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what does 'phase on level' mean

I have several motion sensor (i believe from everspring) and in the settings menu i find an option called 'phase on level'
When i hover over the i i get no info what this setting exact does.

Who knows what this means and what is exact does?


  • Just a guess: The minimum light level where the motion sensor will switch on when there's a movement?
  • i really have no idea, i used to have a vera unit with this sensor, but i cannot recall it is possible to set the light intensity of the sensor.. It is set default on '99' so that should max light, but it also functions in the dark

    It is just a plain 'old fashion' PIR (motion) sensor on z-wave.
  • Configuring the Phase Level of ON Command
    The Configuration parameter that can be used to adjust the phase level of ON
    command is transmitted is Configuration Parameter # 1. This param
    eter can be
    with the value of 0 through 127.
    Value 0: Set Device OFF(0x00)
    Value 1
    99: Set Device On (1
    Value 100
    127: Set Device On to the last phase (0xFF)
    0xFF means the device will be on to the last phase before the d
    evice was
    turned of
  • ok, but what does it do, what is phase on level?
  • RocodamelsheRocodamelshe Member
    edited February 2017
    Turn on to the phase he was in or turn on to another level or turn off.
    Aanzetten in een fase, uitzetten of aanzetten in de fase hij was toen je hem uitzette.
    Can also be very handy when u tell us which sensor u have.
  • everspring sp103 motion sensor.

    But what you try to explain is complete jiberich/chinese to me.

    Is it the time to wake the sensor?
    Is it interval time the sensor reports to the controller.

    But it is the phase it what was on ...?!?!
    What is phase? What does it do..
  • Phase Level for ON Command (Parameter Number 1, Parameter Size 1) Defines which command to send when sensor triggers

    Value Description 0 :Set Off (Default)
    1 — 96 : Set On
    97 — 239 : Set On to the last Dimmer phase

  • k thx
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