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Homey can trigger devices from app, but not from flows


I recently purchased a Homey because I'm trying to move away from my HomeWizard, since I think the product is no longer in active development. I added all of my devices, mostly KAKU switches, both plug-ins as wel as switches that sit behind a wall-switch. All of these devices are supported, and when i switch them manually, through the iOS app, they work.

Whenever I add a switch to a flow, for example to switch on the light when I get home, the switches fail. I added a push-notification to the flow to check if it fires, and it does, but no switching. Next thing I tried was simply switching the device on multiple times (5 to 10) from the flow, with specific intervals. This also doesn't work. Why would the switch trigger from the app, but not from a flow?

Side-note: flows that should trigger from a KAKU device, say a contact-sensor that triggers switching on a light, also fail. These don't even run.

any ideas?


  • I made some flows with a delay of 2 seconds minimum. So between the switch and the lamp, put 2 sec delay on the lamp. I know there is still an issue with this so maybe it can help u out also.
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