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Advanced Flow Editor


so i played with the current flow editor and was kinda disappointed.
When i first saw this on the website,

i thought about something like this:

Which of course looks confusing at first, but enables rich logic editing.

Will there be some kind of advanced editor or do i have to write my own one? (and is this even possible)



  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    edited July 2015

    No, we will not make an advanced editor like that. The current flow editor allows for almost all scenarios, and is much more user friendly imho :)

    However, if you want to create your own, you're free to do that of course!

  • Alright, thanks
    Is there already some dokumentation about rich apps? (like creating custom views)
    Or some kind of emulator?

  • Another quick question: is it possible in the flow editor to create prerequisites like: openopen blinds but only if the door/window sensor says closed?
    Or do we have to create a app for this kind of logica?

  • You can say: WHEN "Time === 07:00 hr" AND "Window === closed" THEN "Open blinds"

  • AND has specifically my interest.
    Don't know if @Emile is willing to post a screenshot of an example with AND in the AFE (Advanced Flow Editor) ?

  • ReflowReflow Member
    edited July 2015

    RobinVanKekem said:
    AND has specifically my interest.
    Don't know if @Emile is willing to post a screenshot of an example with AND in the AFE (Advanced Flow Editor) ?

    I thought that Emile said that there isn't going to be an AFE (Advanced Flow Editor)?

  • Reflow said:

    RobinVanKekem said:
    AND has specifically my interest.
    Don't know if @Emile is willing to post a screenshot of an example with AND in the AFE (Advanced Flow Editor) ?

    I thought that Emile said that there isn't going to be an AFE (Advanced Flow Editor)?

    Ok, not advanced flow editor, a regular, lol

  • As Peter mentioned the blind scenario

    At the moment I have this scene:

    If someone at home

    On weekdays @7 AM move Blind1 & 2 to saved position & raise Blind 3 @7:30 AM raise all blinds @8 AM move all blinds to saved position @sunset or 8PM /whichever is earlier/ shut all blinds
    Saturday, Sunday and public holidays @8 AM move Blind1 & 2 to saved position & raise Blind 3 @8:30 AM raise all blinds @9 AM move all blinds to saved position @sunset or 8PM /whichever is earlier/ shut all blinds

    If no one at home:

    @ sunrise move all blinds to the saved position
    @ sunset shut all blinds

    All these to be over ruled when home entertainment mode is activated.

    Will I be able to do this in the flow editor?

    This is the one of the simplest I have. The lighting and temperature/dehumidifier flows are really complex.

  • RobinVanKekem said:
    AND has specifically my interest.
    Don't know if @Emile is willing to post a screenshot of an example with AND in the AFE (Advanced Flow Editor) ?

    Not now is also a answer ;-)

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom

    What do you exactly want to see? :)

  • Can you create an example of an AND rule.

    For example:
    When it's after sunset AND the blinds aren't closed, turn on the garden lights.

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom

    Haha, I don't have the 'blinds closed' yet, but that'll come. Hope this will do.

  • jovinkjovink Member

    If temp is > 27 and windows and doors are closed turn on the ac

  • RobinVanKekemRobinVanKekem Member
    edited July 2015

    Thank you for the screen shot.
    multiple AND's is also possible?

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom

    Yes. You can also invert them, so AND + AND + AND NOT

  • RobinVanKekemRobinVanKekem Member
    edited July 2015

    Wow, very nice.
    I was a little worried since this wasn't the advanced flow editor, lot.

    Another issue I'm having with another Domotica system:
    The flows are being run every minute, so if you have a rule which sends a message when the temperature in the garden is higher then 25°c and the blinds aren't closed, send a push notification.
    You'll then receive a notification every minute until you do something about it.

    Is there any mechanism in place to prevent such a race condition?
    Or the ability to adjust the rule to only send the notification only one every 30 minutes, for example?

  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom

    Not really (yet), but in Homey that'll only happen when the temperature keeps fluctuating between 24.9 and 25.1 degrees..

  • So if the outside temp goes above 25°c the rule will be executed once?
    That would be great!

  • Emile, can you add a kind of precondition on a flow (like i now use with homeseer events)? Like:
    - flow not run for [x] time
    Or even better, check how long ago another flow has run.
    Check my suggestions in this thread:
    You can model a lot of situations and logic with this simple flows combined with some sort of virtual devices.

  • MarcoFMarcoF Member

    +1 for virtual devices!

    We have an netatmo Rain meter and with my very i calculate how much water we collected from the roof. I put the calculated figure in a virtual "device".

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