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alarmclock which sends signal

Hi all,
I'm looking for a alarmclock  which can also send a signal (433/kaku/zigbee/wifi) that can be picked up by homey. 
I would like to put this alarmclock on my night table and when I set my alarm for the morning after it need to trigger a homey flow (by sending a signal) on the time set.

Does anyone know if there is such a alarmclock? 
(ofcourse I can initiate a flow by setting a time in the homey flow, but the time I have to get out of bed varies from day to day and changing the time in a homey flow costs too much effort in my opinion).


  • There was a zwave version but I'm afraid it is only possible as a DIY project now with a reed contact or a zwave binairy sensor. 
    I don't even know if you can achieve anything like that with a DAB clock/radio
  • KoenMartensKoenMartens Member
    edited December 2016
    You can look at the app 'Sleep as Android', which can send IFTTT requests when alarm is starting/ending. I'm not sure if you want to use your phone as alarm, but for me (I have it working with Homey), it works well.
    You can also set it up so that it looks at your calendar, and if you have an early appointment, your alarm gets pushed to accomodate for that.
  • You could also use your regular Android alarm clock in combination with the Android app Tasker. The alarm clock is a trigger for the app Tasker to perform a Rest API call to Homey to switch a boolean variable which in turn is a trigger for Homey to perform a flow...

  • Is a really fancy clock which also has an app...

  • Is a really fancy clock which also has an app...

    That price ...
  • @BasVanDenBosch That is exactly something I'm looking for! But indeed the price.. Any alternatives?
  • Of course you could buy a regular clock, a Fibaro Button, a Denon Heos and create some flows which act as an alarm-clock. You don;'t even need the regular clock: Homey has a build-in command in which she tells you the time if you ask her to.

  • AppieAppie Member
    edited December 2016
    This one is (still) a lot cheaper, but you have to have some patience:
  • technimantechniman Member
    edited December 2016
    With the import duties in NL will be the same price as the lametric.. :-/
    Personally I go for a cheap android phone with tasker, or a RPi with a cheap screen maybe
  • Make some bitflips with various times and put them in "Home".  When opening the mobile app u have the bitflips in ur homescreen and just have to click. Unless u are using 200 different times per week this seems like a nice solution untill u found a nice alarmclock which can do the same.
  • Make some bitflips with various times and put them in "Home".  When opening the mobile app u have the bitflips in ur homescreen and just have to click. Unless u are using 200 different times per week this seems like a nice solution untill u found a nice alarmclock which can do the same 
    I wish Homey is a lot more user friendly then maybe I could my alarm setup. 
  • Homey is as friendly as u want him to be. We also had some discussions with alarms and timers, along with traffic and weather conditions so u can make it as gek as u like!
  • Homey is as friendly as u want him to be. We also had some discussions with alarms and timers, along with traffic and weather conditions so u can make it as gek as u like!
    That's what I had in mind,, traffic and weather like stuff, 
    But setting up things is not as simple as many of you think to other users like me
  • We explain as much as u like, no problem at all. And, there is no "users like u", we are all the same.
  • techniman said:
    With the import duties in NL will be the same price as the lametric.. :-/
    Personally I go for a cheap android phone with tasker, or a RPi with a cheap screen maybe
    I read on the kickstarter forum (were it all started) that since it is a French originated design company and since the backers community has a lot of European backers, Bonjour is making a construction to ship the European Bonjours from Europe, so hopefully no import duties...
  • We explain as much as u like, no problem at all. And, there is no "users like u", we are all the same.
    I'm aware there are helpful members here but what I mean is that I need "Jip en Janneke taal" for somethings to get explained. But what seems like a simple answer for one person might look complicated to me. 
  • Erwin1 said:
    You could also use your regular Android alarm clock in combination with the Android app Tasker. The alarm clock is a trigger for the app Tasker to perform a Rest API call to Homey to switch a boolean variable which in turn is a trigger for Homey to perform a flow...

    I normally don't quote myself (it's a little presumptuous!), but I really think that alot of people would really love this solution I gave to the OT. And it's so simple to setup, it only takes 10 minutes...

    You can then just use your regular Android alarm clock on your phone and when that alarm clock goes off it's a trigger for Homey to perform any flow you would like. Play music, turn on the lights, open the curtains, start the coffeemachine, switch on the TV, whatever you can think of! And all because your android alarm went off. How cool!!

    Far cheaper than any special alarm clock and it just works 100% of the time! It's also fast and doesn't rely an IFTTT (which can be slow to react).
  • @Deejee

    maybe if you install the app iCalendar to Voice from the app-store and make from that your flows.
    then you get something like this.

    Make appointment in your phone with a trigger "wekker"

    IF appointment is triggered AND Appointment value contains Alarm(wekker) THEN do what ever you want.

    Here some pic's

    after installing Icalendar to voice make appointment with trigger (wekker) in my case

    then make a flow  like this:
    Only the appointments with "wekker" will be triggered.

    Much cheaper then an Alarm clock on zwave.

  • All, thanks for the input.!

    I think i'll start with idea @glijie brought up. LaMetric and Bonjour are nice devices but to expensive for the purpose I have in mind. 

    @Emile Maybe it is also an idea for the @Athom (Andriod/Iphone) app where you can easily set an alarm and select an flow to start!
  • I use the Beddi alarm clock, which is connected with my phone (and has 3 smart buttons), to let Homey respond on the action I do on my alarm clock (which is an action I want after/the moment  I'm getting up) so Ilet Homey respond on the action I set to the connecten "Hue" action (which is time limited within Homey).
  • I use the Beddi alarm clock, which is connected with my phone (and has 3 smart buttons), to let Homey respond on the action I do on my alarm clock (which is an action I want after/the moment  I'm getting up) so Ilet Homey respond on the action I set to the connecten "Hue" action (which is time limited within Homey).
    I also have the Beddi,

    How have you created this?
  • Homey can "sense" a Hue light is switched on, and based on that, you can make a flow of it (eventualy on a limited time base) 
  • Homey can "sense" a Hue light is switched on, and based on that, you can make a flow of it (eventualy on a limited time base) 
    Okay, thats more clear. To bad i dont have a Hue light.
    Hope they make the IFTTT soon.
  • Okay, thats more clear. To bad i dont have a Hue light.
    Hope they make the IFTTT soon.
    Agree, then whe van make a dedicated button :-)
  • I was looking for sort of the same to make my alarmclock "smart"

    Today got it working using a fibaro wall plug, and trough the power consumption i now can trigger things whem my alarm goes off. 

    Thirst i was using a neo plug but the ones ive got messure not less then around the 4 a 4.5 watts so cant use them because my clock only got up to around  2.1 watss when the alarm goed off.
  • GastGast Member
    edited January 2017
    Oy1974 said:
    I was looking for sort of the same to make my alarmclock "smart"

    Today got it working using a fibaro wall plug, and trough the power consumption i now can trigger things whem my alarm goes off. 

    Thirst i was using a neo plug but the ones ive got messure not less then around the 4 a 4.5 watts so cant use them because my clock only got up to around  2.1 watss when the alarm goed off.
     I'm also using a wall plug with energymeter (also to enter sleep state).
    But still looking for a way to check weather, traffic, public transport and calendar to adjust the alarm time if needed. 
    So I ptefersome kind of alarmclock within Homey. 
  • Gast said:

    But still looking for a way to check weather, traffic, public transport and calendar to adjust the alarm time if needed. 

    So u make some flows:
    Like start a timer at 0600 for 3600 seconds.
    When there is traffic jam on the A12 (anwb file informatie app) stop timer.
    When it's below 0 degrees celcius ( Weather underground app) stop timer.
    When there is an apointment ( Icalendar to voice app) stop timer.
    When timer is empty, sound the alarm.
    When timer is stopped, sound the alarm.

    This way the alarm will sound at 0700 hours when there is nothing special happening.
    When there is traffic jam, ur alarm will sound earlier so u can go earlier on the road.
    Just some thoughts, don't use this myself.
  • So u make some flows:
    Like start a timer at 0600 for 3600 seconds.
    When there is traffic jam on the A12 (anwb file informatie app) stop timer.
    When it's below 0 degrees celcius ( Weather underground app) stop timer.
    When there is an apointment ( Icalendar to voice app) stop timer.
    When timer is empty, sound the alarm.
    When timer is stopped, sound the alarm.

    This way the alarm will sound at 0700 hours when there is nothing special happening.
    When there is traffic jam, ur alarm will sound earlier so u can go earlier on the road.
    Just some thoughts, don't use this myself.
     One of these days when I can find some spare time I sure will have a look at the ideas you suggest and see if I can make it work to my needs. 
  • Install "Automate" on your Android Phone;
    let it trigger on a Alarmclock notification, let it switch a BitFlip by URL and then kick a flow to do some magic on Homey.
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