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[APP] Z-Wave POPP Devices support for Homey



  • @jwoudenberg it was a typo and correct now on the latest version on github.
    If you could test for me i will push this version to the appstore

  • mruiter said:

    @jwoudenberg it was a typo and correct now on the latest version on github.
    If you could test for me i will push this version to the appstore

    tested it, the flow card is now available. 

    But after some futher testing (i only tested the 1 push flows) it seems that none of the double press flows are working.

    Or do i need to change a setting on the device settings for this to work ?
  • mruiter said:

    @jwoudenberg it was a typo and correct now on the latest version on github.
    If you could test for me i will push this version to the appstore

    tested it, the flow card is now available. 

    But after some futher testing (i only tested the 1 push flows) it seems that none of the double press flows are working.

    Or do i need to change a setting on the device settings for this to work ?
    @Jwoudenberg could you check the Z-wave logging (at Z-wave > settings > stuff for geeks, filtered on the node ID of the POPP remote) and provide a section of the log showing the logging based on the following actions:
    - single press key 1
    - double press key 2
    - single press key 3 
    - double press key 4

    Based on this log, I can check that Popp is following the default Central Scene implementation (or not) and advise @m-ruiter (again) how to modify the driver....
  • JwoudenbergJwoudenberg Member
    edited July 2017
    [2017-07-19T13:34:06.777Z] Node[53]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE, data: 0x03870001
    [2017-07-19T13:34:12.148Z] Node[53]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE, data: 0x03880003
    [2017-07-19T13:34:29.445Z] Node[53]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE, data: 0x03890004

    It seems that button 2 doesn't generate any logs when double pressing key 2.

  • @Jwoudenberg the log does not show any double clicks, only single clicks "00" for button 01, 02, 03...

    Are you sure that the parameters set are corresponding to the settings required for double press and central scene in the manual? Can you show them?
  • @Jwoudenberg the log does not show any double clicks, only single clicks "00" for button 01, 02, 03...

    Are you sure that the parameters set are corresponding to the settings required for double press and central scene in the manual? Can you show them?
    I'm sorry, i have no idea what you mean.

    I've tested the following, default (8) and all buttons using (4) send scenes.

    Only single clicks work, not double.

  • @Jwoudenberg the log does not show any double clicks, only single clicks "00" for button 01, 02, 03...

    Are you sure that the parameters set are corresponding to the settings required for double press and central scene in the manual? Can you show them?
    I'm sorry, i have no idea what you mean.

    I've tested the following, default (8) and all buttons using (4) send scenes.

    Only single clicks work, not double.

    @Jwoudenberg see this post; with the settings used:
  • @Jwoudenberg see this post; with the settings used:

    Yes, that are the default settings i also had. But with these settings it does not work.

  • Maybe a bit late, but only reading this now.

    The kfob is probably working a lot like/the same as the Zwave.Me ones?
    Which on their turn work the same as the WALLC-S controller?

    Maybe have a look at the Zwave.Me driver? or is one already a copy of the other?
  • @Priknr1 ; Yes i have seen that its the same. Its a copy of the code. :)
    I'm awaiting some z-wave stuff to get in so i can test.
  • OtaconOtacon Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm having two issues with the Wall Plug Switch Indoor 009006.
    • Saving settings fails (only when a setting is changed), after 2 minutes of waiting I get the error message "Homey offline".
    • It doesn't update the status(on/off) when using the device button, I think polling should occur every 5? seconds.
    Never mind, it seems like the Düwi wall plug switch(054375) is shipped with different firmware then the Popp version(which has the same manufacturerId/productTypeId/productId). My "Saving settings fails"-issue comes due to the fact that my Düwi switch does not implements the "Configuration"-command class(confirmed by pepper1).
  • @mruiter , I've just received two smoke detectors with sirene. When I install the beta version it crashes once I've added the devices.

    Unfortunately, the app crashed while I was doing the following:
    This is the stack trace:
    (node:3493) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 __appInit listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
        throw err;
    Error: Cannot find module 'color-space'
        at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:489:15)
        at Function.Module._load (module.js:439:25)
        at Module.require (module.js:517:17)
        at Module.require (/opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/bootstrap/sdk/v2/index.js:1:253)
        at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
        at Object.<anonymous> (/node_modules/homey-meshdriver/lib/util/color.js:3:15)
        at Module._compile (module.js:573:30)
        at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:584:10)
        at Module.load (module.js:507:32)
        at tryModuleLoad (module.js:470:12)

    The non-beta app works fine!

  • mruitermruiter Member
    edited December 2017
    I will try to post a new beta version with the fix today

  • @mruiter , just tried the newer version from the BETA app, still get sort of the same error:

    This is the stack trace:
    (node:23344) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 __appInit listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
      const nodeCommandClassVersion = nodeCommandClass.version;
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'version' of undefined
        at P004001._getCapabilityObj (/node_modules/homey-meshdriver/lib/zwave/ZwaveDevice.js:346:51)
        at P004001._registerCapabilityRealtime (/node_modules/homey-meshdriver/lib/zwave/ZwaveDevice.js:274:36)
        at P004001.registerCapability (/node_modules/homey-meshdriver/lib/zwave/ZwaveDevice.js:423:8)
        at P004001.onMeshInit (/drivers/004001/device.js:11:8)
        at P004001.once (/node_modules/homey-meshdriver/lib/zwave/ZwaveDevice.js:28:28)
        at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:314:30)
        at emitNone (events.js:105:13)
        at P004001.emit (events.js:207:7)
        at process.nextTick (/node_modules/homey-meshdriver/lib/MeshDevice.js:43:11)
        at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
  • Looks like the zwave driver crashes on something.
    Are you able to run a debug session and post the output ?
    Like when downloaded from my github then do athom project --run ?
  • Crash on the meshdriver, version not available in the node.

    This might be fixed in the meshdriver now, as the line number where it happened (346) is way lower then it is now (542).

    Up try updating the mesh driver module :smile:
  • I'm still using stable version 1.5.3 (on purpose, want stability), could that be the reason?
  • New Beta version is published in the appstore
  • @mruiter first of all thanks for this APP and your effort! 

    I've the POPP Z-weather device for detecting windspeeds, but it won't show the windspeed values in Homey. So also not sure if it's working correct to get my shutters up when there's too much wind. 

    I created a flow which checks the changed windspeed like this:

    This log is what I have about the device. Not sure if you need this.
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.110Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, data: 0x05060117
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.183Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, data: 0x0501220068
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.256Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, data: 0x05030164
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.334Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, data: 0x0505014868
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.414Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, data: 0x0509220400
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.494Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, data: 0x050b220038
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.580Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_METER, data: 0x02411c0000c8e6010c0000c6ee
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.660Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_METER, data: 0x0241a400008857010c00008597
    [2018-01-29T10:42:40.732Z] Node[35]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY, data: 0x0364
  • what i would need is the output when running the app in debug mode with the athom cli . from command line athom —project run
    And are you running on the normal or the beta version of the app ?
  • Hi @mruiter
    I'm running the normal version of the app. Do you recommend first installing the beta to see if things get fixed?

    Not sure how to go in debug mode yet? Can I install athom cli from he app store or do I have to do everything via the terminal (I'm running macOS)? I can do the latter with a step to step guideline. Not confident enough to do it on my own commandline skills...

  • Has anyone tested the POPP keypad yet?
  • Do I have to re-include devices (smoke alarms in my case) if I switch to the beta version?
    Bit hesitant, since I have to remove them all from the ceiling in that case.
  • Ok, I jumped on the beta 2.0.2 wagon, and I can report two findings with the smoke detector:

    Smoke detectors cannot be selected as input device anymore, only output(alarm):

    (so I have some broken alarm flows right now indeed)  :p

    Also the (backup)battery status seems to have disappeared when compared to the 1.1.7 version:

    Things tried so far: re-include the device in the Zwave network(remove - add) for 1 device
    This did not change the behaviour of the device.

    Smokedetector still behave as alarm when selected as output device though.

    Hope you can fix these things.
  • @RDtimmer
    are you on slack so we can troubleshoot ?
    Battery status now comes in only when device reports so it can take a day. 
    My popp valves only report in once a week with battery
  • mruiter said:
    are you on slack so we can troubleshoot ?
    Battery status now comes in only when device reports so it can take a day. 
    My popp valves only report in once a week with battery
    Not on slack currently... how/where can I add myself to a Homey / Popp channel?
    I can proceed tonight when I get home if that's ok with you
  • CarosCaros Member
    @mruiter @RDtimmer, have these issues regarding to the smoke detector been solved? I'm waiting to update, since I don't want to lose functionality :)
  • I will check some more. the new app-cli- sdkv2 just came out. will check if the default cards now get made
  • RDtimmerRDtimmer Member
    edited March 2018
    Nope, I am still unable to add the Smoke detectors to a flow
    I am willing to participate in troubleshooting, just tell me what to do, I am able to have a look at it either tonight or tomorrow afternoon/evening

    edit: just checking, these 2.x drivers are supposed to work on Homey 1.5.x versions right...? or are they intended for the Homey 2.x beta?
  • Oy1974Oy1974 Member
    edited March 2018
    Using a "Popp strike lock"  and i noticed 2 things. 1 thats a big problom because its draining my battery in just 12 hours to a point that its has not enough power to operate the internal relays.

    Second acording the technical information. its hase a no and nc contact. But its the otherway round the drawing says.

    When instaling it like this i have a nc contact, so using the other contact so having the normaly open. Could it be that therefor it drain the batt??

    Did also make a github isseu for it

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