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Dimming lights with voice command

Any ideas on dimming your lights with voice commands, I'm not really sure how I would like to do that.

I have two options I can think of which would work good:

  1. You use a percentage in your command (like: Turn on the living room lights for 65%)
  2. Slowly let homey increase the brightness of the lights until you say stop (I don't know if this is possible)

What are your thoughts?


  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom

    We have percentages currently working!

  • Sounds good @Emile! Does this also work on IR LED's? For example something like this?

  • Probably not, you can't send percentages to those cheap things as far as I know.

  • In the KaKU/COCO app you can.

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    edited December 2015

    We haven't really looked into those China led strip controllers. But we have some in our office so it'll probably happen anytime soon.

    Personally I prefer a $12 controller that works on 433mhz. Those can definitely be dimmed to a percentage.

  • Thank you :) Looking forward to all the new features and apps when the geek editions are shipped! I'm moving on the 31st of January so hopefully there are a lot of apps by then!

  • Since it's almost christmas and we will most likely have the Homey at home by then :) I should start looking at what I want to control with it. I have this Z-Wave dimmer at home. Is it also possible to let this dimmer dim the lights using percentages like the topic startes describes?

  • tommyjaytommyjay Member
    edited December 2015

    @Emile said:
    We haven't really looked into those China led strip controllers. But we have some in our office so it'll probably happen anytime soon.

    The reason I bought two of those was because I wanted to put some ambient light around our bed. I plan on having the IR sensor stick out from under the bed, and then teach Homey some pre-programmed values. The stock IR remote has these programmable 'DIY' buttons, with which I could set a color, and then just have Homey repeat that signal.

    That was the plan anyway, but dimming to a percentage would be cool.

    Personally I prefer a $12 controller that works on 433mhz. Those can definitely be dimmed to a percentage.

    Any link where to get that? I found this but it looks to only support single color LEDs, if I'm not mistaken?

  • Thanks for the link Emile. Do you plan on implementing color change (or possibly even presets) with these?

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom

    I don't promise anything, but we have them in our office so yeah... can't stop my guys from decoding the signal ;D

  • Completely understand! :D Bought it, can't wait for it to come so I can replace the IR remote!

  • TheoDeKoning said:
    In the KaKU/COCO app you can.

    I just bought this KAKU AWMD-250. The normal dimming methods of the KAKU dimmers are not ideal. @Emile Will Homey be able to send percentage commands to KAKU dimmers? Or is that function limited to the control station?

  • Qx5 said:

    I just bought this KAKU AWMD-250. The normal dimming methods of the KAKU dimmers are not ideal. @Emile Will Homey be able to send percentage commands to KAKU dimmers? Or is that function limited to the control station?

    Yes, Homey will be able to set the dimmer to a specific dim percentages.

  • Emile said:

    I don't promise anything, but we have them in our office so yeah... can't stop my guys from decoding the signal ;D

    I also have a 433mhz led strip controller so I was just wondering if this is already working on Homey? Or is it planned? :-) 
  • So @Emile, I was wondering.... I have two options now, I can control my LEDs either with IR, or with 433mhz. Considering that the IR can be programmed to have more presets, I was wondering how Homey can tackle this. If I would use the 433 remote, I can only set a color, brightness, on/off... With the IR, I can preprogram a few different colors, and have some fades and strobes as well. How will Homey tackle this? If I use the 433, can I preprogram colors inside of Homey, let's say only red? If I'd want for example to have constant color faces, let's say slowly go through all the colors, I'd imagine that this would be extremely stressful for Homey, as it would pretty much require constant 433 messages to be sent. Do you have any comments to this? I really like the idea of using IR, because it seems to give me more freedom, even with a higher possibility of the signal getting lost... Below are the two remotes for comparison. 

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    @tommyjay, for starters, you can copy your remote so Homey can 're-broadcast' those signals. You can even connect some buttons, e.g. ( R ), to completely different actions, like playing music.

    For the RF, that'll require an app and I do not know what's possible with their protocol. So we'll have to see about that when we have time to connect those china remotes. You can imagine they're not a top priority ;)
  • tommyjaytommyjay Member
    edited January 2016
    Emile said:
    @tommyjay, for starters, you can copy your remote so Homey can 're-broadcast' those signals. You can even connect some buttons, e.g. ( R ), to completely different actions, like playing music.

    For the RF, that'll require an app and I do not know what's possible with their protocol. So we'll have to see about that when we have time to connect those china remotes. You can imagine they're not a top priority
    Thanks for the super fast reply!! I understand that something like this is low priority, but I understood that you have a similar RF remote and connected LEDs at your home?

    As with the IR remote, my intention was to copy the remote over to Homey and have it just control the LEDs, without the need for the remote at all. I just like the idea more to control the LEDs with more preprogrammed functions, like 100% red, or for example the fades. 

    (To be clear, I'm asking this question because I want to use these LEDs, but instead of using whichever remote, I want to use Homey, and completely get rid of the IR/RF remote :smile: )
  • Is there a solution for this, or is there alternative? 
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