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Control volume of Homey

Hi all,

We are looking forward to control our device just by our voice. Which made me wonder if the volume of Homey can be controlled by software, as I would love to make Homey to respond with a reduced volume when it is late at night or even softer when it is the middle of the night.
Could you please confirm the possibility to control the volume of Homey by software and schedule-based.
Keep up the good work and let us all join in with expanding the possibilities of Homey!!


  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    That's a really good suggestion. I think we could implement it like this: (the draggable line)
  • Hi Emile,

    That would be awesome. It will also help people to provide them with a visual representation of the parameter during the day. Having the ability to have the day of the week as an additional parameter would be helpful (most people have a different day-schedule during the weekend). The latter is of less importance but might be something to have available in a later release (always something to look out for :)
    Thanks Emile for your fast response to suggestions and questions!
  • @Homey group:

    I am glad to finally have the Homey . As already mentioned almost a year ago, it would be useful to implement volume control. I assume general control of volume based upon time of the day and day. Besides this, volume control as part of a flow could be very useful (think of lower volume when you watch a movie of when you have selected playing music for guest or dinner etc etc). 
    Unfortunately the current version of Homey is 'slightly' (my wife would name it less pleasantly) too loud and can not be controlled at all. Of course you can add an external speaker but that is not a solution I was expecting. 

    I would appreciate a quick implementation of volume control to gain some WAF :)

    Keep up the good work... looking to things getting to the surface as geeks get their hands on the device will give you enough info to be working night and day to solve all :)

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