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fokofoko Member
Hi I have som very old Innovus dimmer and switch, I can pair them with Homey but I can only use them as a switch, is there a way to tell Homey it is a dimmer, and there is a power meter in it to. 


  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    Seeing you got it to pair as a switch, I presume this is a zwave-device? Do you have a link to a product-description? You'll probably need an app for this device or it might be some rebranded product?
  • fokofoko Member
    yes sorry forgot to say it i a Z-wave device, but the company Do not exist anymore.
    but have find this PDF
  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    too bad they went broke (in 2009 already...), looks like a nice switch... Perhaps ahead of its time ;
    To use it's full potential you'll need an app. I'd use the code of an existing device and adapt that for this dimmer...
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