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Negative delay

I am currently using a Smappee energy monitor to turn on my living room lights 30 mins before sunset, this can be done by setting a negative delay for the sunset trigger. I would love to do the same with Homey so I can centralize all automation but I don't think I can (easily). I think it would be really cool to be able to enter a delay (both positive and negative) to some of the trigger cards, like sunset. Obviously a negative delay doesn't make sense for action cards as the card is only activated when the flow is triggered.


  • aloftaloft Member
    The work-around for this is to do a positive delay of 23.5 hours after sunset with the built-in timers. Assuming Homey doesn't reboot in the mean time, this will trigger approx 30 minutes before sunset the next day. 

    In most countries sunset variation per day is just a couple of minutes per day maximum, so while it isn't 30 minutes precisely, 

    If you use the CountDown app, the timer will survive a reboot. You set it a timer for 84600 seconds (23.5 hours)
  • would be nice if athom could ad this option to the sun related cards
  • I believe you can do time math with better logic
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    Yeah that's on the planning! {x} minutes before sunrise/sunset
  • agree, but imho very low priority.
  • @MatjaLipu: Also something that could reasonably be coded in a hour or so, unlike bigger projects.
  • Emile said:
    Yeah that's on the planning! {x} minutes before sunrise/sunset
    Is this feature available yet?
  • sun events in the app store can
  • @glijie Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. Looks like an app that I can build multiple triggers to operate the sunscreen each time the sun moves a couple of degrees. 
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