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device types

Is it possible to set the type of a device?
I have 30+ Plugwise devices among many connected to lamps. It would be great if I could set them as lights so they would react to the lights on/off commands.




  • This is basic functionality. Maybe app specific.

  • This is indeed a basic functionality; but the app developer needs to be using the "socket" device class.
    With this "socket" class, you will get above option to chose the virtual device class...

    @homectrl which plugwise app are you using? I would contact the developer if it would be able to change the class.
    Down side is that until Homey SW 2.0.0, it is only possible to change the device class upon re-inclusion of the device...
  • thanks for the replies. I use the Plugwise2py app as it works better than the normal plugwise app. At this moment none uses the type functionality. Re-inclusion is not a big issue as I am still testing before adding all 30 circles ;)
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