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Logitech Harmony Hub & BellMan Visit 868 System



  • PhuturistPhuturist Member
    edited August 2015

    @BasPost, that is really great to hear!

    ╱╱┏╮ ╱╱┃┃ ▉━╯┗━╮ ▉┈┈┈┈┃ ▉╮┈┈┈┃ ╱╰━━━╯

  • Any news here? Still hoping for homey to logitech support.

  • In my opinion Logitech hub support is a must for great acceptance, only voice commands is far from ideal. It is great to use voice commands but there are numerous conditions where this is not desired or possible. While zapping or adjusting the volume during a movie with loud sound, when you are watching a movie with your family and try to find the right balans it is irritating to talk thru the sound.
    When you have a party at home with music and lots of talking and want to set your light levels or music level, impossible with voice commands!

    So the Harmony Hub and the Homey can work in synergy instead of comparing them as competing products.

    Personally i see a big plus in controlling my lights and i want to use it for spontaneous actions but for planned actions which requires multiple commands i prefer a remote because it is quicker and it is silly to say next channel 10 times on a row when zapping.

  • I agree with Ronald, the use of voice control is limited. Google Now is with us quite a while now, however I haven`t seen anyone using it except when they drive car or similar. If anyone is around it feels even awkward to talk to a non human. It is a well established scientific fact that our brain is tuned for visual inputs so humans loves visual feedbacks. We always trust more the visual inputs. And this is more true since we have voice commands. How many times your gadget misinterpreted your command and done something crazy resulting more trouble than good. I will be happy to have the option to say voice command to homey when I dont have phone with me or baking and my hands are all dirty.

    The guys went quite about the vertical IR characteristic of the Homey. Now I am really worried that I will also need a Harmony Hub. Extra expense and an other device on the shelf :(

  • In worst case, you can use the IFTTT channels of Homey and Harmony to work together.

  • There already is a Node.JS library available to interact with the Harmony HUB.

    Making this work with Homey seems pretty trivial for someone who knows what he's doing?
  • Fully support this wish. 
  • here here
  • And what about the Bellman system, The system that I use to get notification uses the 866 mhz band, just like zigwave. What would be needed from the company to build an app that can send signals to this system. 

    Wouldn't just a 866mhz sniffer be a solution to clone signals? Or is it not that easy?

    Especially for alarms that i cant hear now, I need like to 2 smoke detecters on every location, one to wake my wife, one to wake me. If I could just replace them with a nest protect or zigwave smoke detector that sends a signal to my Bellman devices 
  • Lisa system is supported and I contacted the developer.

    He is willing to investigate Bellman &  Symfon support. I emailed him some codes my B&S broadcasts. 

    Hope to hear from him soon! 
  • Please keep me posted, would open a lot of functionality for me! My doorbell could wake wake (skybell), my nest protect could wake me etc.

    Now I'm fixed to the bellman devices to get me out of my sleep.. 
  • @BasvanS
    S/Bad news...
    The developer wrote the following :

    "......Ik moet je jammer genoeg (voor nu) wel teleurstellen, de opgepikte signalen zijn zeer waarschijnlijk niet van jouw apparatuur, of enkel een verstoring van het spectrum. Ze waren zoals je al zei op de andere band dan verwacht zou worden en relatief willekeurig.

    Homey is zo gebouwd dat hij enkel luistert naar AM modulatie, de meeste apparaten gebruiken OOK (On Off Keying) dat een ondervorm is van AM. Zo wordt gezorgd dat homey zo veel mogelijk producten tegelijk kan ontvangen. De luistermodus die je hebt toegepast naar aanleiding van mijn documentje luistert op dezelfde manier.
    Als ik moet gokken zou ik zeggen dat jouw apparatuur FSK modulatie gebruikt, ook een vorm die veel wordt toegepast en iets robuuster is in zijn communicatie dan OOK modulatie. Homey is voor zo ver ik weet al geschikt om deze signalen te genereren, maar omdat er veel variabelen zijn en er (voor zover ik weet) nog geen manier is signalen van deze vorm met Homey op te pikken kunnen we ze niet eenvoudig namaken.

    Athom heeft wel al een betere RF tool beloofd voor Homey dus zodra die er is kunnen we het zeker nogmaals proberen!
    Wat je eventueel voor nu ook nog zou kunnen proberen is toch de oudere apparatuur eens aan te slingeren en kijken of je daar nog iets mee ontvangt mocht je die nog hebben liggen.....".
  • SommoSommo Member
    Emile said:
    Why use a harmony hub when you have a Homey? :) About the Bellman, it depends on how they communicate. The easiest solution for you would be to get the Geek Edition, hook it up with an Arduino with a LDR (light sensitive) and let the Arduino emit a signal to Homey when it flashes, which you'll then use in the Flow editor ;)
    i bought an harmony hub after using homey (u could imagine why..)...and using hh with homebridge on rpi.. so i can use voice command (siri) to execute my scenes without an homey... i invest a lot of money for what? i also sell my fibaro device... there were no way the works good.. hoping in a new better firmware... but i think after over 2 years it takes too long
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