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[APP] Kodi [2.2.0]



  • EvertorNEvertorN Member
    edited April 2016
    It would be great if this app could be used to tell me is I have an unwatched episode of a serie.

    Human: Ok Homey, do I have an unwatched episode of the walking dead?
    Homey: Yes, you have!

    Or even better:

    Human: Ok Homey, do I have an unwatched episode of the walking dead?
    Homey: Yes, you have! Do you want to watch it now?
    Human: Yes please.
    Homey: Starting a flow (power on TV  -> set input to HDMI2 -> boot Kodi -> start episode) 

    This is definitely on the to-do list. I wanna make the speech interface way more user friendly. Just trying to find the time :-). I will update the OP with 'Future features'. Powering on the TV is already possible if your device supports HDMI CEC. I won't write seperate functionality to power on a TV and change input channel (that's a  whole different project)

    If anyone else has suggestions, post them here and I will add them
  • Great! Of course take your time, I can imagine you have other things on your mind. :)

    Another question, the triggers like 'on movie start' or 'on episode start'. Do they only work as the movie or episode is started via Homey? Or should they also work as I start a movie/serie via my remote?

  •  Or should they also work as I start a movie/serie via my remote?

    Yep, works perfectly this way!! :smiley: 
  • Tried yesterday.
    Started a serie without using Homey and it did trigger my flow!  B)
  • keverjeroenkeverjeroen Member
    edited April 2016
    mmmmm okay.. I watched an serie yesterday and it didn't trigger my flow. Have to check this tonight.

    -edit- After a reboot of Homey, this works!
  • Is someone experiencing problems with the install of Kodi 1.1.1 on firmware 8.32?
    Install from app shop went well, but when configuring Kodi as device in my livingroom i cant connect to my Kodi install.
    Kodi is running on the same PC I use to configure the Kodi app.
    can connect with mij Kodi remote on the iPad and with Chrome via port 9090 on the assigned port.
    getting the error "unexpected server response 200"

    anybody a suggestion, getting a little bit fed up.....
  • MennoMenno Member
    This worked for me:

    Installed fine today (fw 0.8.32) also connecting to kodi on port 9090 worked after enabling setting in kodi (Go to System->Settings->Services->Remote control and enable the settings Allow programs on this system to control XBMC and Allow programs on other systems to control XBMC.) + restart of kodi
  • Yep, been there, done that, got the headache :neutral: 
    tried KOdi version 15, 16 and 17 but nothing works, that is for Homey/Kodi
  • MennoMenno Member
    I know your pain believe me, but for me 0.8.32 seems to be working for most parts even speech is working (sometimes)
  • Pushed v1.1.2 to Git. The app now automatically tries to reconnect when the connection to a Kodi device has been lost (e.g. Shutdown or a reboot of Kodi). No need for a Homey reboot anymore :-).

    Any tech peeps wanna test this before I push it to the app store?
  • Fire69Fire69 Member
    I wouldn't mind testing it, but I never had the problem that it got disconnected :smile: 
  • EvertorN said:
    Pushed v1.1.2 to Git. The app now automatically tries to reconnect when the connection to a Kodi device has been lost (e.g. Shutdown or a reboot of Kodi). No need for a Homey reboot anymore :-).

    Any tech peeps wanna test this before I push it to the app store?
    Have been running Kodi on my Nexus Player where, like any Android app, it gets shut down if you close an program.
    Have been noticing that it didn't work al the time.
    Will try your new version tonight and report back!
  • EvertorN said:
    Pushed v1.1.2 to Git. The app now automatically tries to reconnect when the connection to a Kodi device has been lost (e.g. Shutdown or a reboot of Kodi). No need for a Homey reboot anymore :-).

    Any tech peeps wanna test this before I push it to the app store?
    I would love to test for you. How can I obtain the New version?
  • Download the zip with the sources from here:
    Follow these instructions for installation requirements:
  • Looking good there @EvertorN !
    First I tried if Homey/Kody app was responding: no.
    Rebooted Homey: Kody app was working again.
    Closed Kody and started Kody: Homey/Kody app did not respond when starting a serie.
    Rebooted Homey: Kody app worked again.
    Closed and started Kody: Kody app wasn't responding.

    Did the same test procedure with your new version from Github and all is fine!  B)

  • AlaksandusAlaksandus Member
    edited May 2016
    I've read this topic about the "No media apps installed" message I get when starting a movie with my voice. This should be solved with firmware version 0.8.31 I believe, but I have 0.8.32 installed and still get the "No media apps installed" message.

    I reinstalled the Kodi app and rebooted the Homey several times. Any idea what is happening? Other options in the flow etc. work excellent!

    Ok, I think I figured it out. I have my Homey set on Dutch. So apparently the Kodi commands also need to be in Dutch (for me a plus).

    This however brings me to my next problem. The Dutch translation of Play movie x = Speel film x. Homey hears every time speelfilm x so doesn't start the movie. Anyway to solve this? Perhaps the sentence "Kijk film x"?
  • BumblezBumblez Member
    edited May 2016
    Try increasing the space (pause) between the words 'speel' and 'film' when you talk to Homey...
  • Bumblez said:
    Try increasing the space (pause) between the words 'speel' and 'film' when you talk to Homey...
    That doesn't work because with the littlest pause between the words it already starts searching (white led). The speech output shows it just heard "speel". Or is this just me?
  • BumblezBumblez Member
    edited May 2016
    Don't know about just you, but for me, a little bit more space between words works quite well... though it wouldn't accept space of, say, 2 seconds (don't know exactly how much silence Homey will accept before it starts searching... haven't tested that yet). Maybe it's just a matter of trial and error for you, to see how much Homey will accept...
  • Looking good there @EvertorN !
    First I tried if Homey/Kody app was responding: no.
    Rebooted Homey: Kody app was working again.
    Closed Kody and started Kody: Homey/Kody app did not respond when starting a serie.
    Rebooted Homey: Kody app worked again.
    Closed and started Kody: Kody app wasn't responding.

    Did the same test procedure with your new version from Github and all is fine!  B)

    Awesome! Please note that there could be a delay while reconnecting. I need to poll Kodi to check if it's up again. I do this every 10 sec. A connection timeout (when Kodi is still down) can take up to 20 sec. So after Kodi has been booted it could take 30 sec before it is reconnected to Homey.

    I've read this topic about the "No media apps installed" message I get when starting a movie with my voice. This should be solved with firmware version 0.8.31 I believe, but I have 0.8.32 installed and still get the "No media apps installed" message.

    I reinstalled the Kodi app and rebooted the Homey several times. Any idea what is happening? Other options in the flow etc. work excellent!

    Ok, I think I figured it out. I have my Homey set on Dutch. So apparently the Kodi commands also need to be in Dutch (for me a plus).

    This however brings me to my next problem. The Dutch translation of Play movie x = Speel film x. Homey hears every time speelfilm x so doesn't start the movie. Anyway to solve this? Perhaps the sentence "Kijk film x"?
    Dutch should be supported. I tested this on a previous firmware version. I will update the OP with the dutch commands any time soon. For now, check the speech-part of the app.json if you're curious about the Dutch commands:

  • Cool, I think this will help me enough EvertorN.  B)
  • EvertorN said:
    Awesome! Please note that there could be a delay while reconnecting. I need to poll Kodi to check if it's up again. I do this every 10 sec. A connection timeout (when Kodi is still down) can take up to 20 sec. So after Kodi has been booted it could take 30 sec before it is reconnected to Homey.

    Also tested that and it was almost instantly!
  • EvertorN said:
    Dutch should be supported. I tested this on a previous firmware version. I will update the OP with the dutch commands any time soon. For now, check the speech-part of the app.json if you're curious about the Dutch commands:

    I looked at the options:
     "nl" : ["speel film", "speel de film", "start film", "start de film"]

    It seems that only the first two phrases are recognised. If I enter "start film", "start de film" on the speech input page, Homey does nothing.
  • @EvertorN the event triggers are working quite nice (with recorded TV and liveTV)

    Within Kodi, I'm using PlexBMC (and compatible skin) to show the various movies / series stored on the NAS (also accessible from the tablets of the kids with the same interface = idiot proof)...  For starting movies, I will use the Plex app of @MikeOne.

    Do you know if it is possible to capture the event triggers of add-ons (like PlexBMC) out of the Kodi App (to trigger light scenes)? Currently, it is not triggering if I pause / resume a movie via PlexBMC...
  • wingiewingie Member
    @EvertorN love you app, but have a question could you add a command to power off kodi, i'm waking my nuc with WOL and like to be able to shut it down with homey to.

    Another thing i noticed if i use the phrase "speel laatste aflevering" nothing is happening 
  • wingiewingie Member
    just reinstalled the app (sometimes this helps with the onkyo app) and used same phrase but no go als "speel de laatste aflevering" is not working.  PS: my homey is listening to dutch and my kodi is configured in english
  • Fire69Fire69 Member
    wingie said:
    just reinstalled the app (sometimes this helps with the onkyo app) and used same phrase but no go als "speel de laatste aflevering" is not working.  PS: my homey is listening to dutch and my kodi is configured in english
    What do you see when using /speech-input?
  • wingiewingie Member
    Fire69 said:
    What do you see when using /speech-input?
    the exact phrases, also had a look at the log (with the great real time homey logger) and in there they are also mentioned.
  • wingiewingie Member
    i'm trying it know (trying to optimise my flows) and suddenly i get the "error"  => " ik kon het apparaat niet vinden". But my nuc is on (can see the picture of the kodi menu on my tv), it has a dedicated ipadres (checked it in the settings). The kodi app is loaded and configured in homey. Very strange. 

    Maybe @EvertorN can build in some debug info which we can see with the real time logger. 
  • nklerknklerk Member
    I am using the app to let homey say "You are now watching, Movie title here" this worked 3 times and then stopped workng. also a reboot of the HTPC and Homey didnt solve it. Is this a known issue? can i somhow debug wat is happening?

    Keep up the great work!
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