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Strange behaviour of Fibaro window sensor

Hello Community,

I have a strange thing with the Fibaro window sensors:

After a reboot of Homey all sensors report, that the windows are open and won't set to the right state, even after a while. I always have to open and close the windows by my self before they work correct again? Anyone else with this?



  • same here,
    With all z-wave stuff the wake-up interval is just not reporting anything to homey.... only when you activate it manually.
    This is when when i open or close a window then i see the status of the sensor. When i wait for day's or weeks, the staus of the sensor is not reported back to homey.

    sometimes this happends also with a switch here. Homey shows that the lights are switch of but in reallity it isn't.....No correction send to Homey.. 

    Homey doesn't correct the z-wave status on his own.. alway's thought that z-wave was supposed to work that way:/

    So when i want to see the status of the contact sensors Fibaro and Neo cam then I have to activate the sensors mannualy by opening or closing doors/windows thru the house.....If i wait for the wake-up signal thennothing hapends

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