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What's with the "browsers are not supported" message?

Just wondering, is Homey discouraging browsers? Are we going back to the ice age where I have to install an application before I can manage my own home instead of accessing it from everywhere on any device? Just saw this message after installing the latest update and think it's quite strange. Anyone else wondering (or am I the only one that has this message :))?

Also, if they are switching to desktop app, make sure it is officially supported ( I know I can override this check, but don't want to ).



  • No you're not alone. I hope it will be solved quickly.

  • I am also not able to move tokens around in flows with the desktop client. Now using the unsupported browser version to finish flows that use tokens  ;)
  • the sentence is just written a bit wrong, it should be:

    "We can't provide you support when you are using a browser, Download the Homey Desktop App."
    "We kunnen je niet ondersteunen wanneer je een browser gebuikt, Download de Homey Desktop App."
  • you have it right. In addition to the message it seems to work.
  • For the Logitech Harmony app I need to use chrome instead of the app.
    When I make a flow and use harmony app (send command to device) on the "THEN" part I don't get the dropdown menu in 3th dropdown menu "command" when I do the same in chrome it is working fine. If they want me to use the app then please make sure it is working for now I'm using chrome again.
  • edited November 2016
    I just realy don't get the move towards an app. What's in it for them? They have to double development (for Mac OS, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS etc.). Instead of just developing one web application. Or am I forgetting some major downside on web applications that's worth all the effort?

    Except for their effort I think it's less user friendly as well, installing the app on my Surface, iMac, Macbook Pro... Just a waste of time and space.

    Would love to hear the reason @Annemarie ;?
  • The idea is ofcourse that when using the App you are sure that chromium ( the app is just a wrapper around chromium) does not contain any fancy extensions that could get in your way (such as script blockers etc). Therefore this app. But yeah.. it's a strange move.. 
  • I just realy don't get the move towards an app. What's in it for them? They have to double development (for Mac OS, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS etc.). Instead of just developing one web application. Or am I forgetting some major downside on web applications that's worth all the effort?

    Except for their effort I think it's less user friendly as well, installing the app on my Surface, iMac, Macbook Pro... Just a waste of time and space.

    Would love to hear the reason @Annemarie ;?
    My 2 cents about this:
  • The choice is what @jjtbsomhorst said. If athom places 'open on a web-browser', it should work on internet explorer. Homey's page will not work on IE, and never will. Now they can tell 'download the program', and it will work on all OSs.
    I assume they made this chance as they're retail now, and they should be more 'noob-friendly'.
  • The choice is what @jjtbsomhorst said. If athom places 'open on a web-browser', it should work on internet explorer. Homey's page will not work on IE, and never will. Now they can tell 'download the program', and it will work on all OSs.
    I assume they made this chance as they're retail now, and they should be more 'noob-friendly'.
    Noobs use browers
  • BumblezBumblez Member
    edited November 2016
    I just realy don't get the move towards an app. What's in it for them? They have to double development (for Mac OS, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS etc.). Instead of just developing one web application. Or am I forgetting some major downside on web applications that's worth all the effort?
    Yes you are. With the app, they just have to develop 1 app (their own) on multiple platforms. With web browsers, they would have to add support for a variety of browsers (Chrome, IE/Edge, Mozilla, Safari,... possibly even for different versions of those) as not everyone uses Chrome (or even wants to use/install Chrome). In the long run (in terms of support/updates) having their own app is definitely easier/less work.

  • MHubert said:
    Noobs use browers
    Noobs use IE, and are more comfortable with installing programs (as that's how it's always been done) than with new browsers just to access one site. (IMO)
  • Customers want to use what they have easy access too, for one it will be a computer with a browser, for others it will be a desktop program for others it will be a phone or a tablet.

    Let's not forget it will be customers that will be running Athoms business! For now it may be ok to purely look at it from a technical point and have geeks tell noobs what to do but there will be a point (hopefully) where the majority off users will be customers and not the early adopting geeks! This community really has to learn to, next to thinking as geeks and developers, step aside from what they are used to and try to think as someone who is not tech savvy and just want to use something easily.
  • And are you able to login locally with the app? With the browser there was a workaround, but I am currently without internet at home since yesterday morning and both the Homey app on my PC and the app on my iPhone do not work! Especially the iPhone app should work locally because I am not able to use my lights (voice of course does also not work).

    Luckily I programmed the simple light scenes in a KAKU remote, otherwise the WAF would drop like hell here, especially since Netflix is also unavailable... 
  • Noobs use IE, and are more comfortable with installing programs (as that's how it's always been done) than with new browsers just to access one site. (IMO)

    Yes that's indeed your opinion. 
    If I look in my suroundings, almost everybody first action on pc, laptop, iPad, tablet, smartphone is: start browser.
    Almost al big companies moved (big) parts of the software from local installs to browses versions. 
    My netatmo has a smartphone app, but also supports the browser version and ther u can do much moor. 

    Browsers are the thing of 2016-2017 and especially for MM pieple (like me, my girlfriend, parents, neighbors). 
  • BumblezBumblez Member
    edited November 2016

    Browsers are the thing of 2016-2017 and especially for MM pieple (like me, my girlfriend, parents, neighbors). 
    Do keep in mind that in case of Homey, the app is basically intended for Homey setup and administration, not for Homey everyday use. For everyday control you can either use voice control or the smartphone app (smartphone apps are much more the thing of 2016-2017 for everyday people like your girlfriend, parents and neighbors). So the Homey control app on your computer is mainly intended for you, not for all of them.
  • DaneeDeKruyffDaneeDeKruyff Member
    edited November 2016
    "Do keep in mind that in case of every other piece of tech besides homey I do not have to boot a pc/laptop/macbook because there's either a decent app for my iPad or I can use Safari."

    This leads to an endless discussion! Try to think as a consumer!
  • Creating flow, add devices, changing device names, moving zones, add zones, deleting devices, adding apps, configure apps, etc etc can not be done with the mobile smartphone guide.

    Last week I was on a hotel, the had a InternetPc with kiosk software on it. It was not posible to instal 3party software. Chrome was a standard piese of software on that pc.
  • edited November 2016

    In my experience it's easier to develop an Enterprise website (for multiple browsers) then an (enterprise) application. And this is even with the restriction that an Enterprise application most often runs on one operating system within the company and a web application for customers on the outside using all kind of browsers.

    From a consumer perspective: every PC has a browser, not every PC has the capability to install an application (think of work laptops, kiosk, library pc's etc.). Looking at other main bridges: Fibaro Home Center (web), Domoticz (web), Homeseer (web), most internet powered devices (Hue, IP cams, Synology).

    In the end, Athom's choice (Logitech let's you also manage your devices through an app on your PC), and the consumer has to go with the flow.

    I think this topic can be closed. My initial question is answered :)

  • Just one addition then: the app will be used to re-flash firmware through your USB-port. This is something that can't be done through the browser.
  • For that use I can understand you'll have to revert to something else than a browser, but that's a completely different use case.
  • The application is most likely just a wrapper around the Chromium browser. For now. Later on they can add functionality that isn't available from the browser like accessing the device using USB.
    Chrome will most likely keep working because the changes are slim it'll work on Chromium and not on Chrome.
    So keep using Chrome if that's what you want. It's just not officially supported.
  • Unfortunantly not all apps seems to work 100% within the Homey App environement. My car tracking apps uses google maps, but drawing geofences is not possible. 
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    edited November 2016
    Hey guys,

    We don't discourage the use of Google Chrome, but simply only officially support Homey Desktop. It makes providing support much easier, and you can probably imagine that some people don't want to be forced to use Google Chrome. And indeed, in the future Homey Desktop will be extended with a flashing program, and who knows what more. It's very convenient for us and the average consumer to have an icon on their computer that gives them access to Homey.

    We're working on the issues that are found and will release a fix asap.

  • Hi @Emile,

    Thanks for responding to this discussion. As I can understand from your point off view it's a good decision to only officially support Homey Desktop, I hope you can place yourself in the point of view of a user and try to imagine how frustrating it is to have to boot a PC or Mac when you find out your lights haven't switched, or all lights are on or whatever flow you have to start the day off easily hasn't run. Even worse, when you're still in bed are and called upon by a family member to fix the f#$%cking mess because it's dark downstairs.... My iPad is available as soon as I open it's cover and is my go to place to do anything in the house except when it concerns homey.
    Even though I'm a tech savvy person and can find out, understand and fix why things fail I'm not happy with the way it works currently and it's certainly not what I expected when backing the kickstarter.



  • @Emile how does that work with a chromebook ?
    There is no way for me to install an exe.. in the future I might be able to use an android app but still...

    I understand the reason, but as a customer I think you dropped the ball on that one..  

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    We can't possibly state that we support all browsers, notebooks, chromebooks etc. That's why I say that officially speaking we support one application, and unofficially I am saying that Chrome will work, but we can under no circumstance force people to use Chrome or trust a company like Google to don't break things.
  • If you hate that error message as much as I do and use chrome, install the app and add the following code to your homey landing page:
    var elem = document.getElementById("error");
  • techniman said:
    @Emile how does that work with a chromebook ?
    There is no way for me to install an exe.. in the future I might be able to use an android app but still...

    I understand the reason, but as a customer I think you dropped the ball on that one..  

    Please read. Athom does not OFFICIALLY support Chrome. That doesn't necessarily mean that it won't work.
  • GeurtDijkerGeurtDijker Member
    edited November 2016
    [Feature Request] a Disable Browser Warning setting in the Settings - System - Stuff For Geeks. 
    I Prefer that above the browser plugins as mentioned here, as this also works on Chrome on Android or fe Chromebooks.

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