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[How-To] use NFC Tags with Homey - main discussion topic

How-to use NFC Tags with Homey
You can use several types of simple NFC Tags with Homey.It can read a tag when you touch the tag to the top of Homey.
Homey by default only reports the serialnumber of the card represented by a UID[4] or UID[7]
Simple tags read by Homey generate each time the same number, complex secure cards generate an random ID and are not that useful as Homey can't read te secure information or distinguish between different tags.
Useful simple cards/tags you probably already have are:
- Dutch Old ov-Chipcard NUID[4]
- Dutch Paper OV-Chip Card (GVB Amsterdam, Mifare ultralight) UID[7]
Advanced and/or secure tags are:
- Passport
- RijksPas (Mifare DESfire EV1 etc.)
- Various mobile phones
Example flow:
for Example to start: Create the flow to record the UIDsNew WorkFlow: ReadNFCTag
If: A tag has been detected =>
Than: Send a push notification:
- To {Select your name/phone}
- Message: { Tag is [Tag ID]}
Drag the [o tag ID] label from the Left column to the msg box.

Scan your NFC card and read the ID on your phone/tablet in the Homey App!
Homey scans a NUID[4] or UID[7], these are 4 byte or 7 byte long (fe UID[4] = 12:34:ab:cd and UID[7] =12:34:ab:cd:12:34:56)
Disable the flow if you found all ID's for later use...
My Android NFC App Crashes on two of these cards (Old ov-Chipcard NUID[4] but scans the others and scans same ID in Homey as Android (other notation without semicolumns)
Now you can create a flow that triggers on "A Tag had been detected [ UID ]"
Forum Discussion
Initial Discussion created by @GeurtDijker with info from the communityAsk any Moderator to add/update/correct this Discussion.
NFC Tags - Frequently Asked Questions
To be updatedNFC Tags - List of compatible Tags
To be updatedBoth NFC tags in this picture are type NTAG203 and work with Homey. At least, I got their ID tag sent to my phone.
The black one (43*43*1.2 mm ) comes with a magnetic background. Nice for sticking to a fridge or a metal door.
Serial number is 5MAG203V1F-169.
The bleu on the right ( round 29 mm ) is a water resistent sticker.
Serial number is 5STK203V2F-185.
Also, can you read NFC from your phone (to detect a specific device?) or does it need to be tag?
but that is an awesome Welcome home that way!
from the OP, can you tel me what is not clear?
Nice, I can use those with Homey afterwards was the first thing I thought!
But when I came home and tried to read them (made a flow that pulses the ring when a tag is detected) nothing happened.
Installed an app on my phone to check the tags, they are read without any problems (detected as MiFare Light)
Tried another nfc tag (built in to my BT headphones), also nothing. Phone app detects it right away.
I just have to tap the tag to the top of Homey, right??
Yep, just hold an NFC tag on top of Homey.
You didn't dim the LED ring ;-) I suggest on also sending a Push Notification with the scanned TAG.
And test it with fe your Passport or a normal (dutch) OV chip card.
That one should work and the Passport send an different ID each time. (OV chip sends a static number)
sometimes it is better to slowly swipe the card over the top to get the chip close enough.
Tried with my (Belgian) ID now, no luck but don't know if we have nfc in it.
Also tried my international passport (I can see the chip in the back), nothing happens.
I have some chinese tags somewhere in the house, I'll look for those tomorrow...
Have you found any sollution?
I also have problems with detecting my tags/cards. Homey doesent do anything when holding them against..??
Do you hold it on the top of homey?
And have you configured a flow to detect a nfc card? And then do something with it.
Heres how my Flow is:
Works when I test it..
Maybe there is something wrong with your nfc antenna (which is in the top), they can help you further there.
Super-thanks to @Bram at Athom Support for helping me out during the day :-)
Thanks also to @caseda
Have a great weekend
I miss it (or it doesn't function) one time in 6 so I'd like to stick a little sticker there to help locate it
Or at a slight angle to the forwards (the direction the homey sits in?)
as far as I know, right on top. (I did see sometimes ago an "inside" picture of Homey)
see the pictures here, the black round print in the top:
but it should detect anything within a couple of cm so on top works most of the time for me.
where do i see the tag -id ? i want to specify for homey what to do with a certain tag.
Please read again the opening post, the is a small red arrow in the picture how to drag the tag id from when column to the then (or and or else) column