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Werkt nog helemaal niet

in Off-Topic
Idee is goed maar helaas de werking is nog niet goed genoeg. Spraakcommandos worden niet herkend. interface op de apple werkt zeer gevoelig tot erg slecht. bijvoorbeeld de kaartjes wisselen als je er o verheen moet om de schruif balk te gebruiken. Hue ik heb meerdere lampen er op ca 25 maar dan gaat het fout. Bovenste kaartje niet te benaderen. ook werkt eea niet goed samen met hue lampen werken willekeurig z lijkt het, Dan nog waar vind ik de ingebouwde commando's? zoals de tijd en het weer en wie weet wat nog meer. De documentatie loopt achter. verder is alles moeilijk te vinden. filmpjes leuk maar de man die het opneemt moet we veel spieken op een boord komt dus niet leuk over. ik wil geen mensen voor de neus stoten maar er is nog heel veel echt heel veel te verbeteren. Ook problemen met apps en er wordt gesuggereerd dat het met sonos werkt maar dat zal wwel een beta zijn ik vind daar in de werkende versie nog niet veel van. Blijf er voorlal aan werken het is een leuk idee maar veel verbeteren voordat je echt naar de winkel gaat anders redden jullie het niet.
Je hebt gelijk hoor. Er moet nog heel veel gebeuren. Gelukkig kunnen ze bij Athom nu de hardware ontwikkeling en productie achter zich laten en volledig op software storten. Maar eens even zien wat er over 2 maanden zoal opgelost is.
Als ze productie en hardware (door)ontwikkeling stop zetten dan zal het ook binnen afzienbare tijd klaar zijn met Athom.
Software ontwikkeling loopt al 2,5 jaar. De laatste 4,5 maand is er veel gedaan, maar vooral de stabiliteit van de software laat nog wel te wensen over. Ben ook benieuwd waar Homey 31-12-2016 staat en of de homey's al in de MM schappen staan.
We gaan het meemaken.
hier draait alles als een zonnetje.
hrb dan wel alles van fibaro.
zon onder zon op flow werkt prima.
spraak werkt alleen niet super.
maar schakelen van de componenten wel.
andere flows kan ik nog niet testen.
heb ik de ios app voor nodig.
zodat homey weet of ik thuis ben of niet.
enige probleem is dat sommige modules 2x onder apparaten komen te staan.
Wat voor modules heb je allemaal (Type/Versies aantal) en hoe gebruik je ze?
Zon op/onder kijk ik van op, want meeste mensen hebben daar problemen mee.
Misschien kan de community en/of Athom iets van jouw setup leren
aan/uit module fgs222
rookmelder v2
universele binnary sensor
I have dim module fibaro fgd211
on/off fgs222
smoke detector v2
universal binnary sensor
all works great
What i have done is
sett my location manualy.
zwave zigbee or klick on klick off
gerbenz, why aren't you using a Fibaro home center since you are only using Fibaro modules?
i can control my tv and onkui receiver with homey
So it is more future proof
The biggest problem for now is that I get lots of errors while reading device statuses (get those 'broken link' symbols on the icon) and that only a reboot seems to solve this issue (for about 10 minutes). Got all types of Z-wave devices and it seems quite random which of those get 'broken'.
Devices I added and functionality recognised / missing:
- Fibaro Wall Plug (On/Off, Power Consumption) : Miss simple flow trigger; if power consumption is less then x
- I want to let my Homey tell me if the dryer / washing machine is finished, so when consumption goes to 0 (not off, because the wall plug is still on) let Homey tell me 'Dryer is finished'. (I know Homey knows the power consumption since I can see it in my Insights).
- Aeotec Smart Switch 6 (Luminescence, Hue) - No power consumption or on/off monitoring ... (wanted same as with Fibaro Wall Plug, but seems that power consumption is not supported by Homey for this device)
- Fibaro Dimmer 2 (Gets added as three 'wall plugs', with dimming functionality) ; Find it strange that it detects three devices as 'Wall Plugs' since it is a dimmer. Can select that a light is connected, but still doesn't see all functionality (doesn't recognize 'on/off' triggers etc.), Dim level changed triggers etc.
- Slim Multisensor PST02-A/B/C (Generic Alarm, Luminance, Temperature) ; Doesn't make a difference between motion triggered and door open/closed. Also no cards available for if device is in 'armed' / 'disarmed' status. Would like to do something different when device is set to 'armed' then to 'disarmed' (same for Fibaro Motion Sensor, probably doesn't support this either I guess). See Vera implementation: (scroll down to 'dashboard / devices' image ; notice the armed / disarmed toggles behind motion & door/window sensor).
Devices I tried to add but didn't succeed:
- Fibaro Motion Sensor (gen 5) - 'Another pairing session is in progress' (gives this 'time-out' while trying to add the device 1/1)
They have a long way to go at Athom I guess.. For now I'm putting my Homey back in the closet and will try not to make any fun of it at parties. Was hoping to be help selling Homey, but for now I won't see why it is better then any other Domotica controller in the market.
i guess you haven't been following the forum that much/at all and don't know how to search:
Power consumtion:
Aeotec Smart Switch 6: (has been resolved in the latest experimental update v0.8.32):
Fibaro dimmer 2:
has been mentioned couldn't find it that fast.
Slim Multisensor PST02-A/B/C:
I guess has been resolved just like the aeotec one that uses the same protocol for alarm
Fibaro Motion sensor + Z-Wave+ (has been partially resolved in latest experimental patch v0.8.32):
Conclusion, they do have still a long way to go, but are making small but steady improvements
Most other controller manufacturers use large libraries of information for each individual thing to be implemented, especially in the normal Z-Wave range. (Z-Wave+ has a lot better restriction and rules)
But Athom is trying to do it automatically, without library, so if there is ever new devices, it will insert the best possible solution and doen't need to be added to the library (that's why a lot of Z-Wave devices come with a list of compatible controllers.)
Most Protocols are implemented at the moment, but to get the automatic part just right, the needed "ironing out" all the kinks at the end is the most time consuming and hardest.
When the automatic portion works, you won't need to do anything about configuring the zwave device as wel, for now it's needed because the automation part is Not done yet.
look back in about 2/3 years and see if the other controllers out there still can handle all the new devices that will come out and the controller makers have made a new version for them selfs as wel, so they don't give the older controllers the attention they need.
There will be an app to take care of it has been told to us. Well, what happens when a new device is available after the app is released? Does the app need updating? Or will the settings be added to some database that is used by the app? Where will that be hosted?
As long as options are not defined in the z-wave standard and every vendor can define it's own settings there will always be a need for device specific settings. Call it what you like, a library or an app, maintanance will be needed.
So it only matters to us how this is implemented by Athom, not what it's called. Imo we need a solution that we can use independant of Athom.
All zwave+ controllers will have the same benefits as Homey/Athom and so older zwave+ controllers will work with future zwave+ modules.
So you are gonna say that all devices from now on that are being made are Z-Wave+ ?
I try to say that the current Zwave+ controllers have the disadvantage that the have to support zwave and zwave+ modules.
Old Zwave controllers are build around the more "open" Zwave platform and I have to say that a lot of manufacturers have it working great.
Homey is build around the "less" "open" Zwave+ and its benefits. The also try to be backwards compatible with the older modules and still support Zwave and Zwave+ in a generic way.
But in the real world there are very(!) less Zwave+ device available and/or used. So most modules connected to Homey are the old Zwave modules and these modules are a problem with homey.
Here i Have about 15-20 old Zwave modules and replacing them with Zwave+ modules is (if its even possible) a very expensive operations (20*€50 = €1000) and only because Homey has problems with supporting the older Zwave....
To me Athom should more focus on the older Zwave modules and the biggest example is the Very Fancy and Kinky Homey like Fibaro Wall plug thats not working at all and make the network more stable.
The Fibaro wall plug is working for me though, it measures the kw/h and can be triggered on and off. (so it is not, not working at all)
that the option to make flows with the KW/h - W is not present yet will change in the very near future.
The not being able to take advantage of the grid yet... well at least there is being worked on.
werkt nog niet helemaal
would be more correct (atleast for me)
Same for the flow editor. Why not use Blockly (like in Domoticz)?
I suggested it before: Put Domoticz on the Homey and focus on the hardware integration.
Now I'm working on merging the two domotica controllers ;-)