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Homey Insights Reports - looking for your feedback!

I am exploring the option of adding a new feature to Homey, called Homey Reports. The purpose of this new feature is to give you, the user, a better understanding of what is going on in your home. We want to achieve this by cleverly aggregating Insights data over a certain timeframe, so you can learn interesting facts about your home. Here are some examples of what information might be in a Report:
- how much power did I use last month and did I save energy compared to the previous month?
- what device do I use the most?
- how much music did I listen?
- what was the monthly cost of devices that are on standby?
So, what information you would like to see in a Report? Please share what facts or graphs would make Reports a valuable addition to Homey for you!
- Show battery devices that are getting low (z-wave in general)
- Most listened songs
- How much power did the solar panels generate
- How much gas (in adition to power) and maybe even linked with weather (eg. You used 20% more gas this month, but it was 30% colder then previous month as well)
So I can graphicaly see where there is motion, if a door is open, wich lights are on and wich tv is on.
The thing i'm missing is being able to calculate with the numbers :
- Currently I have the "total powerdraw" (in watt from my Youless), Sum of the "smartplugs" together with the youless gives me the total "unaccounted powerdraw".
Having this option would be great, the thing i'm missing is being able to see which smartplug used what amount and when.
e.g. a stacked-barchart where you can see per time unit (5 min/ 20 min/ 60 min) the total powerdraw and breakdown per device
Does that help to illustrate ?
Typeo's :-/
Stop starting, start finishing!
Coming from homewizard, i could easily look-up when the a sensor detected something. Easy to see if the cleaner visited the house etc. I don't need a graph etc.
Also very handy when you are building flows for washing machines etc. Currently the graphs not helping me so i need a IFTT to Excel in order to get a proper overview.
That would be very cool as well! That would display realtime information, while Reports focusses on aggregated historical data, so it would not fit this project very well unfortunately.
This is not a highly prioritised item on the backlog of Athom, this is a passion project of mine. I enjoy data science and using data to better understand things; in this case our homes. If this idea becomes a reality it is going to developed by me in addition to my everyday activities.
Being able to calculate with raw data would be interesting.
Aggregating data in reports could be useful for dashboards, but perhaps also in flows ('if average ...' do stuff).
The graphtypes and the way they are displayed could be improved, they come across a bit clunky at the moment. The ability to stack graphs and perform arithmetic with Insight data could be useful (it might save some BL variables).
One calculation that would be nice to have is for on/off variables the sum of the x-axis (time) for the duration of the on or off state. For instance, if you have a 'TV on' variable, it would be interesting to know the aggregate time the TV was on
@quakerix you can export data directly from Homey Insights? Update: with this app you can:
@Robert the bug with the line (see 'aargh' below) will be fixed in 1.3 right?
I love this graph btw, it's my nett electricity use :-)
Between time x1 and time x2 : average (y), max (y), min (y), std-dev (y), slope (y), count (y), sum (y) etc etc.
The calculated values could be stored in variables. The times x1 and x2 could be set to a dateframe/timeframe from the current date or between any two designated dates/times.
I would like to see a log of the sensor in the Mobile App in CSV view(columns/rows). In the Homewizard you can click on a sensor and instantly see the entries. Which is very handy. Its at the moment the only feature I still use from the Homewizard.
Also having insights on Mobile is I think important. The marketing value is enormous. When I show Homey to friends the mobile app just has nothing special. Showing Insights to everyone helps in spreading the word.
Charts would also be nice.
Energy related,
current "slimme meter" or Enelogic/Youless/Solar panels draw or production = 100% Energy
Devices with Energy monitoring could be indicated as x% of total current draw in an Insight report.
Current draw = 100% minus Sum of all devices known to Homey, leaves unknown energy draw.
This would give a good view if you are measuring your biggest energy consuming devices in your home.
-Possibility to have 2 y axis when two items are show with different range scales
-Customize x and y axis with data labels like Watt or Degrees Celcius
-Export data to csv (scheduled)
-Log insights only for selected items instead of the current default setting to log insights for all items, this would save some storage
-Insights in mobile app, the app is now very basic compared to my Homewizard app
-Fix weired graphs as mentioned previously
This about insights reports, something different then insights itself
- Daily poweruse (Kwh)
- Daily/weekly/monthly/yearly KWH use optionally multiplied by the KWH costs per KWH
Might be a bit off-topic here, but i use a YouLess (got an analog meter) to measure all the power used in the house. Makes it easier to see how much you consumed, and easier to calculate.
Their might be a problem with that an example using any dimmer or switch that is connected to some lights can be using different amounts of power. for example a light with 5xGU10 spots... it matters if you use 5x LED or 5x 50 watt halogen.
I would like to filter / sort on device type (capability)
I would like to have the option to have the Insights information to be send to a cloud database/SQL server so you can easily create your own reports/dashboards (with tools like Qlik Sense, Microsoft PowerBI or Tableau)
Possibility to not start on Y axis with 0 but the lowest value so basically you can get a better overview if values like temperature are between 17-22 degrees as now it shows from 0 degrees
This is about "Insights Reports" not about insights itself
For instance I am tracking the overall power usage of my home. While I like to be able to see the usage over the past years, there's no need at all to have minute-by-minute data for such a long period, daily/weekly/monthly/yearly averages would be much more convenient.
I think this could really help make better use of the limited storage space on Homey, and it is a much more elegant option than simply deleting data after a certain time period. There are node RRD libraries available as well.
Enhancement request: On insights, I can check the various temperatures e.g., but it doesn´t show me which devices this temperature comes from. I need to scroll to the corresponding colour which is very annoying, if you have multiple devices in the list. I would also like to be able to sort the devices shown on the left, so I can group them how it makes sense.
I'd like to see in a reports section, for each room:
1. Total:
- power consumed
- equivalent cost (based either upon £/Eur per unit, or better yet from a drop-down with your current utility provider and tarriff)
- length of time that lights were on
- length of time that heating was on
2. Average
a) per day / week/ month / year
b) on a given day / time of day
- power consumed
- equivalent cost
- length of time that lights were on
- length of time that heating was on
- average set temperature
- average measured temperature
And then to be able to drill-down in each room to the same information at the device level, with the ability to sort from highest to lowest by consumption.
I also want the possibility to use PowerBI and like to query the data or export it to SQL.
Maybe you can get a headstart with the app prometheus, that gives a nice collected export (page) which can be used in grafana or your own BI tooling ->