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[BETA] Tweakers

lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
edited August 2017 in Apps

Tweakers Homey app

Tweakers is the Dutch biggest website for everything about computers, consumer electronics and other technology.

Tweakers is Nederlands grootste site voor alles wat met computers, consumentenelektronica en andere technologie te maken heeft. Het publiek bestaat uit consumenten en IT-professionals. Tweakers bereikt iedereen met een interesse voor technologie, van de meest 'hardcore' overklokker tot de gewone consument die alles wil weten over mobiele telefoons, tablets en televisies.


De Tweakers Homey app is op geen enkele manier verbonden aan, al doet de naam vermoeden van wel. Deze app is gemaakt zonder commerciële intenties. De Tweakers homey app is slechts een schil om de openbaar beschikbare RSS feeds.

Bugs / Feature requests

Supported languages / Ondersteunende talen:

  • Dutch / Nederlands App is only available in the Dutch language because it's an app for a Dutch website

Flow Triggers:

Tweakers RSS nieuwsbericht is beschikbaar met de volgende tags:

* Titel: Titel van de publicatie
* Beschrijving: Inhoud van de publicatie

Tweakers RSS news release is available with the following tokens:

* Title: Title of the news release
* Description: Short description of the news release

Tweakers RSS meuktracker (software) is beschikbaar met de volgende tags:

* Titel: Titel van de publicatie
* Beschrijving: Inhoud van de publicatie

Tweakers RSS meuktracker (software) is available with the following tokens:

* Title: Title of the news release
* Description: Short description of the news release

Tweakers RSS spellen is beschikbaar met de volgende tags:

* Titel: Titel van de publicatie
* Beschrijving: Inhoud van de publicatie

Tweakers RSS games is available with the following tokens:

* Title: Title of the news release
* Description: Short description of the news release

Tweakers RSS vraag en aanbod is beschikbaar met de volgende tags:

* Titel: Titel van de publicatie
* Beschrijving: Inhoud van de publicatie

Tweakers RSS question and answer (marketplace) is available with the following tokens:

* Title: Title of the item
* Description: Short description of the item

Upcoming features / Aankomende functionaliteiten:

  • Spraak-invoer voor verzoeken / Speech-input for requests
  • Het kunnen selecteren van categorieën om specifiekere berichten te ontvangen / Selecting categories for each RSS to narrow down the selection
  • Actie kaart die een x aantal publicaties van x categorieën kan voorlezen / Action cards wich reads x number of publications from x categories
  • Instellingen pagina / Settings page

Release notes:


  • Added description token to flow card
  • Removed unnecessary use of await (see note)
  • Replaced global variables with class instance variables (see note)
  • Moved Flow card registration to onInit function (see note)
Note: After review from Athom (@Baskiers) about SDK 2 use and support from @swttt with the module/promises

0.8.0 - first beta release:



  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited August 2017

    Known bugs (updated 19:00 on 28-08-2017)
  • Hi, great app!
    Maybe it's an idea to make multi purpose rss reader.
    Where I can make several devices with different rss feeds that i copy pasted in the device.
    Or maybe it could be configured from the settings screen.
    This way we wouldn't need a seperate app for every rss stream.
    I would really like the rss stream in my homey
    Just an idea! 

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited August 2017
    sebo_hans said:
    Hi, great app!
    Maybe it's an idea to make multi purpose rss reader.
    Where I can make several devices with different rss feeds that i copy pasted in the device.
    Or maybe it could be configured from the settings screen.
    This way we wouldn't need a seperate app for every rss stream.
    I would really like the rss stream in my homey
    Just an idea! 

    I use it myself to monitor V&A because i buy a lot PS4 games on it, it's just the first release where i use logic cards in the AND/OR to filter but in the update that is coming you can select categorie from the cards/settings to adjust to your needs. I will add more functions then the already available general RSS app. 

    For general RSS there is already an app like @bvdbos mentioned that you can find here- >
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