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Demo video other languages?

Hi guys!

Is it possible to make a demo video of the other languages that are supported by Homey?  For example Dutch.

Best regards, 


  • Since I need to wait a month on Homey (minimal) I would love to see a Dutch conversation with Homey as well.
  • And german  :p

    No, joke! For me english is ok. But a video of a conversation would be awesome!
  • This afternoon I made two simple videos. The videos shows a voice controlled command (in English), turning lights on and off. On my sell phone you can see the Homey app, that shows the interaction with the voice controlled command (pay attention to the moving dots). The light itself acts a little slow because its a CFL (spaarlamp).

  • This afternoon I made two simple videos. The videos shows a voice controlled command (in English), turning lights on and off. On my sell phone you can see the Homey app, that shows the interaction with the voice controlled command (pay attention to the moving dots). The light itself acts a little slow because its a CFL (spaarlamp).

  • This afternoon I made two simple videos. The videos shows a voice controlled command (in English), turning lights on and off. On my sell phone you can see the Homey app, that shows the interaction with the voice controlled command (pay attention to the moving dots). The light itself acts a little slow because its a CFL (spaarlamp).

    Thanks for your videos! Can you already set the language to Dutch?  Or will it be available in the next update? 
  • Not to be pickey but if it is being delivered to a dutch adres the product is only complete if there is a dutch manual (by law), @LuukVisscher thanks for the video's give an example of time needed to complete commands.
    Het ontvangen van een Nederlandstalige gebruiksaanwijzing bij de aankoop van het apparaat zal door de gemiddelde consument voorts als vanzelfsprekend worden be­schouwd, nu sprake is van een technisch product dat blijkens de afbeelding in de uiting diver­se toetsen bevat. Ge­bruiksaan­wijzin­gen die zien op het ge­bruik van een dergelijk pro­duct bevatten, naar alge­meen bekend kan wor­den verondersteld, tech­ni­sche termen en verwijzingen met betrekking tot het gebruik en de veiligheid. Van de gemiddelde con­sument kan niet een dusdanig ken­nisniveau van de Engelse taal worden verwacht, dat hij moeite­loos en foutloos ken­nis neemt van Engels­talige tech­nische termen en verwijzingen. Gelet hierop is een Nederlandstalige instructie voor de gemiddelde consument in het onderhavige geval noodzakelijk en zal hij er­van uitgaan dat hij een dergelijke in­structie ontvangt. Een Nederlandstalige instruc­tie is in dit geval ook verplicht gesteld wegens de belangen van de consument. Dit volgt uit het feit dat appellant uit­druk­kelijk en onweer­sproken heeft gesteld dat het appa­raat is ge­bouwd voor een hogere wis­sel­spanning dan 50 V. Uitgaande hiervan en het feit dat het appa­raat blijkbaar is be­doeld voor laagspan­ning (minder dan 1.000 V), is sprake van een elektro­tech­nisch product in de zin van ar­tikel 1 aan­hef en onder a sub 1° van het Warenwetbesluit elek­tro­tech­nische pro­dukten. Ingevolge artikel 3 lid 1 van dit be­sluit dienen dergelijke producten ten minste te voldoen aan de in de bij­lage bij het besluit opgenomen eisen, waar­onder de vol­gende eis: “a. gegevens waarvan de ken­nis voor een juist en veilig ge­bruik (waar­onder on­der­houd) van het produkt nood­­zakelijk is, moeten duidelijk en in de Ne­der­landse taal zijn aangegeven op het produkt of, indien dat niet mogelijk is, op een daarbij ge­voegde instructie”.

  • When Homey hits the stores, a dutch manual is obligitary. In the stadium it's ATM, I don't think it's fair to assume we can work with an english manual :)
  • WilbertWilbert Member
    edited January 2016
    Homey works at 5 volt. Only the adaptor is 230 volt and I hope you know how that works Would love more videos. But thanks for these
  • @BasVanDenBosch , was making a point before they ship all endproducts without one and get users that want there money back or even don't pay due to inclomplete product delivery (and yes i've had that experiance and still waiting for customers to pay). Thanks for linking to the frase.
  • If you just put a Dutch one-pager in the box instructing users to go to (for example), and put a Dutch manual there, that should be enough legally I guess?
  • no one is going to say that in the example the response time is sloooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?
  • Fire69Fire69 Member
    edited January 2016
    Homey has to wait until you complete your command, send it over the Internet for speed-to-text conversion and then interpret the text it gets back. 
    Although I wished it was faster too, I think this is pretty fast considering all the steps needed... 
  • Fire69 said:
    Homey has to wait until you complete your command, send it over the Internet for speed-to-text conversion and then interpret the text it gets back. 
    Although I wished it was faster too, I think this is pretty fast considering all the steps needed... 
    I mean, I understand that there's a lot involved... But as @mhbstigter (and +7) said.........
  • Fire69 said:
    Homey has to wait until you complete your command, send it over the Internet for speed-to-text conversion and then interpret the text it gets back. 
    Although I wished it was faster too, I think this is pretty fast considering all the steps needed... 
    Amazon Echo is quite fast and is also sending to the cloud.
    The same goes for Apple's Siri and Google Now.
    I wonder how Homey is compared to these?
  • Well, judging from the video and my own experience with Siri it is slow... If you ask me right now, 'would you drop Siri and start using homey for speech controlling your Hue's' I 'd say no. But that's all based on this video, I sure hope the speed will dramaticaly improved!
  • I wonder if Homey starts streaming to STT services once the ok Homey is recognised. Or is that improvement still on the backlog?
  • Well, judging from the video and my own experience with Siri it is slow... If you ask me right now, 'would you drop Siri and start using homey for speech controlling your Hue's' I 'd say no. But that's all based on this video, I sure hope the speed will dramaticaly improved!

    Don't worry guys. It is not as slow as you think. The lamp I used is a "spaarlamp" with a KaKu (KlikAanKlikUit) device and responds a little slow. Hue lights works faster. Homey has to listen to my voice first, send it to the server and then send a trigger to the KaKu device. In real it is fast enough (in my opinion).

    @Reflow The Dutch language is not working very well yet. It sometimes responds with half broken/half English words. English works best at this moment.

  • LuukVisscher said: The Dutch language is not working very well yet. It sometimes responds with half broken/half English words. English works best at this moment.
    Too bad to hear that :-( Would it still be possible to show an example in Dutch, even how bad it would be? And @emile do you agree with this and if so, any remarks as when this will work as it should be?
  • Julian said:
    LuukVisscher said: The Dutch language is not working very well yet. It sometimes responds with half broken/half English words. English works best at this moment.
    Too bad to hear that :-( Would it still be possible to show an example in Dutch, even how bad it would be? And @emile do you agree with this and if so, any remarks as when this will work as it should be?
    Dutch language is on the Trello list:
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    Well, the speed depends on various factors. Mainly being:
    • Your internet speed (I find the video a little bit slow myself too)
    • The devices speed (e.g. Hue has some delay)
    Of course we're working on making it faster. However, if you take a stopwatch and time for example Google Now, it isn't that much faster. Just the lack of visual feedback makes it feel faster.
  • Julian said:
    LuukVisscher said: The Dutch language is not working very well yet. It sometimes responds with half broken/half English words. English works best at this moment.
    Too bad to hear that :-( Would it still be possible to show an example in Dutch, even how bad it would be? And @emile do you agree with this and if so, any remarks as when this will work as it should be?
    Dutch language is on the Trello list:

    Ok, I assumed Dutch would be supported from the start. But there is hope, according to Emile 4 January + 14 = 16 January so Dutch should be unlocked two days ago 'wink wink'
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