The Homey Community has been moved to
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Forum Community
Hello Athom Team,
Perhaps it is a good idea to expand the forum a little bit more. I'm sure that when Homey gets released that alot of people are going to ask questions on the forums and are going to discuss other topics what they could do with their homey.
Right now it's quite silence on most of the topics over here, of course this has to do that the people which backed/ordered Homey don't really own the Homey yet but they will come i'm sure about that.
I would like to see a few more Category's. I'm going to give you a few examples and why these should be included to the forums:
- Just to get to know each other better, topics like; what job do you do, which domotica system do you own right now(which of course will be replaced by Homey) but also things that don't belong to Homey just to get to know each other better.
Multi Language cats
- I see some people having troubles writing their question/replying to other topics in English which is to bad. I would like to see that more people come to this community.
Sub category's for developing
As developing is a wide term, i would like to see some more sub cat's like; coding, graphic adjustments, arduino/raspberry
I just want to prevent that when Homey gets in the hands of everyone or in the store that i have to use google to search for my question because everyone would use another forum to discuss about Homey, like Facebook or Tweakers or any other domotica site. I just want to go to the Athom forums and search there where the question about Homey belong. Perhaps if this takes to much time for your team you should search for some community team which don't need to get paid and doing this for the fun and the good will to help others .
I'm sure that a good running community will do good for the product.
Thanks for the suggestions! We're going to remake our website (and forum) before september, so we'll take them into account!
Great, i'm sure its going to be awesome
, I'll be there when the next website (and forum) will be launched! Little community addicted hehe...
Any news on the website and forum remake?
In progress :-) I do this in the weekends mostly, to give my head some space.
It's gonna be very fancy though. A preview from the 'Technology' page
433,92MHz is on there twice though ;-P
Haha yeah that should be 868 ;p
Is 868 also used by KaKu?
Nope, description is also not correct :-)
Lol, got it. Won't be bothering you anymore.
Looking forwarding the new forums, is it going to be an existing platform i.e. ip.board, vbulletin or self made?
Probably going to restyle this one, and integrate the accounts with your Athom account.
May I kindly ask to add a "mark all as read" option?
For explanation, i follow a few topics. The rest does not interest me and my OCD keeps seeing those orange squares
@JVCS909 > it's already on the current forum under cogwheel icon in the topbar ... ;-)
Haha, well i'll be...
@Phuturist my OCD saluts you!