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Feature request: Date/Time time range in flow

I'd like to have an extra option to have a timerange, e.g. that a flow is only progressing to then if it is between 09:00-12:00. (or between sunset-sunrise etc )
Also, please use a setting to allow time in in 24h format instead of 12 AM/PM format
Also, please use a setting to allow time in in 24h format instead of 12 AM/PM format
It was requested multiple times and i think its a must have features.
So if its not there, that would be very disappointing.
That's pretty complicated, you need 3 cards in the When column for that.
A time range would simplify that a lot.
You can use the 24h format now. Type it in the card direct.
In the when... column you can only have one trigger card.
It's strange, when you slide the time/date card in the When column you have different option than when you put it in the And column...
So I have:
motion detected
- Day Is Not Weekendday
- Time is later than 6
- Time is earlier than 7
Turn on light
That was still in version 0.8.14. For the moment I can't check it out.
I want to do something between 7:00PM and 6:00AM.
I use the card "time is between"
7:00PM : 6:00AM
The information tells me the following:
So this should work.... but it doesn't! Its 4:23am now, and the statement turns "not true".
If I invert to "time is NOT between" the statement at 4:23am is true... why?
I think I know what is happening, but it is rather confusing:
7:00PM -> 6:00am = false @ 4:00am (this is what I want)
11:00am -> 5:00am = false @ 4:00am
12:00am -> 5:00am = true @ 4:00am
1:00am -> 5:00am = true @ 4:00am
I think what is happening here... it is "considered the next day" as in, "this is FALSE because this is a time in the next day and not this day".
Shouldn't this actually work? as giving a earlier time in the second window always means you want to go over night with this statement?
fix is staged for release