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Massive change in speech recognition

Half a year ago I switched my Homey from Dutch to English. At first because of the more coolness in the English voices but soon I discovered that the combination of this language and my voice Homey gave me about 90% recognition. So I was very happy with the results and we could allmost make complete conversations. 

But about a week ago it turned to allmost zero recognition. Maybe 10%. Homey listens, white ring very short or very long, and then nothing happens. At first I thought maybe it was me having a cold but still there is allmost no recognition. I also discovered that the voice is a bit different but I can't exactly say what. 

I now think it maybe has something to do with the major update lately. Also simpel and build in things like "turn on the lights" les then 10%. Is anybody experiencing this? It worked sooooo good, I even would like to toll back if possible...



  • ZperXZperX Member
    edited April 2017
    Well you are a lucky one. You had a good voice recognition for so long. I had good voice recognition only for few times ~10 minutes in the last one year. Seems like now your voice is routed to the inferior speech to text engine. I have contacted Athom four times regarding this and they have never bothered to reply. Welcome in the club.

  • I have the same problem @jimmy_zeropm. Its super annoying. 
  • Sorry for in dutch, 
    Gezien de verstaanbaarheid van homey wil ik het volgende melden.
    Ik heb al gedurende langere tijd last dat homey me niet verstaat. (nu al bijna een half jaar zoiets)
    Mijn vrouw heeft het helemaal opgegeven inmiddels.
    via de telefoon app werkt het perfect,   dus het moet welhaast aan homey zelf liggen.
    Ik heb lang gedacht dat ik moest wachten op een update en dat het dan beter zou gaan, maar ik heb zelfs gewacht nu op 1.2.2.  stabiel,    maar geen verbetering..    
    Op de een of andere manier blijft bijna iedereen euforisch, want,   het wordt allemaal zo geweldig..
    Echter,   de verstaanbaarheid is gewoon teruggelopen,  en niemand heeft enig idee waarom...
    Op dit moment is het bij mij zo, dat als ik roep  (en dat moet hard)   Okey Homey.       en ik zeg dan niets meer en het is verder muisstil in huis,   de ledring oranje staat te knipperen.       
    Het enige wat ik als oorzaak kan bedenken is dat er een interne volume regeling probeert geluid op te vangen.
    Maar hij doet dit ook als er wel wat achtergrond geluid is.   Op stem reageert hij dan weer slecht.
    Als dit waar is wat het lijkt,  dan zou een schuifregelaar een oplossing kunnen zijn om zelf de zaak af te stellen.
    Tot slot wil ik nog kwijt dat ik er haast vanaf begin bij ben,   en best begrijp dat dingtjes niet helemaal werken,   MAAR  HET IS GEWOON BETER GEWEEST.
    zeg nou niet dat bij mij iets veranderd is,   of dingen m.b.t. afstand,   of veranderde stem  ofzo.
    Het plezier van het uitvissen hoe iets werkt is inmiddels ver te zoeken als het basis principe (stemherkenning) haast niet werkt.
  • Has anyone had problems with Homey not responding correctly anymore?

    For me, when Homey was still on 1.1.9, I could tell it to "Turn off the lights in the living room", and Homey would do that. 
    Now, since the 1.2.2 update, if I tell it the same, it responds that it "...can't find any lights in the living room". 
    So I tried telling it to just "turn off all lights", and it responded that it "...can't find any lights". 

    Has Homey gone bat shit crazy?
  • Same problem, Homey does not listen at all... 1 out of 25 it responds with the yellow light, but seldom action. Raising voice or adjusting volume doesn´t help. Suggestion for Athom: Look at Google or Apple...
  • The other night, I spoke a command, the ring went orange as if listening, and then stayed like that, permanently! PTP resulted in boot up sequence and then led ring went off and stayed off! Repeated PTP 3 times and the same. The last time they ring went red with no response! Had to manually turn off all lights and sockets in the house! Unplugged it and left it like that for 24 hours. It then booted up properly but most of the time I get absolutely no response to voice anymore. Ring doesn't even indicate it is listening at all.
    How can a product go so consistently backwards?
    None of the new features they work aren't of any use without the basics working.
    - Music but no Bluetooth
    - Alexa but only set to US (product was targeted initially to dutch and UK market)
    - LightwaveRF lights but no heating
    - IR but no proper database or pairing
    Need I go on?
    Even a hobbyist product is more reliable and stable than Homey!
  • I only have positive things to say about the speech of Homey but i don't wanna spoil the negativity of this post.
    But plz lets stay ontopic and keep it with speech.
  • Well my conclusion is that my Homey is completely unresponsive. I've worked on about 20+ flows that were allmost 100% responisive and now NONE of them work. Maybe @Emile can give some more information about this problem now more and more people are part of this? 
  • Amazing that @Emile just posted software update stating that 1.2 is stable and how 1.3 experimental is ready for testing..

    Does he not bother to read what we are saying.. this really isn't ok in my books.

    Personally, I am giving my Homey another 7 days.. By then I have to decide to return it.
  • ZperXZperX Member
    From slack:

    annemariehuijink [10:18 AM] 26 April 
    We know what the problem is with speech and non responding. Now we're searching for a solution.

    jeroenvollenbrock [2:13 PM] 
    We have multiple providers, but the outage at one caused us to hit the limits on the other, we’ve taken steps to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

    This happens when you don`t have direct access to speech to text engines and try to save money on this service instead of using a proper one like Google or Amazon or Cortana.
  • ZperX said:
    From slack:

    annemariehuijink [10:18 AM] 26 April 
    We know what the problem is with speech and non responding. Now we're searching for a solution.

    jeroenvollenbrock [2:13 PM] 
    We have multiple providers, but the outage at one caused us to hit the limits on the other, we’ve taken steps to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

    This happens when you don`t have direct access to speech to text engines and try to save money on this service instead of using a proper one like Google or Amazon or Cortana.
    That actually makes it worse..
    @Annemarie and her dept are acknowledging the problem exists whilst @Emile and his dept believe everything is stable
  • mitchmitch Member
    Maybe change this topic to Massive Degradation in Speech Recognition?
  • ZperX said:
    From slack:

    annemariehuijink [10:18 AM] 26 April 
    We know what the problem is with speech and non responding. Now we're searching for a solution.

    jeroenvollenbrock [2:13 PM] 
    We have multiple providers, but the outage at one caused us to hit the limits on the other, we’ve taken steps to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

    This happens when you don`t have direct access to speech to text engines and try to save money on this service instead of using a proper one like Google or Amazon or Cortana.
    There are more speech to text services in the world than the big three. But it shows one of the biggest design flaws in Homey. To be dependent on paid 3rth party services for one of its core features. 
  • For people who want good voice control Google Home is an good option. I have a Google Home and Google Home in combination with Homey is awesome. Google Home voice recognition is almost perfect and Homey has the advantage that it can potentially control everything. Can't wait until Athom has integrated Google Home with Homey.

    Response time with Google Home --> IFTTT --> Homey is about 3 seconds.
  • I did a little testing last night and have to agree that the results are worse then before. Maybe now is the time for athom to change priorities..? New features are cool but degrading core functions are simply bad for everyone, also for future homey buyers... 

    Using Google or Alexa for good/better speech is at best a workaround, not a solution. Reading most of the comments about bad speech the last months (year?) I can only conclude: ADJUST PRIORITIES ATHOM! You are risking losing a serious part of your very loyal user-base.
  • Jesper said:
    For people who want good voice control Google Home is an good option. I have a Google Home and Google Home in combination with Homey is awesome. Google Home voice recognition is almost perfect and Homey has the advantage that it can potentially control everything. Can't wait until Athom has integrated Google Home with Homey.

    Response time with Google Home --> IFTTT --> Homey is about 3 seconds.
    3 seconds is way to slow for day to day use.. 
  • Thing is, I'm with the Homey project for a long time. And as with any technical startup you have to be patient. And I was, and still am... but this is really hard to accept. In the last years I bought lights, switches, sockets, pirs and many other. I've tested and tested and created tons of flows. And in the end it all paid of, I had  (allmost) full control of my home automation. And then in one week two major setbacks (cromecast + spotify just due to a policy but is an other topic) and the speech that completely fails. Still I try to be patient but when I see @Emile is updating to stable and not commenting on this major item it's getting hard to believe in and not returning Homey.

    What is going on with the group of dedicated techheads at Athom? Weekly updates with new apps and devices, sury that's good. But if everything is scoring a 5- instead of letting the core functioning at at least an 8 or better you aren't going the right direction.  You were soooo creative and supporting in the startup...

  • That actually makes it worse..
    @Annemarie and her dept are acknowledging the problem exists whilst @Emile and his dept believe everything is stable
    You're talking about 2 totally different things here.
    @Emile is saying the firmware is stable.
    @Annemarie and @JeroenVollenbrock are saying there is a problem with an external service

    See the difference?  You software can be working perfectly fine, but if it depends on an external service that's down, there can still be problems.
    This can be an advantage or a disadvantage.  If you depend too much on 1 service and it goes down, that's a disadvantage.
    The advantage is that you can relatively easily change to another provider.  And that might even be Google.

    jjtbsomhorst said:
    There are more speech to text services in the world than the big three. But it shows one of the biggest design flaws in Homey. To be dependent on paid 3rth party services for one of its core features. 
    Athom is way too small to be able to provide a good speech service on their own...
    Neither for the recognition rate nor the number of hits on their servers.
  • Big / small / internal / external... 
    Fact is it worked great for me and now it doesn't... something with if it ain't broke... 
  • Half a year ago I switched my Homey from Dutch to English. At first because of the more coolness in the English voices but soon I discovered that the combination of this language and my voice Homey gave me about 90% recognition. So I was very happy with the results and we could allmost make complete conversations. 

    But about a week ago it turned to allmost zero recognition. Maybe 10%. Homey listens, white ring very short or very long, and then nothing happens. At first I thought maybe it was me having a cold but still there is allmost no recognition. I also discovered that the voice is a bit different but I can't exactly say what. 

    I now think it maybe has something to do with the major update lately. Also simpel and build in things like "turn on the lights" les then 10%. Is anybody experiencing this? It worked sooooo good, I even would like to toll back if possible...

  • wacht nu al maanden maar word er niet beter van

    spraak is na laatste update echt een drama, hoor alleen maar ik begrijp niet........

    nu ik het enige tijd gebruik is mij steeds meer duidelijk dat je afhankelijk bent van gebruikers die apps maken en dat homey hier niets mee doet,

    toon steeds verbinding problemen
    harmony al maanden geen verbinding, en niemand pakt dit op of reageert.
    woonveilig mogelijkheden minimaal
    hue pakt vaak niet alle lampen, en behoorlijke vertraging
    muziek app teleurstelling, betaalde spotify werkt niet over speaker of mijn onkyo, en ook geen ondersteuning synology. en voor mijn chromecast moet je dan weer betalen.

    spijt van de aankoop zou het niet weer doen voor zoveel geld.
  • mitchmitch Member
     You were soooo creative and supporting in the startup...

    They needed our money then to get it started. Just like relationships, it's all nice in the beginning. 
  • dvktea said:
    wacht nu al maanden maar word er niet beter van

    spraak is na laatste update echt een drama, hoor alleen maar ik begrijp niet........

    U did read the notes did u?
    1 of the notes was:

    Note: as of Homey v1.2.0, a much requested feature was feedback when Homey did not understand what you said. That now works, with the small drawback that it requires everyone to migrate their 'When Homey said something And the text contains' cards to the 'When something specific was said' card, if that hasn't happen yet.

    dvktea said:

    nu ik het enige tijd gebruik is mij steeds meer duidelijk dat je afhankelijk bent van gebruikers die apps maken en dat homey hier niets mee doet,

    toon steeds verbinding problemen
    harmony al maanden geen verbinding, en niemand pakt dit op of reageert.
    woonveilig mogelijkheden minimaal
    hue pakt vaak niet alle lampen, en behoorlijke vertraging
    muziek app teleurstelling, betaalde spotify werkt niet over speaker of mijn onkyo, en ook geen ondersteuning synology. en voor mijn chromecast moet je dan weer betalen.

    We have a special Dutch part of the forum. Since the members are from all over the world we only speak Dutch in the special Dutch part of the forum.

    dvktea said:

    spijt van de aankoop zou het niet weer doen voor zoveel geld.
    If u have any trouble with Homey plz ask, we will try to help u in any way we can.
  • In the case Athom didn't picked this up yet by placing a reaction in this thread I've made an official support call thru their website. I hope this will be fixed as soon as possible. 

  • I have posted before – as have others –

    that Amazon has made the entire Alexa speech service available to any manufacturer completely FREE OF CHARGE! I had a look at the information on the web and I'm sure I read that users would even be free to select their own wake word, (though I can't locate that information any more).


    I included the relevant press release in that previous post, and surely now this is something that Athom should be considering – – or at least let us know why they are NOT considering it.

  • Exactly the same problem here. The lights used to turn on when asked, now homey can't find any and my wife thinks its funny that it doesn't work. I think its annoying come on @Athom you are making me look stupid!
  • What I find interesting is that so many people have joined this thread and +1 so they can track any hope of @Athom commenting
  • Chrispy said:
    Exactly the same problem here. The lights used to turn on when asked, now homey can't find any and my wife thinks its funny that it doesn't work. I think its annoying come on @Athom you are making me look stupid!
    Perhaps you are having a different problem. Did you check if the input page displays the correct sentence? For me voice recognition is still working great. Had to change some flows with the recent FW update though.
  • Athom is not actively monitoring this forum. I suggest you either create a github issue or shoot a support call to their support mail on there website.

    The forum reactions and support is done by the community.

    Want to talk to the development side of Athom we would suggest you also join the active slack community. How ? also look at there website

  • swtttswttt Member
    Athom made clear yesterday that this is a community forum, but it is monitored. Dont expect a reply tho, your best bet to get one is on Slack or the support mail.

    i am not commenting on the speech part, in my opinion they shouldnt have focused soo much on speech. Homey with all his antennas is a nice device already, even without speech. 
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