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Red Ring after boot

After i boot my homey the led ring turns to solid red after a minute or so. How can i resolve this issue? A Factory reset doesn't seem to work (no countdown or reset what so ever)
After i boot my homey the led ring turns to solid red after a minute or so. How can i resolve this issue? A Factory reset doesn't seem to work (no countdown or reset what so ever)
After i boot my homey the led ring turns to solid red after a minute or so. How can i resolve this issue? A Factory reset doesn't seem to work (no countdown or reset what so ever)
Hooking it up to wireless LAN worked; it ran the update... but hanged after "Please wait... configuring your Homey"
Now my Homey is showing a red ring; it is connected to my WIFI router and SSH service is responding, but nothing else...
Please help? How to recover from this?
I did notice, booting directly UPside-down the Homey will show a purple flashy ring... but no recovery options or 'Homey Setup' AP shown...
I know it's incomplete, but that's all I've got...
RROD contact
In most cases this is the fastest way to recover especially when the KB article can't solve it.
Following the recovery guide is/was on your own risk
Because I am using a Apple iMac, this is what you can do to fix the RED Ring of Death:
Now plug your Homey in your computer, while it's turned upside down. When Homey will circle purple, put it on it's feet again. If all goes well, your Homey will be restored.
I have gone through the same steps as you (using an RPi though) but my Homey is now circling purple for the last 9 hours straight.
How long did this process take at your side?
You did make sure to use a powered USB hub, and not the RPi's own USB port (as stated in the instructions), right?
You made sure the program has run? If it's done you must disconnect the Homey and restart him in the upright position. Then the Homey will start (hopefully) all good again.
My Homey is working again!
This is what I have just replied to Stefan (Support) via email:
"When moving Homey to its' new location on a cupboard, I also attached it to a newly bought usb 2.0 cable (5 mtr.). I did not mention that in my earlier communications since I did not think that this would be an issue and especially not since Homey turned on with that cable.
As a coincidence, I just tried the original cable to connect to the Pi and Homey started to work again!
As the cable being a suspect at that point, I disconnected Homey from the Pi and reconnected it using the new 5 mtr. cable with original usb powersocket plug. And yes, Homey showed the red ring again after a minute or so.
Thereafter, I connected Homey with the original usb cable and original usb powersocket plug and Homey started up normally and is operational.
I will leave Homey connected using the orignally supplied cable and power plug.
Does Homey use a USB 3.0 cable since a USB 2.0 cable seems to cause the above behaviour?"
I've had a few power kabels bundled together (normal 230v) but these together could cause so much interference that one of the cables that was plugged into an Fibaro Wall Plug (and bundled besides these cables), completely stopped my z-wave from working, and eventually even let homey stop reacting, probably by overloading homey with requests (still in the talks with athom about this)
5 Meters of small wires (probably without shielding) just let's the electrician in me grinch.
Because the voltage loss would be too big.
I have also used the JvanBodegom method and my Homey is starting againg (rainbow led). But when I run setup (after holding homey up-side-down for 15+ seconds) the setup does start but says that the homey updater should be updated and that homey will restart in setup mode. Homey does restart but not in setup mode.
Am I missing something? Any advice?
I have succeeded! Tried with another laptop and it worked. Homey is now up to date and running.