detects CO or smoke.
Also the Nest let the Hue lights blink in case there's CO or smoke detected.
And for me because there's no Luxaflex / Powerview app in Homey yet, I need the Nest thermostat to control my Luxaflex blinds if the temperature becomes too high Nest can set the blinds to the sunblock setting.