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Bloomsky Weather Station [Kickstarter gizmo] gets open API, Homey asks for love!

Topic says it all, guys - the people behind the Bloomsky Weather Station (also funded on Kickstarter) released their open API on Monday, February 22nd. In short, the Bloomsky device - powered by optional solar panels - gives hyper local weather updates using an array of different sensors, including an onboard camera that captures the skies! It's just way too awesome not to be supported by Homey, don't-ya-think?


  • Grappig maar erg duur imho en je hebt niet zoveel aan die foto's (tenzij Homey ook beelden naar de app kan doorsturen in de toekomst). Windrichting en windsnelheid zitten er niet bij zag ik?
  • It ain't that expensive imo, $149 sounds fairly reasonable. But indeed, it is not a full blown weather station... 
  • Grappig maar erg duur imho en je hebt niet zoveel aan die foto's (tenzij Homey ook beelden naar de app kan doorsturen in de toekomst). Windrichting en windsnelheid zitten er niet bij zag ik?
    This is an international forum. Please stick to English if you expect everyone to understand what you are saying.
  • Sometimes you just forget :wink: 
    funny but expensive imho, the foto's aren't of much use (unless homey can send these to the app in the future). Windspeed en direction are not measured afaik?
  • funny but expensive imho, the foto's aren't of much use (unless homey can send these to the app in the future). Windspeed en direction are not measured afaik?
    Thank you. I haven't looked into the API just yet, so I can't say whether or not Homey would be able to get camera images from the Bloomsky camera.

    You are right about windspeed (and direction) metrics - Bloomsky lacks an anemometer (fancy term for "wind speed gauge"), but according to the developers in San Francisco they are planning to release one in the future.
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