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Homey unable to connect to wifi

1) Plug in Homey, wait for audio instructions
2) Connect laptop to wifi
3) goto (In Chrome)
4) connect laptop to homey wifi (HomeySetup)
5) List if wireless networks detected shown in Chrome
6) Select my wifi network, enter password.
After a few minutes audio stating that Homey could not connect to that wifi network.
Wifi Router is a Virgin Super Hub VMDG480 with firmware V2.39.02
Wifi is WPA2-PSK[AES], Cannel Auto (Operating on 6+10)
Tried 2.4GHz and 5Ghz
Wifi Access point is a HP M220. I also tried 2.4GHz and 5GHz.
I also tried setting up with an Android AP and Mac OSX AP to rule out the accesspoint. However, none of them worked.
I opened a tickets as well:
I started with the normal process of getting Homey connected to my WIFI network, from my iPad as the easiest accessible device in my house. First thing I encountered is that the WIFI password was typed in wrong, after doing it again I spotted that the keyboard went with caps-on for the first character, somewhat unusual. Anyway finally I got that sorted.
Next I could not connect to my WFI network. After 5 atempts and further research on the forum, I removed OpenDNS severs and went back to my standard DNS settings (from the provider, not Google's). It worked. I think this is rather strange, as I had no filtering active at the time, and no issues with any other device in the past.
Lastly, I checked the IP address on my Fritzbox, and surprisingly Homey's IP address was the same as a the for my printer (a fixed address, although turned off at the time). I now had two devices with the same IP address in my network, and changing it in Homey seems to not be possible either. In the end I changed the IP address of my printer. Now it all works.
All in all I think some more work needed to make the network setup process little more robust, and consider options for some settings to be changed after the setup.
I'll just add that I like what I've been able to do so far, after this all was sorted.
The documentation isn't completely ready yet, but here it clearly says that you should use Google Chrome and as we all know Google Chrome on an iPad isn't Google Chrome. I agree with you that it should work on an iPad when Homey goes retail, but we are definitely not there yet.
The DNS and IP issues should be taken care of.
@Oskar regarding the duplicate IP address; Homey does not take an address, it requests one from you DHCP server and the DHCP server decides which is given to the requesting device.
If your printer had the same IP address I wonder, did you manualy input it its configuration and was it an address outside the DHCP scope?
Homey doesn't have a 5Ghz wifi chip. Which is too bad, as 5 Ghz is much more stable than the overcrowded 2.4Ghz spectrum
I've read through the conversation and I'm experiencing similar issues. I've now tried at least 30 times to connect to my wifi router (Asus RT-AC68U), on both 2.4 and 5GHz range, but it still doesn't work. I always briefly see the Homey on my router (for around 5 seconds) as DHCP client with a IP address assigned, but it disappears shortly after that. There are no special characters in my password, so that hopefully shouldn't be the issue. I'm also using the lastest version of Google Chrome, and I've also tried rebooting the Homey multiple times. I've never had problems with my router before ... I've also tried creating separate 2.4 GHz Wifis with simple lowercase passwords.
I'm out of ideas, if anyone has ideas on what else I could try I'd be very happy.
Yes, that's true actually. So I've been working the whole night to get this running, and I might have found the actual issue: my ISP recently switched to IPv6 - DS-Lite unfortunately - so it might be that the responses from outside never actually reaches the Homey. I've now ordered them to switch me back to an IPv4 address, I'll let you know whether that works out and if that caused the issue. Is the homey IPv6 capable just in case I need to entirely switch to IPv6?
What I have done:
- plugged it in
- found the wifi network HomeySetup
- connected my phone to that network, using Chrome
- started the setup wizard in Chrome
- found my network (only the 2.4 GHz - no problem with me)
- filled in the password to connect (saw that the first entry is Caps. I have done it correctly!)
- Homey tries to connect
- reports in is taking exceptionally long
- reports it can't establish a connection "try again later..."
Did so. Several times.
Edited my wifi networks name (no uppercast). Still no connection
Powered down the Homey, tried again. No success.
Changed the SSID; finds the new name. Can't connect to wifi
Changed the password; Can't connect to wifi
What can I do now????
Keep on trying, I had thesame problem, works best when u use a laptop (macbook) with chrome.
Works better then a phone...
Try unplugging homey, reboot and try to connect again.
You will prevail
Thanks for your feedback. Tried to do the same, but this time using mu Mac; no luck.
Tried the same with a tablet. No luck.
Mind you; these devices connect to the 2,4 Ghz wifi network without any issues. I can flip between the " home" wifi and the homeyNetwork SSID without any problems. It is 'just' that after entering my password, I get the " please wait" screen....and a time out.
I have tried
for 2 hours now. I am fed up...
Try giving youre homey a reboot by putting it upside down, until the count down is done? Does that help?? I use a apple airport extreme, @2,4 ghz and also had difficultys trying to get homey up and running, but somehow i did something that made it working ...
I also had cases where Homey remained silent... Then turn in right side up and Homey will announce the reset
Power on, wait till I hear the voice to go to
Hold the Homey uside down. Ring tuns red (circular movement). Never stays red...
Never hear a count down.
Tried this procedure after power on and waiting 10 second, 20 seconds, 30 seconds
What type of router are you trying to connect to?
Are you able to connect to another wifi network (e.g. neighbours / hotspot)?
Otherwise contact
What I did is tracked the MAC address of the wifi adapter of Homey and reserved an IP address out of the DHCP address pool. Then you go through the process again, register your homey to your network and it will get the IPaddress and connect.
I attempted to 'reset' the Homey by holding it upside down. Got absolutely zero response out of it, but, perhaps I just don't know what is supposed to happen. In any case, I gave it a good 20 seconds, then put it upright. Waited a bit.. nothing happened. Then I just pulled the plug, waited 5 seconds, plugged it back in, tried the whole procedure again, and now it was able to connect successfully.