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[APP] Qees

Priknr1Priknr1 Member
edited June 2017 in Apps
I built an app for the qees plugin dimmer.
If you have a qees device, please provide device type ID and Device ID so I can add your device.

Currently supported devices:

  • P313B - Plugin dimmer

Currently supported languages:

  • English
  • Dutch (Nederlands)


  • 0.1.0 Local OnOff feedback working on P313B

Power consumption not working (yet)

Include the device
Press the On/Off button 3 times.
You might have to retry this a couple of times for some reason. If inclusion fails, please first exclude and reset the device.

Exclude the device
Press the OnOff button 4 times.
Press the OnOff button till the light turns blue
Press and hold OnOff button till light flashes once.
Press the OnOff button so light wil flash Blue and than Yellow
Now press and hold OnOff button to start exclusion

Reset the device
Press the OnOff button till the light turns blue
Press and hold OnOff button till light flashes once.
Press the OnOff button so light wil flash Blue and than Yellow
Press the OnOff button so light wil flash Blue and than Cyan
Now press and hold OnOff button to start reset

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