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[NEW - UPDATE] Enelogic and YouLess (v2.0.5)

Enelogic and YouLess
Homey app to integrate Enelogic P1 and YouLess LS110/LS120 energy meters. A direct connection over IP is used, so there is no dependency on the Enelogic cloud service.
Analogue Energy meter
The LS110/LS120 driver provides logs and flow cards for the following data:
- Actual power usage/production (W, 10s interval)
- Totalized power meter (kWh, 10s updates)
S0 Energy meter
The LS120 S0 driver provides logs and flow cards for the following data:
- Actual power usage/production (W, 10s interval)
- Totalized power meter (kWh, 10s updates)
P1 Energy and Gas meter
With the P1 connection on the LS120 or Enelogic you get the following extra's:
- All individual power meters (kWh, 10s updates)
- Recent gas usage (m3, of the previous hour)
- Gas meter (m3, 1 hour updates)
- Tariff change (off-peak, true or false)
Ledring screensaver:
- See how much energy you are using or producing just by looking at your Homey!
- Is the wash-dryer ready? Am I now producing power to the grid?
The power is totalized for consumed and produced power, during off-peak and peak hours. Production to the powergrid is displayed as negative watts. Only changed values are logged.
Experimental YouLess Watermeter
This experimental driver makes use of the optical sensor of the YouLess LS110 and LS120. It has successfully been tested on water meters from Vitens (type 1). Place the optical sensor on the rotating mirror. Exact positioning is required. See the detailed installation manual for further instructions.
The water meter driver provides logs and flow cards for the following data:
- Actual water flow (L/min, 60s average)
- Water meter (m3)
The water meter driver can be installed additionally to the power meter driver. If you use the LS120 with P1 connection, you will get all electricity meters, the gas meter and the water meter simultaneously from one YouLess device! The water meter driver uses the raw reflectiveness of the optical sensor. It has to poll the YouLess 3x per second, which puts significant load on your Homey and your WiFi network, especially when water is being used (burst mode is then switched on). I'm working with YouLess to get them to support water meters in the firmware so that it takes off the load from Homey and the network, and also increases accuracy of the meter. But this has no priority with them since they believe there aren't enough users interested in water meter functionality.If you like the water meter, please help me convince YouLess by placing a comment below or in the forum.
Device setup in Homey
To setup go to "Devices", choose the correct driver. Use the LS120-P1 if you have a P1 connection to your smart meter. Otherwise choose the LS110/120-E driver Enter the fixed IP-address (preferred) or use the default url 'youless'. If you want to use the water meter you can simply add this as a second device and choose the LS110/120-W driver.
If you like the app you can show your appreciation by posting it in the forum. If you really like the app you can buy me a beer.
Version changelog
v2.0.5 2018.07.08 Fix gas flow meter LS120. Password fix. Http optimizations.
v2.0.4 2018.03.17 Fix crash no gas meter Enelogic P1.
v2.0.3 2018.03.12 License info extended.
v2.0.2 2018.01.29 Minor fix.
v2.0.1 2018.01.19 Minor fixes, stable release.
v2.0.0 2018.01.13 Complete rewrite to sdk2. Password support added.
v1.1.2 2017.12.27 fix gas usage. Improved http handling. Ignore invalid readings from youless P1.
v1.1.1 2017.10.01 added S0 metering for youless fw 1.4.0, bug fixes, xml2js updated to v0.4.19
v1.0.0 2017.06.26 improved gas usage logging, bug fixes, added experimental water meter (using LS110/LS120 optical sensor)
v1.0.6 2017.05.28 small bug fix (error reading device). Code cleanup
v1.0.4 2017.04.19 Added polling interval setting
v1.0.3 2017.04.16 Compensate 0 production readings. JSON.parse bug fix
v1.0.2 2017.03.22 Added support for YouLess LS120 (P1)
v1.0.0 2017.02.18 Initial release
Thanks for creating this
for instance: I would love to be able to receive a e-mail with the grand total usage/producten of the day at 00:01 AM.
Downloaded the version from Github, ordered a Enelogic P1 and got everything up and running within minutes.
So thumbs up for this app, and a donation is posted.
I must say that receiving donations is a great motivator for spending spare time on building and maintaining a Homey app. It is more rewarding than the 'feedback' I get in my daytime job. So again, thx for this very nice way of showing your appreciation
And to http://enelogic:1000/cgi/electricityMeter/update
Did you follow these instructions from enelogic?
Enelogic informed me that they still have the Enelogic P1 device available for those who want to order a unit now that is compatible with the present version of my app.
The development of this new driver was made possible by the people from Enelogic who were kind enough to send me a device and give me technical support. If you want more information on the YouLess LS-120, see this site:
I'm new with Homey and the flows and have till now only experience with simple flows.
Is it possible to activate a flow if the energy changed to ( for example from 400 watt too 1500 watt) for at least 5 seconds ?
now I have a flow that is working on the coffe machine (difference min 1400 max 1600 watt) but sometimes also the fridge has this when he switch on for max 1 second. the coffee machine for more then 5 seconds.
I would like to separate them with a kind of trigger timer.
Does this app also log all the data so I look it back from a year ago?
because of my lack of skills, is it possible to show me some ideas.
i tryed with better logic but dont know exactly how to implement this with countdown.
With better logic i can get the trigger, but i dont know how to get the trigger for a couple of seconds long.
many thanks in advance for any assistance
First make a flow like this:
Second, make a flow like this:
And you are good to go!
You might have to tweak the energy numbers and the delay time to get good results. Since the P1 energy is updated every 10 seconds it makes no sense to use 5 seconds as you initially suggested.