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[APP] Visonic PowerMax App (1.1.1)



  • bass850 said:
    Really. I checked it against many sites. But if you say so. I will reconnect and test again.

    Thanks for your quick reply!
    Hi Ramon. I tried changing positions to 1/3/5 as I can gather they should be from your comment, but still no connection :-(

    I also tried changing cable to be sure after that but that doesn't help either.

    It's connected like this now:

    Is this the right way?

    Thanks in advance for your time to answer me.
  • @bass850 I cannot see how everything is connected together, but it looks like you're using the right pins on the PowerMax+ now. Maybe @RemcoHannink or @luccie_007 can help.
  • @bass850 I connected a USR-TCP232 module to the serial pins of my Powermax+ according to the following diagram:

    | |
    | [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] |
    | [7] [8] [9] [A] [B] [C] [D] |
    | |
    | |
    |_______________________________ hole in the panel |

    Pin 7 TX Powermax <-> RX USR module
    Pin 8 RX Powermax <-> TX USR module
    Pin 9 GND <-> GND USR module
    Pin C 5V
    Pin D 5V 

    The USR-TCP232 also needs 5V and GND.
  • @bass850 I connected a USR-TCP232 module to the serial pins of my Powermax+ according to the following diagram:

    | |
    | [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] |
    | [7] [8] [9] [A] [B] [C] [D] |
    | |
    | |
    |_______________________________ hole in the panel |

    Pin 7 TX Powermax <-> RX USR module
    Pin 8 RX Powermax <-> TX USR module
    Pin 9 GND <-> GND USR module
    Pin C 5V
    Pin D 5V 

    The USR-TCP232 also needs 5V and GND.
    Thanks guys. I will triplecheck my connections again soon and let you know.
  • bass850 said:
    Thanks guys. I will triplecheck my connections again soon and let you know.

    One quick question to Remco: By hole in the panel i assume you mean the hole in the PCB not in the plastic casing?

  • Well I, checked connections for n-th time. I think RX/TX are connected according to what's set forth above. I also changed power on USR from 3.3 to 5 volts pins (and on power supply too) but i keep getting same results:

    When i press Install Plink. and OK on PM+ is shows greyblock and C in putty (in above example i did it 3 times).

    It seems i do get data from the PM+ but not the correct data?

    Can anybody share what kind of data i'm supposed to see in putty when all is correct?

    Thanks again in advance for your help.
  • are you sure you putty baud rate/speed is right?
  • are you sure you putty baud rate/speed is right?
    Hi Konrad. I don't set that in putty since i telnet to USR device. In the serial port settings in USR device it's set to 9600/N/8/1
  • RemcoHanninkRemcoHannink Member
    edited October 2017
    9600N81 should be ok.

    Bij hole in the panel I mean the opening in the casing where the serial cable can com out.

    What I can remember, the console does not really show readable text but hex codes. Maybe it has something to do with terminal emulation ?

    More information on the protocol:

    More information and another test tool is described on:

    I started testing with the original serial cable and the Windows software, from there I replaced the Windows software to a serial console and from there I changed the original serial cable by an USR-TCP232 module. I also had some hard time getting everything to work.
  • Jorgen66Jorgen66 Member
    edited October 2017

    Just bought a Homey and try figure out what components are required to be able to connect my powarmax+ alarm system to Homey.

    Can someone please specify what rs232 to ethernet components is required for powermax+ 

    Thanks in advance,
  • Usefull links:

    Wij hebben een tijdje zitten proberen met baud rate enzo.
    Moet dus zijn:
    TCP Server
    Poort kun je kiezen (23 bijvoorbeeld)

    9600 Baud; Data Bits 8; Stop Bits 1; Parity None

    Op Visonic:
    Installatie menu -> 6. Pwrlink Module -> Inleren -> OK
    Op de Homey ook de learning starten, als hij zegt Searching heeft hij in iedergeval je TCP module gevonden.
    Als hij direct stopt kan ihj de TCP module ook niet vinden.

    Je kunt controleren of je TX en RX goed zitten doordat als je de Powerlink inleren start je 14 TX bytes moet krijgen in de webmodule van de TCP unit.
    Dit kun je zien door hem te benaderen op zijn IP adres en met admin admin in te loggen.
    Als je op homey de search start moet je ook RX bytes krijgen (ik dacht 56)
    Als RX en TX verkeerd om zitten krijg je de bytes niet als je de powerlink inleren start op de Visonic,

    Toen werkte het :)

    Pics or it didn't happen:

    Pinout voor Powermax+ unit

    Alles in het batterijvakje,
    een HLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V Step-Down Power Supply  rechtsboven in.
    En de USR-TCP232-T2 onderin, met de pinnen omgebogen die gesoldeerd zijn.
    Een schuimpje als extra isolatie en anti trilling.

    Alle kabels komen in het grote midden vak uit en worden daar in een sleeve gebundeld.

    Vannacht alleen een paar keer een piep gehoord, ik denk het netwerk even down, eens kijken of ik kan uitzetten dat hij niet piept als de "powerlink" module verbinding verliest.

    Ik heb een losse 230v euro stekker (zo een dunne) met kabel. ( zit bij mij toch in de meterkast).

    Met de 14 bytes bedoel ik als je inlogt op de webinterface van de USR.
    En je powered de visonic, dan krijg je 14 TX bytes. (Dacht ik)
    En als je met de app van Ramon start met het toevoegen van de unit aan je homey krijg je dus 56 RX bytes.
    Hiermee zou ik proberen of het werkt.

    Je bekabeling lijkt te kloppen, mijn schema is gemaakt nadat het bij mij werkte.
    Wel had ik de USR opgeblazen 1x (aansluit fout), maar toen kwam ik ook niet meer op de webinterface. Dus jouw usr lijkt dan nog goed.
  • Oskar said:
    I hope someone can help me.
    I have a powermax+ (this is not the pro) and want to connect it with Homey. The back of the powermax seems to only support a single ethernet, not dual. In some of the posts above reference is made to either a USR-TCP232-T or a USR-TCP232-200. I do not understand the difference, but more over I do still do not understand how I can connect one of the 2 to my powermax+..
    Before I order parts, it would be really nice if someone has a step by step description on what I should be buying (+ any specialcables or plugs?) and how I connect it to my powermax+.

    I have the same question. Can someone help. Anyone having powermax+ connected with homey.
  • @Jorgen66
    see my responses in the thread above. I have it working for almost a year on a Powermax+ and a USR-TCP232-T. For the pin connection also see my response in this thread..

    good luck
  • is there any any update for PowerMax App (1.1.1)

  • is there any any update for PowerMax App (1.1.1)
    What update are you looking for? Latest code is on GitHub, but I'm not planning to release a new version in the store any time soon. Plan to rewrite it to the v2 API first.
  • Hello,

    I am doing the best to figure out the best option for me to connect my powermax+ to homey. As far as I can understand I have two options.

    Option 1.
    RS-232 Module together with a RS232-> Ethernet adapter;_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2648

    Will the single RS-232 module (PowerMax+) work as good as the dual (PowerMaxPro) that are referred to in the Homey apps description?

    Option 2.
    Directly using the TTL signals of the Visonic PowerMax and interface via a TTL to Ethernet module (e.g. USR-TCP232-E). I guess an power supply is needed also.

    Will both options give same functionality, stability etc? I want the simplest and most reliable solution. Cost does not matter.

    Please advise and thanks in advance,
  • @Jorgen66 I have both solutions running for years and stability wise there is no difference. It also offers the same functionality. Only difference is that option 2 needs a bit more DIY.
  • Jorgen66Jorgen66 Member
    edited October 2017
    RamonBaas said:
    @Jorgen66 I have both solutions running for years and stability wise there is no difference. It also offers the same functionality. Only difference is that option 2 needs a bit more DIY.
    Thank's for info.

    Then I would prefer option 1. Problem is that the single RS-232 module for PowerMax+ does not seam to be available anywhere.

    Does anyone now where to place an order.
  • Jorgen66 said:
    Thank's for info.

    Then I would prefer option 1. Problem is that the single RS-232 module for PowerMax+ does not seam to be available anywhere.

    Does anyone now where to place an order.
    sapphire alarms in the uk
  • Jorgen66 said:
    RamonBaas said:
    @Jorgen66 I have both solutions running for years and stability wise there is no difference. It also offers the same functionality. Only difference is that option 2 needs a bit more DIY.
    Thank's for info.

    Then I would prefer option 1. Problem is that the single RS-232 module for PowerMax+ does not seam to be available anywhere.

    Does anyone now where to place an order.
    sapphire alarms in the uk
    Do you have a link. I can only find below on their homepage.

    "We have stopped supplying the Powermax Plus model.  This is mainly due to the Powermax Complete representing better value for money than the Plus model.  Visonic have also made the GSM module and the RS232 module obsolete for the Powermax Plus.  Our recommendation is to use the Powermax Complete unless you want to add X-10 devices which are only supported on the Powermax Pro model"

  • @Jorgen66
    I have a RS232 module for the Powermax+ lying here. I use a TCP-USR232-T so I don't need it, maybe for future firmware updates, but for a good offer, you can have it.

    Gr. Remco
  • @RemcoHannink

    That would be great. I'll send you a PM.

    Just curious if there is a specific reason that you choose to use the TCP-USR232-T solution instead of the RS-232 module.


  • Does anybody actually have the new firmware updates for the powermax pro's ?
    They are hard to get by in the past
  • I dont think you can update the Powermax Pro's ?

    I have a Powermax Pro and the dual rs232 connected with a powerlink. I understand if I want to use this app I need to disconnect the powerlink and connect my dual rs232 with the USR-TCP23-302 I have. Therefore I bought an RJ45 to RS232 connector to connect both. The connector I have bought has pins which need to manually be placed in the rs232 part. Here I get stuck. What order do I use? How did you guys do this?
  • RamonBaasRamonBaas Member
    edited November 2017
    Can you post a picture of the converter and the connector?

    BTW: this is the RJ45 pinout:

  • The converter is this one. Which looks like this:

    The connector is this one. It looks like this:

  • RamonBaasRamonBaas Member
    edited November 2017
    Well, then the first thing to fix is how to connect two female DB9 connectors :). Be aware that the pin-out of the USR-TCP232-302 DB9 is such that you cannot use  a straight gender changer with the normal pin-out of the RJ45-DB9.
  • On the RJ45-DB9 the normal connection is:
    2 - black
    3 - yellow
    5 - green

    You'll probably need to switch 3 & 5 around if you use a straight DB9 gender changer. Check the docs of the TCP232-302
  • The connector I bought is male and the TCP232-302 is female, so this shouldn't be an issue (I hope).
    Does the image you contain the pinout of the dual RS232 of the visonic?

  • Update: it looks like it is ;)
    I found this info online; lets see if I can figure how to do this tomorrow! Thanks for the help!
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