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Weather Underground unofficial Homey app (v1.0.3)



  • I upgraded to 0.8.34 experimental but the Weather Underground app crashes on this version. Gonna try a reinstall to see if it fixes this.
  • Just installed the new Homey firmware (0.8.34). After the reboot I see this. I can't find the WU app anymore in the settings menu and there are no insights from WU anymore.

  • same here
  • Same here :(
  • Ok. Already submitted v0.0.2 three days which will (hopefully) prevent the crashes.
    It looks like Athom changed some things regarding app crashes and will disable them.

    I'll finish v0.0.3 with the latest finishing touches and update. Hopefully this time round Athom will not take 3 days to approve the app  :(
  • Hope they approve the update(s)  soon
  • RobinVanKekemRobinVanKekem Member
    edited May 2016
    Version 0.0.2 was approved 60min ago...
  • spoellyspoelly Member
    Don't see it
  • Me neither
  • It is not there yet. Cannot see it also
  • MennoMenno Member
    installed 0.2 and crash error is gone (for now?) and indeed I don't see any 0.3
  • 0.0.3 needs to be finished guys  :)
    Haven't uploaded it yet.
  • 0.0.3 needs to be finished guys  :)
    Haven't uploaded it yet.
    Lol i am talking about 0.0.2. I still see 0.0.1.
  • I thought my app got published automatically after Athom's review.
    Didn't know I had to publish it, sorry about that.
    Just published v 0.0.2

    Currently working on 0.0.3 so I can publish a.s.a.p the new test functions to prevent wrong input in settings screen. :smile: 

  • MennoMenno Member
    When I make a flow and let homey tel me the temp it's saying 5 degrees (while it was over 20)
    what is the best option for location?

    1. homey
    2. netherlands
    3. The netherlands
    4. NL

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  • keverjeroenkeverjeroen Member
    edited May 2016
    Menno said:
    When I make a flow and let homey tel me the temp it's saying 5 degrees (while it was over 20)
    what is the best option for location?

    1. homey
    2. netherlands
    3. The netherlands
    4. NL

    Thanks for all the hard work!

    Use this FAQ to find the ID of a weather station near you. Than u can add that as 'country', leave the 'place' empty.

    Now updated to 0.0.2 and the WU app is working again! :) Strangely the API code and the update-time were empty in the settings page. But I could re-enter them and save the settings again.
  • JanHJanH Member
    @RobinVanKekem Good job! 0.0.2 downloaded and working! Tnx for the quick response on the unexpected effects of 0.8.34
    @Menno Yesterday after installing 0.0.1 for the first time I used Homey location, and in the settings Homey was set "manually" at the map. That worked and works fine with exact results on temp, humidity, wind, uv, etc.
  • JanHJanH Member
    edited May 2016
    JanH said:
    @RobinVanKekem Good job! 0.0.2 downloaded and working! Tnx for the quick response on the unexpected effects of 0.8.34

    Just an eyewitness reporting written because of my real enthousiasm about this app.

    @RobinVanKekem A little bit too fast in drawing conclusions: I got just after installing a first result but since that moment, more than an hour ago, no new points. My setting is "every 15 minutes" and all settings are equal to yesterdays settings when everything went well uptill update to 0.8.34
    But!!!! A simple "disable app" in Homey settings and back to "enable" is producing a new actual result at all WU items. Now I'm waiting for what is going to happen in the next 15 minutes. It seems to be OK now. If not I will do a next small reporting.

    Btw as a sidestep: in the Insights graphics all figures are OK but the unit entities are not metric. So f.e. the actual temp is 11,6 degr. C. but it is displayed as 11,6 F. and the windspeed is in MpH instead of Km p/u
  • Tim_BrassTim_Brass Member
    edited May 2016
    0.0.2 crashes as well.

    Would 0.0.3 fix this issue?

    Never mind.... works again!
  • Menno said:
    When I make a flow and let homey tel me the temp it's saying 5 degrees (while it was over 20)
    what is the best option for location?

    1. homey
    2. netherlands
    3. The netherlands
    4. NL

    Thanks for all the hard work!

    When you test an flow with a temp token it will always test with 5 degrees.
    That's what I set it to.
  • Use this FAQ to find the ID of a weather station near you. Than u can add that as 'country', leave the 'place' empty.

    Now updated to 0.0.2 and the WU app is working again! :) Strangely the API code and the update-time were empty in the settings page. But I could re-enter them and save the settings again.
    Yes, I also lost all my settings for my v0.0.3 test.
    Guess Homey f*cked it up :neutral: 
  • JanH said:
    @RobinVanKekem Good job! 0.0.2 downloaded and working! Tnx for the quick response on the unexpected effects of 0.8.34
    v0.0.2 was an update issued three days ago for the crashes on v0.0.1
    It took Athom 3 days to approve the update.
  • JanH said:
    Just an eyewitness reporting written because of my real enthousiasm about this app.

    @RobinVanKekem A little bit too fast in drawing conclusions: I got just after installing a first result but since that moment, more than an hour ago, no new points. My setting is "every 15 minutes" and all settings are equal to yesterdays settings when everything went well uptill update to 0.8.34
    But!!!! A simple "disable app" in Homey settings and back to "enable" is producing a new actual result at all WU items. Now I'm waiting for what is going to happen in the next 15 minutes. It seems to be OK now. If not I will do a next small reporting.

    Btw as a sidestep: in the Insights graphics all figures are OK but the unit entities are not metric. So f.e. the actual temp is 11,6 degr. C. but it is displayed as 11,6 F. and the windspeed is in MpH instead of Km p/u
    I implemented auto discovery of the units in v0.0.3.
    When switching units in v0.0.3 all logs are deleted. Maybe that will be the solution for you :)
  • MennoMenno Member
    Maybe silly question but is it possible to ask homey what the temperature is (in dutch)
    Weather forecast would be even greater but that is already on your list
  • Menno said:
    Maybe silly question but is it possible to ask homey what the temperature is (in dutch)
    Weather forecast would be even greater but that is already on your list
    No not yet, but will definitively be there in a future update!
    In the meantime you can create your own flow for this.
  • I've submitted v0.0.3 for preview.

    • Auto unit detection (metric and imperial)
    • Test button in settings to verify data
    • Added trigger and condition cards for wind speed and wind gust
  • Great, works with temp perfect for now, hope Athom will accept it soon.
  • I still get some crash reports for v0.0.2 so I hope I did solve some of the crashes  :/
  • JanH said:
    Btw as a sidestep: in the Insights graphics all figures are OK but the unit entities are not metric. So f.e. the actual temp is 11,6 degr. C. but it is displayed as 11,6 F. and the windspeed is in MpH instead of Km p/u
    Found the issue causing this.
    Will be fixed in v0.1.0
  • Hi, is it possible to make a flow that has an action from de WU-app, without that it is be triggered bij the WU-app?

    - When kaku-button is pushed -> Then WU-app say temperature and windspeed.
    - When time is 14:00u -> And WU-app temperature is >30c -> Then WU-app say temperature.
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