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Sonos ondersteuning

Volgens de website ondersteund Homey Sonos.
Maar hoe dan? Ik kan geen app vinden of een manier om dit te sturen.
Kijk ik er zo overheen?



  • Maybe try this
  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    edited October 2016

    expects in within a month

  • euh ok. Thanks for the quick reply. a bit strange that it's mentioned on the website like this.......
  • 2Be2Be Member
    edited October 2016
    At first, welcome to the forum. The forum is in english, but you already discovered that. The Sonos question has been asked many times.

    However that doesn't make your question less valid. 

    Emile gives a software update every week. It gives quite some information of the progress of the software.
  • not only Sonos I hope, Spotify mandatory base lvl.
  • how about sonos first....
    then you have something to play the sound to    :p
  • I'd be happy if I could just start a created playlist from Sonos. It really isn't that hard to create.
    But I think Athom is going overboard on functionality by combining a complete media manager with the Sonos, Spotify etc apps, which I think will be lovely. But just a lot of work.
  • Let's hope athom release a complete media manager. 
  • Sonos app available in app store. 
    But incompitable with 0.10.9
  • Will be compatible with the next stable release of the firmware.. 
  • Download it from Github, change the json file and install it? :)
  • Understuud.Fire69 said:
    Download it from Github, change the json file and install it? :)
    I am just  a user,  know how to install app's from github but don't have knowledge about programming.  Just wonderd why the release a app before the supported firmware. 

  • adju said:
    Understuud.Fire69 said:
    Download it from Github, change the json file and install it? :)
    I am just  a user,  know how to install app's from github but don't have knowledge about programming.  Just wonderd why the release a app before the supported firmware. 

    I'm no programmer either, sometimes you just have to try stuff  :#
    In the app.json file, change this line:
    "compatibility": ">=1.0.0",
    You should be able to install it then. But if it will function, that's another question  ;)

    It happened before they released an app before the firmware was available, I think they just want to show how close they are to a release  :p
  • If the app has passed all tests, why wait until the new firmware is available when you already publish it and forget about it so you can move on to the next project?
  • Fire69 said:
    I'm no programmer either, sometimes you just have to try stuff  :#
    In the app.json file, change this line:
    "compatibility": ">=1.0.0",
    You should be able to install it then. But if it will function, that's another question  ;)

    It happened before they released an app before the firmware was available, I think they just want to show how close they are to a release  :p
    Oke, going to try that, it's a challenge. 
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    Hahah. Changing the compatibility will work, but the Mobile card won't. Flow will I think.

  • Emile said:
    Hahah. Changing the compatibility will work, but the Mobile card won't. Flow will I think.
    I can install the app but get Invalid_capability when adding a device.
    So no flows to create.
    And because this is beyond my capabilities I'll have to wait  :(
  • adju said:

    I can install the app but get Invalid_capability when adding a device.
    So no flows to create.
    And because this is beyond my capabilities I'll have to wait  :(
    Lol, the app knew it was beyond your capabilities, that's why you get that error  :p
  • True, but I think it's more homey who thinks so.
    As long as I only switch lights on and off no problem beyond that well  it's a little >:)
  • Will be compatible with the next stable release of the firmware.. 
    well, that would mean we'll go from the current beta's to a complete release version because the app data states this:
    This app is compatible from Homey v1.0.0 and higher
  • This is the answer of Athom on my question about Sonos not compatible.

    Excuus voor de verwarring. Dit klopt inderdaad. Eind deze week komt 1.0.0 uit en kun je Sonos ook gaan gebruiken!

    Kind regards,

    Support Athom

    Translated it's something like this

    Excuses for the confusion. This is true. At the end of this week is 1.0.0 released and than you can also use Sonos!)

  • If i read the description of their sonos app, it cannot play a song (yet) of an artist i mention to homey. So the video 2 years ago where Emile said "ok homey, play some music from Bach" wont be possible in this version. How did he do it 2 years ago, or was it someone pressing a button behind the desk...

    Or did they have a playlist with Bach and they new they would only ask for Bach  :D
  • it was an emile from the future, like over 6 months/1 year from now. :smiley:
  • Well, until they hit release 1.0 and go public, they can say we are working on it and I understand that very well.

    But as soon as they go public the things they promissed in the early videos should work, otherwise is looks a bit like scam to me. Or maybe that word is to harsh, but they should have said in that video that it is not real.

  • Pils said:
    If i read the description of their sonos app, it cannot play a song (yet) of an artist i mention to homey. So the video 2 years ago where Emile said "ok homey, play some music from Bach" wont be possible in this version. How did he do it 2 years ago, or was it someone pressing a button behind the desk...

    Or did they have a playlist with Bach and they new they would only ask for Bach  :D
    It was marketing ;) logic or valid explanation have nothing to do with it :smiley:  
  •  :D 

    If it really was only marketing, then still they have to deliver as soon as they go to the market.
    And that is about now.  :#

    If it would work, but only works in English language for example, you could be saying the support of playing music will become available in Dutch later. But now it does not work at all. Only start and stop music, you can do that allready with a http request flow chart.

    Very disappointing, but they still have a few days until 1.0, so they could solve it  :D

  • edited November 2016
    Although I like the Songs multi room capabilities, I'm not willing to replace my current amps and or speakers. Will be interested to see what will happen when Homey v1.1.0 will be released with the new media manager. I do hope Athom will also look at other platforms besides Sonos such as Gramofon (, Spotify Connect and AllPlay (dev: 
  • @hnijveen I actually have 2 Sonos speakers and a Sonos Connect, that is sort of a "receiver" that receives the sounds as if it were a Sonos speaker and that passes it through to my Onkyo and on to the speakers that I connected to that.

    Beautifully in sync with the other Sonos speakers (if I want that)
  • Thx @jorden I'm familiar with Sonos Connect, I like it and it is interesting but it basically does the same as Gramofon.
  • Sonos app seems to work, but sadly no playlists yet. Guess that will be the 1.1.0 update ;)

    Really looking forward to the moment that I can start playing my Spotify favorites to Sonos using Homey.
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