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Official Z-Wave Aeotec

[App] Aeotec by Athom - main discussion topic



  • Power reading working for me on the Aeotec Smart Switch 6, just added it and made no changes to the default parameters (think I have to thank @caseda for a great job)

    I'd advise to start reading documentation at the source, and not at the various user databases created on the net, I've found numerous errors on those sites.

    Some information on the Smart Switch:

    Official Aeotec Engineering sheets:

  • Cannot get it to work , no changes in setting and just re-pair done , anyone ? 

  • I may take up to an hour before the mesh is build and data is sent, I even saw some remarks about one night...
  • @Robin: Since last update, my Multisensor 6 appears to be 'out of range', while unaltered in position. Could this have to do anything with either the last Aeotec update or with the last Homey update (I'm on experimental and up-to-date).
  • I have 5 usb powered Aeotec motion sensors. I just checked. One stopped reporting motion, the other work fine.

    Aeotec App v1.2.5
    Homey f/w v.1.1.2
  • Here i had 2 usb powerd multi 6 sensors who did not report motion after the app update, repaired them and now it works fine.
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited January 2017

    Hm, I don'y like having to repair stuff.... Did you do this fairly recently (s in... just after the update. Today / Yesterday)?

    I did PTP, that didn't solve the issue with 1 sensor.

  • if im correct Aeotec updated somewhere around wednesday and friday or saturday i re-paired the first Aeotec after checking on the flows because BetterLogic was acting up too.
    Did ptp but the strange thing was the sensors where still reporting the lux, so in the end only one thing was left for me was to remove and re-pair the sensor to homey. 
    And that did the trick, yesterday i did sensor 2 and my lights where working again. 
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited January 2017
    Well, seems we have the same issue; only motion is not reported, all other valies seem to be their.

    I will be patient (or lazy) and see what happens over the next couple of days. Maybe some spontanious heailing will happen :-)

    Repaired the one-not-reporting-sensor. Alle works again.
  • Just to be sure, should the power usage etc work when using the Aeotec Dimmer 6? That seems not enabled when I pair it with my Homey?

    Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong when pairing?
  • JulianJulian Member
    edited January 2017
    Julian said:
    Just to be sure, should the power usage etc work when using the Aeotec Dimmer 6? That seems not enabled when I pair it with my Homey?

    Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong when pairing?
    Never mind, after the update of the Aeotec app last night it works! :smile:
  • Smart Switch 6 - Security feature.

    It is not possible anymore to include my Smart Switch as a security device.

    It worked before...

    I removed the Switch with the Z-wave settings, reboot from Homey and a reset from the Switch.

    Still cannot get it to work in in secure mode.

     From the manual:

    “Smart Switch is a security device that uses secure/encrypted message to communicate in Z-wave network, so a security enabled controller/gateway is needed and then you need to press the Smart Switch’s Action Button 2 times within 1 second when your security controller/gateway starts the network inclusion.”

    “Including Smart Switch as a secure device:

    In order to take full advantage of all Smart Switch functionality, you may want to use your Smart Switch as a security device that uses secure/encrypted messages to communicate in your Z-wave network, so a security enabled controller/gateway is needed and then you need to press the Smart Switch’s Action Button two times within 1 second when your security controller/gateway starts the network inclusion. If the inclusion is successful, the blue LED will be on for two seconds and then return to Energy Mode state when the output load is on state (the RGB LED remains solid) or Night Light Mode state when the output load is off state (the RGB LED remains solid with 10% brightness of purple colour). If the inclusion is unsuccessful, the red LED will be on for two seconds and then remain in gradient status”.

    Any ideas?

  • casedacaseda Member
    edited January 2017
    the device will be included as secure if it is close enough to give a secure "secure key" hand shake with homey
    (so within 2 meters).
    this is done automatically, and you can see this if you open chrome's console part, or look very carefully at the messages displayed in the inclusion screen, it comes by very fast (not even half a seconds)

    it can happen that it is not activated properly because of other traffic coming in between,
    so not much homey can do about that.
  • PacoSPacoS Member
    edited January 2017

    Thanks for the advice.

    After 6 more tries, with the switch next to Homey (and probably on a quiet moment), it worked.


  • JschuetzJschuetz Member
    edited January 2017
    I have a problem with my

    Aeon Labs Smart Switches Gen5 

    power plugs. I don't get the power usage values.

  • edited March 2017
    Just got the smart switch 6, and when I switch it 'off' everything behind it stays on, but the ring goes to purple... anyone any idea <span>:sweat:</span>
  • Just got the smart switch 6, and when I switch it 'off' everything behind it stays on, but the ring goes to purple... anyone any idea <span>:sweat:</span>
    I have received support on a ticket i had with aeon and they came back swiftly and good support, only i dont agree with their answer:

    Do not connect any other plug besides a light source, using applications such as desktops or laptops will destroy the dimming circuit. This is most likely why the Smart Dimmer 6 has ceased to function, it is not designed to work with any other kind of loads.

    I indeed tried other stuff then lamps on it as i would like to use the dimmer as a switch as well - so i think this is ridiculous. 
  • I have a Aeotec Wallmote Quad but when I add this it says no drivers found and it switches to the standard Z-Wave. Now I can only use 1 button. Does anybody know how long it will take before this will be added and will it be added?
    All the new devices are added but not the Wallmote
  • @btwvince
    I have 2 wallmotes and is on my todo list for adding, not at the top though, so eventually it will be added.

    Maybe by athom (robin) first, who knows
  • caseda said:
    I have 2 wallmotes and is on my todo list for adding, not at the top though, so eventually it will be added.

    Maybe by athom (robin) first, who knows
    Oké, thanks.
    I can only say the sooner the better, but first thing first :)
  • On the dimmer 6, I have received 2 new ones from Amazon, and with a lamp in them, the lamp just goes off and on while the led ring stays green - this seems to be just a horrible horribly bad designed product... to bad really... really hoped it would have been good. 
  • Since Version 1.3.0 whole Z-Wave-Network crashes if a Smart Switch 5 (included with 1.2.0) switched off with a Flow. In Description of 1.3.0 nothing seen that devices must be re-included. What can i do here?
  • CyberSponkCyberSponk Member
    edited March 2017
    Since Version 1.3.0 whole Z-Wave-Network crashes if a Smart Switch 5 (included with 1.2.0) switched off with a Flow. In Description of 1.3.0 nothing seen that devices must be re-included. What can i do here?
    Solved/Found it: One Switch was included before 1.2.0. In 1.2.0 was the Information that the Switch should be re-included. Now works fine.
  • caseda said:
    I have 2 wallmotes and is on my todo list for adding, not at the top though, so eventually it will be added.

    Maybe by athom (robin) first, who knows
    Would be awesome!
  • I am using multisensor 6 and false motion alarms. Installed through the Aeotec app, hown to to change the sensitivity parameter for motion detection? Thanks for any help (yes my first Z-wave device connected so no expert;-)
  • @jacquesvzijp

    Click on the wrench:

    A screen with settings opens:

    Motion alarm sensitivity (gevoeligheid) can be changed!
  • RebtorRebtor Member
    edited May 2017
    My Aeon Labs DSC06106-ZWEU wasn't supported by the current driver so i fixed that. Here is the code.
  • Rebtor said:
    My Aeon Labs DSC06106-ZWEU wasn't supported by the current driver so i fixed that. Here is the code.
    @Rebtor much appreciated work!
    If possible, can you add the modified driver through a Pull Request to Athom's Aeotec app Github repository at: ?
  • RebtorRebtor Member
    @TedTolboom done.
  • Using some Aeotec SmartSwitch Generation5. The Switch itself works fine. But: Switch is turned On and after reboot of Homey the Device-Switch-State in Homey is shown as Off while the Physical Switch is On > The Information on Homey is not correct. Is there a way to fix this? Have this since i've got Homey > Version unknown, it was the Version of Homey before 1.2.2.
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