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Maybe surprising, voicecontrol has 1% of my interest. Have not tried a SINGLE thing of that, and also not trained it to my voice. :-) Sorry, cannot tell you anything about that.
It's good to hear from Athomey that your support and energy levels are so high. Good luck to you and your team (again)!
Orderd Homey "to late" so unfortunately pre-order...
@athomey did not know that vera is that bugy (using a aeonlabs Z2 with domotiga (linux) ) and with so many devices i indeed would not go for a migration path.
I'm just kind of curious if the recognition is OK and how fast it is.
But... I do have two kids who will love using it
By the way, I read that if you train it to your voice, it will not work as good for other users, so I actually think it's best not to do the training...
MilanVanDenMuyzenberg: good to see you here as well
Homey and the world... says it all doesn't it
Happy with it so far?
Ehm... probably few or none of the above.
I do have to work etc. I understand your curious, but i didn't have the time to test them all. The voice respond is great
And I'll be disappointed when there are no bugs to nag about ;->
Anybody who is willing to share some experiances with IR AV control? Inclusion of ZWave or KaKu? Door contacts? Temperature? Dimmer's? Movement? Multifunction units? And flow's controlling the lot?
I am getting rather curious. I see a lot of exotic remarks/requests of what Homey should do but want to know the current status, is it doing what it is designed for and what is the user experiance.
By the way, altough also my Vera3 has some issues I would like to state that since 2010 my house became very well authonomous and I believe many of the issues are caused by the open platform and the third party plug-in's not working properly with the company firmware and inexperiance of users with the controller and the equipment they want to add to their system. As the Homey apps are sandboxed I have good hope there will be less of an issue. It is clear for me the combination of an open platform and an enthausiastic group of developpers has the potential of a winning team and the basis for a fantastic hobby.
I am a bit disappointed in the feedback of the first users so far.
Would it be to much to ask to share some experiences.
I personally plan to replace my Vera3 controlling Z-wave - Fibaro, Duwi, Aeonlabs, Express Controls, Qubino, Danfoss, Philio Tech, Fakro, and Everspring units. Furthermore a Netatmo weather station via WiFi and a truckload of 1-Wire I/O via an OW-Server.
It basically does not require me to touch any of the local switches all during the day while (RGBW) lights, curtains, ventilator, Samsung TV and some windows are operated based on light, temperature, humidity, movement, door opening and time. Only one pushbutton via Fibaro universal sensor if I decide to go to bed is sufficient.
Is there anybody who has loaded his Homy do do something similar?
Is there anybody who performed a controller shift?
What seems good practice to transfer the Zwave database?
Wat are experiences with using the above mentioned in Flow's?
Is configuration and Flow building/modifying possible from remote location?
By the way, if you are wondering about the WAF.... She was used to the set-up so fast now there are immediate complaints if it is not working as expected after I have been "tuning" the system.
Wow where did that come from? Did I deserve that respons?
I appreciate your assistance to the Atom team and also that of the other testers for that matter. I also appreciate the fact you do not want to spend to much time compiling non native proza. However you also do not appear to read english very well either.
Paragraph 1: Some dissapointment of feedback... Wat jammer dat er niet meer wordt gedeeld.
Paragraph 2 and 3: A sum up of my equipment and usage. ..Mijn hardware en configuratie
Paragraph 3: A set of questions... Een paar vragen
Paragraph 4: Confirmation of my effort from my wife... Mijn vrouw wil niet meer zonder
Finally an eye blink... Knipoog
There is no poking and there is no bitching to anybody and definitely not at Atom.
I am not interested in unboxing, nor in the view of homey on somebodies coffee table.
I am into Domotica, controlling my home by means of various available sensors and actors.
Is is to much to ask for a few lines like:
Fibaro FGMS-001 Movement AND Lux < 15 = switch light on via ZME_05461
Speech "TV on" AND Lux < 20 AND Evening = switch TV on AND ceilinglight off AND TVlamp on
I don't care, demonstrate what you do with Homey I (we) are curious.
Having said that I believe somewhere on the forum it was requested from Atom to compile a list of supported devices. You early testers could do just that, that won't take you hours.