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KLIKAANKLIKUIT deurbel acdb-7000bc



  • MarcoFMarcoF Member
    Here also! Very, very annoying.... 
  • ReflowReflow Member
    MarcoF said:
    Here also! Very, very annoying.... 
    Didn't want to hear that! Hoped someone got it solved haha. Going to push the github issue, help please :smile:
  • ReflowReflow Member
    Should be fixed next week! Just asked dennis (kaku app developer)
  • Reflow said:
    Didn't want to hear that! Hoped someone got it solved haha. Going to push the github issue, help please :smile:
    The Better logic is working again. @Phuturist has some workaround made. Works fine. See post in apps//BetterLogic 
  • MarcoFMarcoF Member
    mbalik79 said:
    The Better logic is working again. @Phuturist has some workaround made. Works fine. See post in apps//BetterLogic 

    Not getting it... 
  • is the 7000B sender Working?
  • Trustme2 said:
    is the 7000B sender Working
    Yup, got it working here.
  • klikaanklikuit.draadloze-deurbel-acdb-7000ac can i use this with Homey (waiting for  Homey newbie)?
  • I am using also a klikaanklikuit doorbell... But the Homey doesn't detect the signal...
    For now Homewizard playing the man in the middle. When the doorbell send a signal, home wizard send a new Homey compatible code.

  • cautjecautje Member
    @Martijn Can you post this scene? Dit you use aan http message?
  • Phuturist said:
    Yup, got it working here.
    Thanks! I got it working here now as well :)
  • cautjecautje Member
    Stil not working on homey, even with the latest klikaanklikuit app.
  • cautjecautje Member
    It is the code Weel variation
  • Anyone who has the ACDB-7000BC working?
    At the moment Homey doesn't react to the button being pushed.
    On the other hand it is possible to let Homey send a signal to the bell itself and let it ring.

    Hope there is a way to get it to work...
  • relisys said:
    Anyone who has the ACDB-7000BC working?
    At the moment Homey doesn't react to the button being pushed.
    On the other hand it is possible to let Homey send a signal to the bell itself and let it ring.

    Hope there is a way to get it to work...
    Although I have an AC set,
     Yes it works, you can pair the pushbutton and Bell separate.
    Add the doorbell by adding using copy signal. and press the pushbutton. 
    I trigger in flows for other things by pushing the doorbell. 
    You can add a second doorbell to Homey by generating a signal and learning it on the 7000c
    You do not necessarily need to learn the doorbell the signal of the pushbutton.   
  • Main issue with the button is that it needs to be very very close to the Homey to work. In my house it has a range of 75 cm. Known issue, but zwave door bells that are supported are rather rare.
  • @GeurtDijker In testmode reageert de flow wel, maar in het echt niet. Weet jij iets dat ik niet weet?
  • glijieglijie Member
    edited February 2017
    I use only the ACDB-7000B for quite some time now and have no issues with the distance. I did connect it to the existing doorbell of and use that signal to do what ever i want.

    Just did a test with it and on the attic  it works and when i trigger the ACDB-7000B in the garden about 13 meters away from  homey it also works. 

  • glijie said:
    I use only the ACDB-7000B for quite some time now and have no issues with the distance. I did connect it to the existing doorbell of and use that signal to do what ever i want.

    Just did a test with it and on the attic  it works and when i trigger the ACDB-7000B in the garden about 13 meters away from  homey it also works. 

    Well my doorbel works if i bring the button inside but outside about 10meters (and 2 walls in between) seems not working 
  • Floodnl said:
    Well my doorbel works if i bring the button inside but outside about 10meters (and 2 walls in between) seems not working 
    With Button you mean the doorbell push button or the ACDB-7000B itself? 
  • works fine here, i have aprox 10 meters and 2 walls between the sender (where batt is located) and homey.
    The i have 2 bells spreaded over my house, about 1 11 meters from homey and 3 wall and the other one aprox 3 meters with 1 wall between homey.

    The bell functions perfectly...
  • GeurtDijkerGeurtDijker Member
    edited February 2017
    @GeurtDijker In testmode reageert de flow wel, maar in het echt niet. Weet jij iets dat ik niet weet?
    nothing special, 
    I added the push button to Homey a long time ago. (Copy Signal) 
    Just added the same button to Homey 2 without problems.  (FW 1.1.9/ App Version 3.0.0) Created a flow
    When: Doorbell Pressed
    And: - 
    Then: Send Push Notification!

    Works on Homey 2 now the same as Homey 1 before. 

    I don't have the doorbell itself in use now, it lies somewhere but I Could add it by generating a signal als setting the Doorbel in learning mode. 

    Could you show us your flow? 
    O, and sending from Homey at the same time is a problem sometimes, If you receive a KAKU trigger, try a delay of 2 - 4 seconds before you send from Homey a KAKU signal: 
  • I had trubbles with my old doorbell, so today I installed a Kika ACDB-700 BC doorbell on my existing doorbell cables.
    I did hide the little KiKa sender unit behind my curtains next to the frontdoor, and put the new Kika bell ( as a backup ) in my hallway fusebox closet on a power socket. I made a simple flow, so pussing the doorbell, my Homey in the livingroom will flash the led-ring in Red, switches after sunset a HUE light on in the hallway, and tells me that someone is at my frontdoor and play's also a nice ringtone thru soundboard. Works perfect and Homey responds alway's.
  • relisys said:
    Anyone who has the ACDB-7000BC working?
    At the moment Homey doesn't react to the button being pushed.
    On the other hand it is possible to let Homey send a signal to the bell itself and let it ring.

    Hope there is a way to get it to work...
    I have exactly the same issue. Did you ever get any further with it? 
    ACDB-7000A button with the ACDB-7000C bell.

    I also tried to add the button itself, but that doesn't seem to work.

    There is an issue open for it here:

    But there doesn't seem to be much action on it.

    For adding the button itself, I don't expect range to be an issue since the HomeWizard was working fine with it in the same location.
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