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- YvesGeffens
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Well, I was trying to keep some historical data, twitter is not enough for me, it's good for reviewing the same day, but not for digging in the past.
Good thinking. It's been a while, but I tried connecting Homey with IFTTT, never got it to work. But this might be a good incentive to try again. Thanks!
Is there someone interested in, and able to write, an app for logging to (eg) a Google Spreadsheet ? Just adding a flow-card in the 'then' column could work. In settings you add (one or more) a logfile-name(s) that point to a specific sheet (so you…
I also bought the Aeotec Siren, just to found out it's not useable in Homey yet. I'll wait patiently :-)
What I don't understand: In Homey, there is an option to include Homey in another Z-wave network, right? Why isn't that possible the other way around ? Second: Suppose I would make my Pi the main Z-wave controller, would it be possible to include H…
okay, that's clear :-) @swttt care for two-line manual for the http link? Most important is Homey -> Pi, because, depending on an action in Homey, I want to set the relay in the Pi. Or a pointer to where I can find some information on how to d…
remove the blank at the end of the url
I just received my Multisensor from The design looks great. I also ordered a bracket to mount it in a hollow ceiling. So far so good. But, it's only reporting temperature, humidity and lux, but it's not reporting motion. What am I doing w…
you risk a restart-loop when you recover automatically.
@Annemarie Spam, please remove, thanks !
For those who want to do what I was doing, have homey telling the time like this: 13 hours, homey says 1 o'clock You can use this mathjs expression: $#HH$ > 12 ? $#HH$ - 12 : $#HH$
I can 't thank you enough for your endless patience !
Nooooh :-) Thanks That solved a part of the problem. Now I get this: TimeMM is always 1
Thanks for the tip, but the main issue remains: I created the Time-variables, I still get an error on TimeHH in the mathjs expression. Strange.
I think I found what was wrong. I have 2 variables (#uren and #minuten). By mistake I thought these were your build-in variables. But they were mine, that I created some time ago. So now I found out that #year, #month, #day, #seconds, #minutes, #h…
Uranday said: Working on 1 bug for the local hours (currently I can only get the UTC. But this are the upcomming features for now V0.9.8 * Feature: Added #DD (day), #MM (month), #YYYY (year), #HH (hours), #mm (minutes) #SS (seconds) as res…
Create a variable (bool). Create one flow to flip the bool. Create a second flow to react on the flipped bool. Add the bool as a device. Add to the dash.
Great, you have a PM
The range extender isn't doing miracles, it's just a little better (a few meters extra). Maybe I should buy a Fibaro wall plug? Maybe it's performance is better ? I'll thing about it..
@Uranday Can't wait to get my hands on the Homey update and your Better Logic ! Thanks for the good work, just made a donation.
WathLamers said: question; i am not familiar whit zwave because i doint have it yet. (still one 433) But, as i understand, zwave is a mesh network (only wired devices). If the range is so bad, could it be possible to put a " b.v. …
The resemblance is striking :-)
It's never been good with Homey, whatever wireless 'thing' I want to use, the range is extremely short. But, I still love my Homey, just for the interconnectivity between all other device.
Ho-Ho-Ho-mey :-)
@MHubert Well, at this moment, I have Homey -> (3 meters, no wall, line of sight) Fibaro Smoke Detector = working -> (5 meters, no wall, line of sight) Aeotec Repeater -> (2 meter) Fibaro Smoke Detector = not working That's all. I would t…
Well, I have an EnOcean gateway connected to my automation controller. It covers the whole house from the first floor. EnOcean (868.3 MHz) uses a frequency that is very close to the Z-Wave (868.42 MHz) frequency. My homey (as I said before) barely r…
And audio is routed permanently through the port when a cable is plugged in. A pity, because it would have been nice that it could be controlled from a flow. Now the external speaker must permanently be powered to get audio.
I have an example of this, but not for devices, but for output (Speech, Push Messaging...) In the first flow 1 set some variables to say something and to push a message. In the second I react on the changed variable to say something. I can r…
The iBood offer includes some sensors, the one in your link doesn't.
Great, you just withheld me from spending 200+ euro's :-)