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One small thing i noticed the background is not filled for the full screen
What it did so far (tested on Windows 10 with google chrome):
Uninstall old version (not cloud) = OK
Install new version from github = OK
added Bearer token =OK
Tested both go to buttons in homey settings =OK
In HomeyDash settings:
Created multiple pages = OK
Drag and drop pages = OK
Delete page = OK
Add widgets = OK (all three: lights, socket and dim lights)
Drag and drop widgets = OK
Delete widget = OK
Background image = OK (for me it's showing full page 1280x800)
Dim lights dimming = OK
This is really store ready stuff you nailed it!
Two (I hope little) things:
As Menno mentioned a onoff solution for the dim capabilities would be very nice. Maybe when you tip the icon of the dim-widget...
Second thing is maybe a little bug. I can slide the dimming but nothing happens. I have to tap the slider on the dim-value I want to have.
Tried it with a s7 edge and my galaxy tab 10.1
tested on Windows surface RT with IE11 (not sure if you want to support this)
Background is not visible anymore also not after changing it in homey (not sure if it was working with earlier cloud version but I believe it did)
Devices not refreshing bitflips in IE (but dimmer is refreshing and also light is refreshing would be great if it would also work for better logic bitflips)
Just a thought:
Make the homeyDASH icon animated with moving led light
Make the homeyDASH icon clickable and let it do a page refresh (for IE users like me)
Slider is working for me from Chrome and Edge (Windows 10) but not from IE11 (surface RT)
In chrome and Edge it creates an other problem when I slide my lights lower my menu is also hiding ;-)
In Edge device refresh for bitflips are working also
Background image is working in Edge
Also having an other startpage is working for Edge and Chrome but not for IE11 (on surface)
Not sure if it give enough power to charge the ipad. But you wont see much cable.
Zal wel lukken denk ik zolang je hem instelt dat het scherm niet altijd aan blijft staan.
Why did I do that in Dutch?
1A should be OK to slowly charge it if you don't keep the screen on all the time.
@dondanny Issues with the slider are known, and pretty late added yesterday. On my laptop it just works, but had to use the mouseup command to set the dim level. I already expected issues with this on tablets.
Adding a new device might need a page refresh for the sockets to pick it up, had the same issue yesterday. After 1 reload it should work.
@menno thanks for testing so much
After refreshing it OK
Did some testing on the refresh button. when I change the code in the scripts file to:
<a href="javascript:location.reload();"><img style="padding:5px" src="images/logo.png"></a>
It's working on all my browsers not sure if you want to add it in a future release, I hope so because I don't have much browsers to choose from on the windows surface tablet.
Also doing a fresh in full screen without keyboard is not handy
If you rather don't change it that's totally fine offcourse ;-)
here some feedback
- Deleting a widget card, does not go fine. It always deletes the last card
- Dim card should have a on/of switch also.
- Dim cards on te left of the screen are calling the side menu, not working fine.
- In the add widget menu i think its better to use cards always in selections and lose the pulldown menu/bullet selection. Makes it more easier to use in the same way. Good for dikke vingers
Ah see what you mean sorry! for the dikke vingers why not do the configuration on a pc much eassier
Multi select for devices would be great and indeed the dropdown for capability can be replaced by cards or select button
The sensor automatically dims the lamp for 30 seconds before it's completely switched to off. So the dimmed setting is the last knows setting. If I switch the bulb to on now it is still dimmed. Is it possible to have an option to switch it on with full brightness?
Flow would be: (for being at home you also have to make a flow for gone)
Do you know how to use better logic for this?
@Jesper working! nice idea btw
I'm now testing it on an iphone and thought it could be very useful to make the buttons square and smaller. This way you can fit eight, rather than four, buttons on a page without the need of scrolling.
Probably lesser needed for using on a tablet, so perhaps it could be an option to choose from on the settings page.
I think the buttons have to be big because you also have to be able to use dimmers. (this can be managed with different approaches ofcourse but that;s up to swttt)
I also noticed you are not using the Smart Presence app. Does the regular presence detection from Homey works good enough for you?
HomeyDash is already a great app and it's just version v.0.0.4. I think the Homey's sold in the retail should have this app pre-installed on their Homey's (with a small manual in the box). An app like this could really improve the "Homey experience" for new customers @Stefan @Emile. @Annemarie I would already like to nominate HomeyDash for the app of the year 2017
BTW: I also have HomeyDash added to the app menu on my LG TV to be able top control my lighting with the Magic Remote
It looks like the dot will be supporting homey and homey dot.
I believe the owner/developer is also on the athom forum
Youtube movie: dot - The Physical Push Notification
On the site they say: Ships Early 2017
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