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Homey v1.1.0



  • I think in your first flow, as trigger you should have the "Temp" tag...
    Assuming that you would like to have the flow triggered by a change of the actual temperature...

    Then it should work.

    But please be aware that this will trigger with each 0.1 degree temperature change...
    I don't know the meaning of the timer you use (not shown what happens when it triggers), but you could disable the second flow (upon triggering) and re-enable the same flow e.g. 15 minutes afterwards....
  • @TedTolboom
    No, the trigger is ok. The trigger is the change of temperatuur on the Nefit Easy thermostaat. When the difference betwean the ingestelde temperatuur and the actual temp is bigger than 2, fans on the heater have to start.
  • TedTolboomTedTolboom Member
    edited January 2017
    cautje said:
    No, the trigger is ok. The trigger is the change of temperatuur on the Nefit Easy thermostaat. When the difference betwean the ingestelde temperatuur and the actual temp is bigger than 2, fans on the heater have to start.
    I can understand that you would like to have this as second trigger... but I think it should not be the primary.

    Back to the issue:
    In the app notes the following limitation is mentioned: "A consequence of this unofficial approach is that the app can only poll to update data every 60 seconds, therefore temperature changed triggers might be delayed a bit." So also after 60 seconds the flow is not triggered?

    Can you try to replace the better logic variableS (multiple variables) changed card in your first flow to a "BL variable changed" card or the normal logic "variable changed" card?
  • @cautje good to hear.... enjoy!
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