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Homey 'Home area'. -> adjustable?

Hi homies (ehh...yeah...) 

So, you know how Homey tells you that you 'came home' or 'left home' right? Either you are in Homeys area, or you're not. Is there a way to change the size of the 'home area'? 

I ask this because when I walk from my living room to my kitchen, it tells me I left the Home Area. But I'm still home, so, it is incorrect. The problem of this is that he keeps telling me that I left home or arrived home, when I am just walking through my house/garden. So is there a way to increase the size of the area Homey sees as 'Home'? 

Because if this does not work, I can not create any flows based on if someone is home or not, because of above situation. :smile: 


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