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How do you organize all your flows?

Hi, I've been using homey for a couple of months, and I love it.
But after building loads of flows for different things, my flows are a total mess, and at the point of me thinking about just deleting everything and start over. Everything I want to do at home atm WORKS, its just that it's such a paint to follow all my flows, see which have dependencies on which etc.
How do you sort and categorize your flows?
Do you use some kind of standardized naming of your flows?
Do you actively follow a certain approach when you build flows, just for the sake of keeping them easy to follow and understand, or do you just make it work, and then leave it?
But after building loads of flows for different things, my flows are a total mess, and at the point of me thinking about just deleting everything and start over. Everything I want to do at home atm WORKS, its just that it's such a paint to follow all my flows, see which have dependencies on which etc.
How do you sort and categorize your flows?
Do you use some kind of standardized naming of your flows?
Do you actively follow a certain approach when you build flows, just for the sake of keeping them easy to follow and understand, or do you just make it work, and then leave it?
i have a folder ‘classes’ that do the turning the light on, alarm etc.
so trigger flows trigger class flows. This in order to prevent flows fighting.
in both folders I have sub-folders based on rooms. And then another level of sub folders to group certain triggers/classes like alarm/movement/lights.
it took a while to convert everything. But it’s easy to debug now. And I often only need to change a single class.
Are you grouping different classes also, for example if you have many different classes in the living room, are they grouped to one or a few different "livingroom classes".
Im curious how other people do it. I frequently changed my structure, but this is the one that staid.
what would help me is virtual devices that don’t trigger once changed. But that’s not possible as far as I know.
Zone/Room where it is happening
|-> by what type it is triggerd (IE: motion on/timer/door sensor)
if the trigger is in a different zone, i add the zone in square brackets behind it (IE: motion [Kitchen])
|-> flow: short description what it does
|-> sub type (IE: Fibaro Switch 2 Right) if there have multiple things like double switches
|-> flow: short description what it does
Some one who has a strict and logic naming standard of their flows?
I also name my flows with a short description, and in the folder structure, this is very good. But when i want to us a flow inside another flow the name can be important. If it's not descriptive enough, it's easy to mix upp a trigger and an action for the same thing.
Now i have cleaned-up everything. The most complicated flows are now HomeyScript scrips. Scripts are much more flexible and if you do it right they can be faster than flows.
With scripts you can do things you can't do with flows (without the need for external apps) such as rebooting and fetching info from other websites etc.
I have a script for reading openWeatherMap info and a script for reading info without the need for external apps.
I have still a lot of flows. But they are way more simplified now.
I hope Athom will make HomeyScript an official part of Homey.
Regarding structure for naming flows:
To start another place - the devices themselves:
[node-id] [type]-[location] [manufacturer/model].
Using the node-id makes it easier to make direct associations and search the devices in the list when making flows, adding type help choosing the right type, and manufacturer/model also makes it easier to search.
Some examples:
3.6 L-LR-Floor (PN6-LR): socket 6 in node 3, controlling the L(ight) øv the floor, in the L(Irving) R(oom) - being a Powernode 6.
73 PIR Stairs (Fibaro): Node 73 being a motion sensor from Fibaro located in the stairs.
Variables follow same nomenclature, only always with _ instead of -
Then flows using same system:
L-GF-dark-coming home being a flow controlling L(ight) at the G(round) Floor when it is dark and someone comes home.
My folder structure is main folder named Basic flows with subfolders per room, another mainfolder named system including subfolders like Logs and Presence, a main folder called sensors and subfolders per room or type (fire alarms, flood alarms, motion sensors), a main folder called Devices work subfolders like Roomba and AC-Sonos.
@tb1962, I haven't looked in to the HomeyScript yet, but I think I'll need to do that, I have quite a few triggers that consist of multiple flows, just because of the lack of flexibility in the built in flow-feature.
To just be able to do loops and nested if/elseif/then would eliminate a big number of flows and global variables.
It easily finds all flows in any subfolders with a certain device, text content, whatever.
My flows are grouped as I developed skills and added devices. But as I know the use of the search box will do fine, I can be sloppy at using my own poor "structure rules"
1. Main > only 6 folders, ideally All would carry all of course!!
2. "All" contains a whole row of subfolders, functional, device, randomly.
3. As example I opened "Slapen" for you. Most of my action flows contain "this flow is started" as an action card. So Naarbedspraak or Naarbedmodusaan (activated by VT ) and Virtual Switch "NaarBed") are three ways to trigger the same actionset.
Flows in "Test" contain cards to enter a line in papertrail or simplelog so that I can trace the functioning of new flows. When they work they make it into "All" and I usually cut the trail-card after a while.
It is much like all the drawers and boxes in my workshop. Only I know where to find things. Usually because items are in some way related to each other, often just because there is a visual map in my head... Makes sense?
Rosie is the new Philips Vacuum-bot. She starts her job when Homey gives her the InfraRed look.
So she really does <almost> what you thought she would do...
1 map per specific function like presence / nfc / etc