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Flows? how to make advanced flows?

Hello everyone. im VERY new. as in. i opened my homey yesterday before going to sleep.

i am trying to work with flows but im having a hard time understanding HOW it actually works.

For example. i have a fibaro sensor and a Netatmo welcome camera

I want to make a flow where.. this happens

Netatmo welcome camera sees i arrive in my home.

then Homey should say welcome home.

but in the "flow app" i cant seem to find the way to do this.. am i missing something or isnt it just possible?

can i expect that all "apps" homey get has speech commands


  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited September 2017
    Well if you take a look at the Netatmo app at  i don't see the welcome camera supported (yet) so making a flow with it is not possible at this moment. For your motion sensor you need to install the fibaro app, connect the sensor to Homey and you can use the cards of the sensor in the IF part of your flow.

    Most apps support speech but not all, it's a developers choice to support it. 
  • Why dont you add IFTTT support and let IFTTT push a message from Netatmo? Don't know if possible in this combination - but should be possible.. :)
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