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Internet Heartbeat Monitor

anomanom Member
I'd like to have the capability of doing a ping by my Homey tot detect whether the ISP connection is still up. If it fails the flow should trigger a power cycle with a programmable delay to power down and up the modem and if applicable the router e.g. 2 minutes later. Another use case is for a hanging server or any other IP enabled device not responding to be rebooted. 

As the homey is NOT dependent on cloud acces for performing this check this is a realistic feature request. 

Please make the check flexible to choose your probe target and with redundant probes for the same flow - eg multiple probes should fail for it to have effect. 

Having this saves in case it happens having to go on-site. Especially for people traveling, with second houses or small businesses this would be ideal. It also justifies the purchase of the Homey for other use cases. 

I'm already using a device doing this for a remote location it costed roughly 100 Euro. I'm recommending not to re-invent the wheel for the required settings. The product below works great.

Specifications on that device:

Feedback appreciated!


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