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KaKu AMST-606 contact sensor. Signal level = 8 -72dBm with nearby -56dBm. Homey lost after 5 meters ground-floor.
KaKu AYCT-102 remote. Signal level = 7 -64dBm with nearby -56dBm. Only KaKu socket did reacted groundf.
Packettype = Lighting1
subtype = ARC
Sequence nbr = 165
housecode = N
unitcode = 8
Command = Chime
Signal level = 6 -72dBm
Maybe that's why we can't pair it.
As a work-around I placed an AEX-701 signal amplifier next to the Homey. While Homey does not receive the signal of my CoCo (KaKu) motion detectors, the amplifier does. The retransmitted signal by the AEX-701 is then detected by the Homey.
The big thinks Homey should have I don't see that for the moment. Take that moment not to short.
Looking how to go from here, the test with Homey, on the spot where KaKu ICS-1000 is working, done.
The conditions are the same for both and this time of year.
So the aluminium blind are closed before the double glass window. Sadly, Homey can't reaches the last quarter of the garden while the ICS-1000 on the same spot and RFXtrx433E 3 meters further away well.
After that i moved Homey 45° against clock and now is working on 3m.
After 5m nothing happens, no reaction.
Watermill from 1800. All stone and very little metal.
I had some time left and tried with Zwave + using a Fibaro wall switch. No way that will go through one of those walls and even in visual range 433 range is triple that of Zwave. 25 meters without problems.
I got no explanation why we all seem to get such different results and that's why comparing information might help. My environment is pretty heavy on wifi and I got my own Femtocell for mobile phones. But as we got no neighbours it is pretty silent in most frequency ranges. Perhaps that is a explanation?
So the receiving site you can tick-off.
With Domoticz on a RPi3 I had problems with my dusk sensors.
Then I remember this and change the RFXtrx433E setting to the save ones. Problem solved.
Here it was my Cresta weather station protocol.
Now on Homey.
Is it possible that the receiving of to many protocols make some disturbances.
Page 14.
The range issues are not a hardware but a software problem. It's a software defined filter for our RF chip that we can finetune, but what we do (listen to, well, everything) is so uncommon that it's hard to get the perfectly balanced 433 MHz configuration.
Next to that, Reinier, who's responsible for it has been sick at home the last two months without any short-term view on getting better. So currently we're talking to other RF engineers who can help us out here, but as you can imagine it takes some time to find the right guy.
So short story summarized: we will fix it, because we know the range can be incredible with very narrow parameters. Just give us some breathing room and keep reporting your findings, they really do help us making this go faster.
Any news Emile?
433 is a very old. Switch to zwave.
As for thick walls, please take a look at the RFXcom-link, page 15. Stone walls will reduce the signal substantially. But, if in clear view there's still a problem, I suspect there's too much interference. Do you have devices with batteries which are running out? They can send really strange signals which can mess up the spectrum...
Good Luck to all 433 and IR users.
And wat is the range with Zwave?
No interference problems, I dit a test switching a Home Easy HE8-77 HW via Homey, even in our garden house it worked fine (20 meters trough 3 walls)
So it looks like Homey listening on 433 is bad......
they would not have to configure these things just push a simple button , or call a command to homey.
The problem as i understand is is this. For example KAKU ics2000 only listens to 433.92 because its exactly there. Bu homey is made for al brands and that means it has to listen and send on the whole 433 Frequentie. And that's where its get messy. There is a lot of noise on the band that has to be filtert. There fine tuning it but finding the best setting and adding much more brands is a hard thing!
I do believe they would get it eventually but it takes time. And there now more focus on media i think.
I Just have bought 2 Fibaro Zwave+ multi sensors, also problems reaching Homey. one is 5 meters away (2 walls) and on is 10 meters away (2 walls) I thought Zwave+ range was better????
looks like the rx range is getting more poor.
3 or 4 meters max, at the moment.
And, my ASUN 650 (i have 8) do not respond anymore. two of them are oke, but respond whit delay. the rest one by one stopped. (as work arround i must use my old homewizard
I investigate erverything now in the last weeks. PTP batteries ect....
I found out a few days ago someone posted a screenshot of a flow, that pictured that he had other icons for asun650.
it was the icon i liked more, because it showed the rolluiken moving up and down.
I cannot find that screenshot anymore... perhaps it was on slack.
Maybe i am doing something wrong, but i cant find what....
The strange thing is, after testing I found the range of a transmission signal of Homey was better in comparison to the KAKU transmission (remote, movement sensor and door/window sensors)
I did extensive testing with my KAKU receivers in my back yard (electric windscreen (approx. 10 M away from Homey) it did work with Homey, not with the KAKU transmission devices ...
the problem is not the sending signal from homey TO the kaku receivers. thats ok i think. (was little better for 1.0.1)
The problem is receiving signal FROM kaku. (i am sure kaku sending well. Homewizard receiving signal easy)
It is really just a few meters in the room it self.
Did you have the same experiance ?