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Homey doesn't respond to ok homey

Am I doing something wrong or what?  I received my homey today.  I said ok homey for 15 minutes to it when the blue arrow spins
but it never responds to me.  When i make flows i can get the homey to speak but never get it to respond to ok homey turn the lights off


  • Go to Settings -> Microphone and do the voice calibration, might take some time but once Homey accepted five of your "OK Homey" phrases, voice recognition gets better. Try changing the way you say "OK Homey", maybe pronounce it more like: "OK(ay)Homey", "O.K Homey" or "OOO-KAAAAAY HOMEY".

  • That's what i m doing.  I don't get it.  My voice hurts now.
  • Test if someone else can trigger it ;-)
  • Here the same, i can say OK HOMEY till i ( weeg een ons ) but Always a red ring and no green ring at all.

  • JaapPeltJaapPelt Member
    edited February 2016
    "Hey Homey" works very well for me.

    If you have a red ring, Homey has crashed and you should reset.
  • He means the ring turns red when he says 'ok homey' 
    Everybody has that problem. Just keep going and do some variations in the way you say 'ok homey' 
  • Meanwhile, my neighbors think I'm crazy
  • Here the same issue. Homey doesn't respond. Tried voice calibration via settings->microphone for half an hour. I continuously get a red ring after saying "OK Homey". Tried dozens of different ways of pronouncing. Any suggestions?
  • I some times get a good result for OK Homey (1 out of 10)
    Strange thing is when I do OK only it is almost everytime green
    Also when clearing my throat (ahhhummm sound) I get a green light?
  • I'v set the ring to off , and when it responds to my voice it's orange an then white.  (an then nothing happens , like Menno 1 out of 10), but I have never seen the ring green?
  • The ring turns green when you are doing the voice training (if you"re lucky, lots of times it turns red  :p )
  • Try to speak in a different direction when learning Homey the words. When talking towards Homey I went crazy. When I talked away from it I got 5 out of 7 tries. 
  • Ok, that might explain my bad results.  It's sitting on my desk about 2 feet from my head and I m always looking straight at it when speaking.  My wife was ROTFLHAO when I was going OK homey for half an hour
  • KPeeters said:
    Ok, that might explain my bad results.  It's sitting on my desk about 2 feet from my head and I m always looking straight at it when speaking.  My wife was ROTFLHAO when I was going OK homey for half an hour
    Same here.  She was literally in tears when I was trying to do the training :smiley: 
  • Imagine what having a kid would be like ;)
  • I'm having less trouble with my 2 kids then with Homey for the moment...  :#
  • My dog went crazy, couldn't understand to whom I was talking. I already created a flow which calls his name, next will be an automatic feeding-device whenever he barks :)
  • He won't stop barking once he learns that  ;)
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    My dog went crazy, couldn't understand to whom I was talking. I already created a flow which calls his name, next will be an automatic feeding-device whenever he barks :)
    We actually got a shock collar working with Homey.. ;)
  • Emile said:
    We actually got a shock collar working with Homey.. ;)
    I hope you tested it on a colleague, otherwise that would be animal abuse... 

    Here's an example of the random recognition Homey is doing. Only my wife is at home and she is definitely not talking to Homey. 

  • My Homey also doesn't recognise 'OK Homey' in the voice calibration...

    I coughed 5 times and it recognised the cough 5 times! 

  • Over here the same.
  • at first "Ok Homey"did not work properly for me. When I lowered my voice it worked smoothly
  • Hi. I got mine this tuesday. Also struggling. Homey goes amber and white, but I can't get it to say anything back (voice works; I can change and hear in settings). Are there some 'ping' phrases I can say that should lead to a voice response? What do the amber/white/.., mean? Any docu/article on that? I got Homey as experiment and I am happy to struggle. But with my consumer hat on, I would want a clearer guide for the first steps of establishing communication with Homey (in a scenario where everything works). Maybe one of the early starters can write one here? 
  • easy test is to say "ok homey time" it should then respond with the current time. 
  • Hi. I got mine this tuesday. Also struggling. Homey goes amber and white, but I can't get it to say anything back (voice works; I can change and hear in settings). Are there some 'ping' phrases I can say that should lead to a voice response? What do the amber/white/.., mean? Any docu/article on that? I got Homey as experiment and I am happy to struggle. But with my consumer hat on, I would want a clearer guide for the first steps of establishing communication with Homey (in a scenario where everything works). Maybe one of the early starters can write one here? 
    See this thread  

  • Some feedback, though I don't really need voicecontrol: I had to say "ok Homey" about 30+ times before I got 5 checkmarks. I thought that was a bit overkill. :-)  Also even with 5 checkmarks it almost never responds to my "ok Homey", I think 1 hit out of 7 fails each time. This while my Android phone without any calibration responds to "Ok google" almost always.
  • Hm. Basic operation seems in order.
    I can make a basic flow to make it flash red every 20 seconds.
    I can train the voice to recognize OK Homey. When I say it, Homey first goes amber for a while and then white for a while.
    But I cannot get any other sign that it recognizes voice or whatever.
    when I test the flow "when I say anything -> flash red", after I press test button It goes red immediately, and thats it.
    What can I do?

  • Testing means bypassing the trigger "when I say someting" so it immediately executes "flash red". You should save the flow and then speak to homey. Also, for testing it's probably better to have homey speak out the words it heard... "when I say something" - speak "text" (drag the label from the first column to the textbox in the third column)
  • Ah. Got the part on testing.
    installed soundcloud and made flow "when i say something -> play song" (yup, Adele's Hello). That works.
    But when I add a tile "Say something" with text "hello", and run it, i get a red exclamation mark in the upper-left of the tile. And I cant find any error text anywhere. The music tile still works properly. (Sound quality sucks (c;)
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