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Long delay between the detected motion and the switch

I have installed a white LED tape in the Kitchen. I have Z-wave Neo motion sensors (I am very happy with it, good range, sensitivity and reliability). All of them are connected to LightwaveRF relays and dimmers. They do turn on immediately.
However in the kitchen the LED tape is controlled by the Fibaro RGBW (I am using the just the W [white] channel). The issue I got that with this combination there is a 3-4 sec delay between the motion and the light turning on. That is far from normal for me.
Has anyone experienced this issue?
Just to clarify:
The transformer is constantly on.
In the app I can see the motion alert instantly, no delay there
When I turn on/off the RGBW via the app it reacts imediatelly
I know that the on/off has slight dimming curve but that is not in the above 3-4 sec delay
There is no delay set in the flow
However in the kitchen the LED tape is controlled by the Fibaro RGBW (I am using the just the W [white] channel). The issue I got that with this combination there is a 3-4 sec delay between the motion and the light turning on. That is far from normal for me.
Has anyone experienced this issue?
Just to clarify:
The transformer is constantly on.
In the app I can see the motion alert instantly, no delay there
When I turn on/off the RGBW via the app it reacts imediatelly
I know that the on/off has slight dimming curve but that is not in the above 3-4 sec delay
There is no delay set in the flow
(* The time between card has no influence on this issue)
I have a Fibaro motion sensor and a fibaro switch (both z-wave plus)
When I walk into the room, it takes about 3 seconds before the light is switched on (and after the sensor indicates it detected movement).
Z-wave » 433MHz instant
Z-wave » Wifi/Zigbee instant
Z-wave » Z-wave 3-4 sec delay. That does not make much sense
When I turn on a Fibaro z-wave relay another is turned on also.
Turns on instantly.
delay about 3-4 seconds
The story of Homey and very difficult for Athom I guess.
I can only conclude that I and other users experience a delay of about 3 seconds. For some situations (like mine, walking into a room where light is needed) you want a very short delay. 3 seconds is a long time to walk into the dark.
The only difference I see that in our case we use a condition (and column). I use e.g. the lux of the sensor (Better Logic variable)
Z-wave » 433MHz instant
Z-wave » Wifi/Zigbee instant
Z-wave » Z-wave 0-1 sec delay. -->( most of the time no delay )
never noticed really, Till now because I made a test flow.
But then again all Z-wave here triggers at the same time if i have more than one in a flow and KAKU turns my lights on/off one at the time . So in the case with switching multiple lights, z-wave wins:-)
That way you can see if it's the IF or the THAN column that has a delay.
Than the LighwaveRF turns on immediately but the Fibaro still has a 4 sec lag.
4 sec is very long. I have installed many different home and building automation systems and never experienced more than 1 sec delay.
I find it too long because there is an awkwardly positioned built-in unit in the kitchen and it is a safety hazard for my son. (This can be a safety issue for others as well like that: Stairs/Elderly people, etc). Also often I spend just 5-7 sec in the kitchen. I just grab something and I am off.
Ground floor (where Homey is too):
In my hallway a Aeotec Sensor switches a LIFX light. That is within a second
In my kitchen a Aeotec Sensor switches a Fibaro FSS-222 relay. That is within around 1 second
First Floor
In my bathroom a Aeotec Sensor switches a Fibaro FSS-222 relay. That takes 2 to 3 seconds
In my bedroom a Aeotec Sensor switches a LIFX light. That is within a second, but less responsive as similar setup on ground floor
My conclusion: distance to Homey is relavant too
I'm working (testing as I type) on an updated app/driver that has the capability and settings (and descriptions) to switch on (and delayed off) another lamp based on illumination level (yes working in the updated driver) and motion trigger...
Expect to be released to App store this week (depending on approval speed of Athom).
but this is linked to this issue that in the current App version, the illumination reporting is also not working...
Just learned that my update is already pushed towards the app store:
Earlier than I expected... I was planning to test the "switch on function" this evening...
It appears not to be working with the Fibaro dimmer-2; not with the ON/OFF command, not with the dimming command.
I will look into this issue further...
My best guess it that the delay is being caused by the packets traveling along the mesh network.
Most likely 2 or more hops. I see delays in also going to 3 - 4 second s when devices are in the far ends of mesh.
Also the sometimes fail.
Guess Athom can still gain a lot with the optimisationof the z-wave packages the chip sends.
Both switches I tried are either non-Z-wave plus (powernode) or added unsecure (Neo power-plug again due to lack of AES128)
Does someone have a non Z-wave plus dimmer to test the dimming commands of the illumination switch on function?
I'm not able to test it right now, since the Fibaro app does not have all required settings implemented for the motion sensor enabling this function (unlike the Neo app). I will test this weekend.
It is not related to having + or not. The delays are originating from a slower communication from sensor to controller to switch or dimmer compared to the option to have the device triggered directly from the sensor to the switch
Yes and no.
Yes, Z-wave devices are able to communicate directly to one another (e.g. switch on lamps if fire alarm or motion sensor is triggered). And based on the tests I did, responding instantly.
No, you need a Z-wave controller to implement the right settings and associations (link the Z-wave ID of a switch or dimmer to the right association groups).
Additional note: currently, not all required settings have been implemented into all apps (like the fibaro app to fully support this).
As mentioned above, I will add and test these settings to the Fibaro motion sensor and if successfull, I will make a pull request to implement it into the Fibaro app