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Zigbee devices go offline

LurendrejerLurendrejer Member
edited August 2017 in Questions & Help
What does "Offline" mean when we are talking about zigbee? (Ikea Trådfri).
I have two bulbs, sitting two meters apart, hanging in the air - and one can be offline while the other is online.

The bulbs are powered all the time and i can turn on the bulb through homey if i try a few times - why does this happen?



  • I have the same problem, after rebooting the Homey (not sure if this caused it or not) I notice almost all my nodes (also Tradfri) are offline. Switching works but not reliably. What gives? 
  • No-one has any ideas? Tradfri does not work reliably at all and I would hope someone from Athom would care about that...
  • email support,  i use 5 ikea lights and all good 
  • TonD83 said:
    No-one has any ideas? Tradfri does not work reliably at all and I would hope someone from Athom would care about that...
    Works fine for me. I have 4 Tradfri bulbs. Distance between Homey and all bulbs max 5 meters. Does the reliability improve when you bring one or more bulbs close to homey?
  • TonD83TonD83 Member
    edited September 2017
    Problem is it worked perfectly for a couple of days until I rebooted Homey. Now it's flakey and unreliable, bulbs are showing as offline. With the Zigbee mesh network there is no reason for bulbs to be unreachable as 4 bulb are sitting right next to each other. Will try to contact support directly.

    Have you found any solution for this problem yet?

    Update: after updating to 1.5.3 most devices came back online, only the lamp in the attic is still offline and now not even connected in the graph anymore. Strange, but I did move the Homey slightly since installing so this could be a range problem. 
  • @TonD83 I gave up.
    My trådfri devices turn off via a relay, and i use the Ikea rotating dimmer directly associated to them.

    I had both hue and trådfri connected via zigbee, so I thought that was the reason. If you only have Ikea devices, I guess that isn't the case :(
  • TonD83TonD83 Member
    edited September 2017
    I have an extensive Hue network, too. I use them through the Philips bridge though. Did you connect them directly to Homey?

    Edit: Thanks for the hint.. I just checked and Hue and Tradfri were both on channel 11. I changed Hue to channel 25. Let's see if this improves the situation. See:
  • I did use zigbee through homey, no bridge.
  • Didn't even know this was possible. But not a success story anyway, it seems :) 
  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    edited September 2017
    No problem for me... Tradfi works reliably for me...
    Seeing you both have similar issues and the network-controller of @TonD83 is made by Philips while the controller of @Lurendrejer is made by Athom I think this might be inherent to Zigbee?

    Did any of you file an issue on Github? Athom will probably not react here...
  • Hmmm that's not entirely correct, I use Tradfri through Homey directly as well. I was just saying I use Hue bulbs through the Hue hub.
  • Just tried putting my bulbs always online (by disabling the relays).

    I had hopes of 1.5.5 solving the problem, but zigbee devices still go "offline". They don't work in flows, but turning them on/off via 'devices' seems to be pretty reliable.

    I've doublechecked my wireless AP's - that they don't use the same channel as Homey-zigbee.
    I've readded bulbs.
    I've added extra bulbs, to strengthen the network.
    I've had my Homey turned off for 30 minutes, to force the devices into creating new routes.

    still - two bulbs, in the same room (even in the same lampshade) doesn't always have the same status. One is offline, the other is online.
  • If it works through devices then you'll probably need to increase the time between switching the bulbs.
  • Not sure if it's related, but I have some problems with the Zigbee Ikea ligths too. In the Zigbee Graph the lights are online, but switching them via Homey doesn't work. The stay on.. Last week I had the same problem and even tried to remove and readd one of the bulbs. Strangely that worked withoud a problem, but after adding, I still couldn't controll it via Homey. After a couple of reboots, everything started working again..

    For now, I'm going t o reboot again a couple of times...
  • kastelemankasteleman Member
    edited November 2017
    @keverjeroen ; what firmware are you running?
  • Running on 1.5.4. I just (soft) rebooted Homey, and the lights are working again.
  • Same issue here. With 1 Tradfri bulb it worked almost fine, but now I have 3 bulbs it doesn't work anymore. After a reboot or PTP it is working for several hours, after that, the bulb status won't refresh en don't go on or of anymore. FW 1.5.8
    Removing all the bulbs and a reset then and added them again didn't help.
  • Hi, how do you change the Zigbee channel in Homey?
    Mine is reporting channel 11, without any sign of how to change that...
    Since my wifi is 'stuck' on channel 1 (heavily interfering with zigbee 11), I'd like to have a go at channel 18...
  • You can’t! Not implemented (yet) by athom
  • You can’t! Not implemented (yet) by athom
    Thanks! Well, anyone interested in a Portal Router? <span>:wink:</span>

  • Arjen said:
    Thanks! Well, anyone interested in a Portal Router? <span>:wink:</span>

    Just sold mine and replaced them with ubi AC-Pro haha :P 
  • here same problem..

    I have about 12 ikea bulbs and randomly bulbs do not respond on flows.
    When i run the flow manually i get a red triangle with ikea several ikea bulbs and on hover over it reports rpc 17 error.

    I rebooted homey but this does not always solves the problem, sometimes i reboot the bulb (power on/off of bulb) and this helps.

    I do not have this kind of problems with z-wave devices but only with the ikea bulbs, this way flows are not very reliable.

    Are there some tricks to get the zigbee network much more stable/reliable?
    (i am running Homey firmware 1.5.3)
  • zigbee should be more stable in the upcoming 1.5.6-rc10 release. so hopefully with the stable 1.5.6 the zigbee probs will disapear ;-)
  • phil_s said:
    zigbee should be more stable in the upcoming 1.5.6-rc10 release. so hopefully with the stable 1.5.6 the zigbee probs will disapear ;-)
    RC10 wil not come to experimental, RC11 at this moment in DP :)
  • What is the recommended amount of zigbee devices in a device group, now using 4 and 6 ikea lamps and sometimes 1 is not responding on the group.
    Also 1 single lamps is not responding on a flow, is that still a bug in zigbee?

    Hopefully it all will be solved in Homey 2.0? 

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited July 2018
    Slofware said:

    What is the recommended amount of zigbee devices in a device group, now using 4 and 6 ikea lamps and sometimes 1 is not responding on the group.
    Also 1 single lamps is not responding on a flow, is that still a bug in zigbee?

    Hopefully it all will be solved in Homey 2.0? 

    groups is not yet fully implemented in the current zigbee implementation of Athom
  • Oké so for now it's better to switch them one by one.
    Can do that without delay if I switch 6 lamps?
  • cautjecautje Member
    @Slofware nope, i have tried it all with ikea 6 gu10 lamps. Swiching one by one with an delay of 1 sec. All at once and repear 3 times with an delay of 1 sec. Always one or two dont switch... i gave up tring for almost a year. Now waiting on the zibee stack rewrite in V2.0
  • cautje said:
    @Slofware nope, i have tried it all with ikea 6 gu10 lamps. FSwiching one by one with an delay of 1 sec. All at once and repear 3 times with an delay of 1 sec. Always one or two dont switch... i gave up tring for almost a year. Now waiting on the zibee stack rewrite in V2.0
    Will not be in 2.0 but after 2.0 so some more patience is needed
  • cautjecautje Member
    Ok, thx. Then it was wischfull thinking... It would be great this is solved. This is my main issue, the rest is working fine. 
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