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How to add NFC tag?

How do i add a NFC tag?

I found a movie that show the option NFC below ZWAVE.. I have the option NFC only under flows.


  • Alle said:
    How do i add a NFC tag?

    I found a movie that show the option NFC below ZWAVE.. I have the option NFC only under flows.
    You can't really "add" NFC tags as devices, just use them in flows. So your observation is right, there is not supposed to be an option nfc in settings.

  • Hold the nfc card on homey.
    Go to http://HomeyIP/manager/speech-output/
    Copy ID number.
    and use it in a flow.

  • AlleAlle Member
    Thanks, will try it later.
  • i've tried this but each time I put my phone over Homey I get another NFC ID. Is this normal? I thought it was always the same
  • btwvince said:
    i've tried this but each time I put my phone over Homey I get another NFC ID. Is this normal? I thought it was always the same
    Here too. So how do I set a NFC tag to let Homey recognize my phone?
  • Maybe an app that can send out a id that doesn't change?
  • NFC en Apple

    In de volgende Apple-producten is een NFC-chip aanwezig: iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 en de Apple Watch. Deze NFC-chip wordt gebruikt voor contactloos betalen via Apple’s nieuwe betaalsysteem Apple Pay. Andere toepassingen die we verderop in dit dossier beschrijven, worden nog niet door Apple ondersteund. De NFC-chips die Apple gebruikt worden gemaakt door het Nederlandse bedrijf NXP, gevestigd in Eindhoven.

  • @Emile Can you answer my question :)
    I just want to set if I hold my phone against Homey than that should happen and if my girlfriend holds her phone to Homey that should happen. Or is there another solution?
  • Emile is on a vacation right now.

    What I did, was keeping my HTC One m8 and M9 against the top of Homey with NFC on. Both generated different tags, but the tags were the same each time.
    Even though my m9 looked like it wasn't recognized (something like 00:00:00:00:00:01), it actually worked.
  • For safety reasons a lot of card give not a fixed number. Otherwise you could  copy them.

    If I remember correctly the Dutch OV-chipcard has a fixed number but I can't tested it now.
  • I used the app: email, to verify what the nfc ID was. I used a normall NFC tag, in dutch a "Druppel". Here it doesnt change. For example, you can hang the tag on to your keyring, and hold it over Homey when you get home
  • The Dutch OV-chipcard has indeed a fixed number.

    My sim-card in my mobile-phone not. 
  • posthok said:

    Hold the nfc card on homey.
    Go to http://HomeyIP/manager/speech-output/
    Copy ID number.
    and use it in a flow.

    I can't make this work... I placed my OVchipcard on the Homey and went to 192.168.XXX.XX/manager/speech-output/ but there was nothing there... Should I do something? Ask for a action? 

    Been a proud owner since 2 day now :-)
  • posthokposthok Member
    edited January 2017

    Make a test flow and activate it. Hold the card on homey and go to 192.168.XXX.XX/manager/speech-output/  :)
    When you have the Card-number, deactivate the testflow and use the number in another flow.
  • tiesj said:
    posthok said:
    Hold the nfc card on homey.
    Go to http://HomeyIP/manager/speech-output/
    Copy ID number.
    and use it in a flow.
    I can't make this work... I placed my OVchipcard on the Homey and went to 192.168.XXX.XX/manager/speech-output/ but there was nothing there... Should I do something? Ask for a action? 

    Been a proud owner since 2 day now :-)
    Create @posthok ' s first flow from this post 
    That post should explain everything 
  • Need to be rewrite the way we use the nfc card, it need to be improved like other things
  • Sommo said:
    Need to be rewrite the way we use the nfc card, it need to be improved like other things
    Do you have suggestions how it should work?
  • You can buy NFC cards and use them with homey. They are not very expensive.
  • Do you have suggestions how it should work?
    Yes, a card need to be treat like a device.. now it's a pain and not userlike to discover it's id..
  • posthokposthok Member
    edited January 2017
    Now come on, it isn't that hard!
  • I think it's best this way. A tag is not a device...
    "a tag is detected" is a trigger from which you can run actions
    and "if tag = <number>" then run a specific action
    otherwise we would have to use a trigger like
    "if tag with <number> is detected"
  • GeurtDijkerGeurtDijker Member
    edited January 2017
    Devices can report information or be turned on or off,  
    so for me a NFC tag would not be a device!

    Only option I wish is a tab like the BetterLogic vars where I can add  tags by scanning  them twice (they need to report a consequent id, so no phones or security badges like the passport that responds with a different id each time) and can be given a name.

    This would be easier in the flows to use.
    Would be a minor change or addition from how it works now, preferably with keeping the current way ito is.
  • Mijn ervaringen met NFC zijn niet zo heel veel, maar een aantal dingen heb ik ontdekt. Ik heb een "toegangspas" van mn werk die voorzien is van een NFC chip. Door de volgende flow aan te maken wist ik wat het TAG ID was. Dit kan ik vervolgens toepassen in een flow.

    Als ik thuis kom en ik leg mijn werkpasje op de homey dan kan ik hiermee een trigger maken voor een flow. 

    Via een niet nader te noemen Chinese website heb ik een aantal NFC stickers besteld. Zie hier de stickers.  Deze stickers werken prima, zolang je ze maar niet op een metalen ondergrond doet. Ik dacht slim te zijn en deze stickers in het hoesje van mijn telefoon te plakken (iPhone 6S). Dit vanwege het feit dat de homey niet de NFC chip wil lezen/zien die in de iPhone zit. Nadat ik mijn telefoon weer in het hoesje had gedaan deed de sticker het niet meer. Op geen enkele manier wou homey nog de NFC zien. Nadat ik mijn telefoon weer uit het hoesje had gehaald en een leeg hoesje (met sticker dus) op de homey legde werkte deze weer perfect. Op een 1 of andere manier blokt de iPhone dus het "signaal" van de NFC sticker.

    Verder kwam ik er achter dat een OV-chip kaart inderdaad een vast TAG-ID heeft waardoor deze heel goed te gebruiken is als een trigger in een flow. Verder heb ik geprobeerd mijn ID-kaart te lezen met homey, maar dat ging niet. Daarin tegen kon homey wel  de ID-kaart van mijn vriendin lezen.(nieuwere kaart) Deze gaf echter ELKE keer wanneer de je id-kaart over de  homey haalt 3(!) verschillende tag-id's af. Deze TAG-ID waren elke keer weer anders. Na een keer of 10 a 15 keer geprobeerd te hebben was er GEEN ENKELE gelijke TAG-ID bij. 
  • Sommo said:
    Yes, a card need to be treat like a device.. now it's a pain and not userlike to discover it's id..
    The card isnt't the device i'll guess. The NFC chip reader in the homey is the device. De ID-card of tag is just a way to use that device.  
  • posthok said:

    Make a test flow and activate it. Hold the card on homey and go to 192.168.XXX.XX/manager/speech-output/  :)
    When you have the Card-number, deactivate the testflow and use the number in another flow.
    Thanx @posthok , this did the trick. Did not think about first creating a flow. 
  • With an OV-card, I often wonder how much money is still on the OV-card. Is it possible to have Homey tell me the OV-card's credit when I hold the OV-card on the Homey?
  • Afaik the credit info is not on the chip, all transactions are registered at the TransLink systems. Even when they are on the chip I guess this information is protected and  not readable without an app. Homey only shows the card ID /  serialnumber at the moment.
    Some info about last transactions is stored on the chip, but even the NXP semiconductors app on a Samsung S7  is only able to read the NFC tagg ID.
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