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Fibaro Relay Switch

So far, I am pretty impressed by Homey. It looks really good! However, I am running into some difficulties while connecting a Fibaro (double) Relay Switch to Homey. One of the two switches is controlling a lamp at my front door (with a so-called momentary switch). The other switch is not connected to anything. In Homey, I can see 3 z-wave devices that are connected to this Relay Switch: one main device and 2 endpoint devices. I can control the light at my front door through the Homey interface both by toggling the main device and by toggling endpoint device 1. However, when I turn off the light by toggling the hardware momentary switch itself, the light turns on again immediately.
When I had the Relay Switch connected to my Fibaro HC Lite controller, I was able to control the lights both with the wall switch and the Fibaro HC Lite's software. Am I doing something wrong? 
Of note: I made a flow in Homey's interface that was triggered by an on-event and by an off-event of one of the 3 devices and it appears that when I press the momentary switch Homey's software is registering both an on-event as well as an off-event. 


  • Could you post a screenshot of your flow? If I read it correctly you flow is turning the device back on when you turn it off with the physical switch
  • is the switch type changed to pulse in the module itself ?
  • Thanks for the reply. I do not know how to check if the switch type is set to pulse. Here are screenshots of the settings of the 3 devices. 

  • Taco said:
    Could you post a screenshot of your flow? If I read it correctly you flow is turning the device back on when you turn it off with the physical switch
    Actually, I am not able control the light with the physical switch. When the switch (and the light) is turned on with Homey, then when I press it, the light turns off for a moment but then it is automatically switched on again. 
  • Ok, does the device card also switch back on immidiatly or do you have to reopen it to let the card also show the device is on?

    Please disable any flows regarding the device when testing.
  • edited February 2016
    even in nederlands , de module staat standaard op momentary switch (puls drukker), je moet de parameter 14 naar 1 zetten.

    toggle switch

    zelf nog niet geprobeerd maar in je eerste foto bij z-wave configuratie bij data 14,1,1; invullen (denk)

    en dan opslaan

  • sorry zeg het verkeerd moet 14,1,1;   zijn, 0 is juist de pulsdruk 
  • It is working! Thanks RaimondVanDerPrijt. Apparently it is a pulse switch :confused: 
    In the Z-Wave Configuration, I have set the data parameter to 14,1,0 and now it works again as it is supposed to be! 

  • Taco said:
    Ok, does the device card also switch back on immidiatly or do you have to reopen it to let the card also show the device is on?

    Please disable any flows regarding the device when testing.
    @Taco: thank you also for your quick responses! I actually do have to reopen the card to show whether I have turned the device on or off with the physical switch. 
  • NicReus said:
    It is working! Thanks RaimondVanDerPrijt. Apparently it is a pulse switch :confused: 
    In the Z-Wave Configuration, I have set the data parameter to 14,1,0 and now it works again as it is supposed to be! 

    Had this also with my relay. 
    Very stupid of Fibaro, the relays are by default set differently than their dimmers. Very confusing at first  :|
  • What I thought. The switch puts itself back off. When you reopen the card the current state is fetched again.

    If the card also switched off immediately without reloading, it would have been a Homey issue.
  • Taco said:
    What I thought. The switch puts itself back off. When you reopen the card the current state is fetched again.

    If the card also switched off immediately without reloading, it would have been a Homey issue.
    Also a detected a nice implementation of an observer design pattern. ;-)  When I had the association wrong (see also for other Homey users:, my flows didn't work, but when I opened the card at devices, the state was retrieved, and my flow executed even without right association!  :-)  That made me smile. Nice.
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