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specific [complex?] date and time in a flow

I would like [not] to trigger events on a certain date. Example: the driveway, garden or frontdoor lights stay OFF at night of the night and during earth hour ALL light should stay OFF.
Well: Night of the night is the Saturday before the last Sunday of October and Earth Hour is the day before the last Sunday of March between 20:30 and 21:30.
The Day&Time options seems (way) to limited.

Any idea's how to accomplish this date and time?
All help is appreciated.


  • This is probably not possible in one flow but you could create a variable "specialday" and set that variable on true on those days. Then filter all other days "specialday is not true" and create flows for the special days...
  • You can use the iCal app ( ) to trigger flows at special dates. Just fill a calendar with those dates and geve them special words in one of the fields. Then make flows that trigger on those events containing the special words.. 
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